Info about FPS drop

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Riftmaker, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Riftmaker

    I just logged in,was at the Esamir gate and i had a solid 50 fps(gpu bound) even with loads of friendlies around.
    I then moved to Indar and i noticed that i lost about half of my frames(and was cpu bound) even if the wg was less busy. What the Indar wg had and the Esamir one didn't is galaxies. There were around 3-4 and a few other vehicles.
    Idk if the galaxies themselves caused the drop or some other specific thing to the Indar WG but i thought i should report it. Also i'm VS. And this was on Miller.

    Another thing is that my fps tends to drop when i get in a vehicle. Happened both in my mag and in the scythe. Fps tends to bounce allover the place and it's pretty low after GU4 but it was a significant drop when i was teleported inside the vehicles.

    If anyone noticed anything else when their fps drops feel free to add it here.
  2. N0008918

    Did you read any of these posts in this subforum before you made a new one?
  3. Riftmaker

    Yes i did. And most of them are qqs and random raging. And if there's more info in the 40 page one then sorry if i didn't read all the comments there. I'm sure i'm the only one that didn't. But thanks for bumping the thread nonetheless,your help is appreciated.
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  4. Kevin12

    Fps seems to drop a lot more when moving at higher speeds(ex. Flying/ riding a tank).
    All server latency isues seem to be gone now. pinged 662 times, max 18ms avg 10ms.
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  5. Eclipson

    Hope they fix the frame rate. It worries me that the devs seem to bealive they fixed, and are now concentrating on MLG, something most of the community could care less about.
  6. Riftmaker

    Actually they said that they are working on it. But i'll admit,the fact that they went to mlg with the game in this state was a really bad move. They advertised the game in one of it's weakest moments. Lag and crappy fps. Will people stick around when they see that ? I don't really think so.
  7. Lafladitu

    I usualy have 40 FPS at WG *I have limited it to that in my Userfile as i want as much constant FPS then jumping up and down* now I have abit lower then 20 FPS. but it get worse, I noticed when flying my scythe (in Indar) and when ever I am under heavy AA gun barrage I get so much lag its annoying. I have then around 2 FPS. when before the GU04 it was more constant around 30 fps
  8. m0nsta

    Was in couple situations yesterday and experienced drops till +/- 15fps. That hurts SOE.. see specs below.