SMG's problem (VS)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gul4sch, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Gul4sch

    I'm VS player (i also play the others but dont really play them often) so i thought to test the smg's in VR Training. I shot with the Sirius the blitz and the hailstorm. There is one big difference that makes me very angry. The TR's and NC's SMG's are much more accurate when aiming down sights!! Thats not really fair?! I bought the Eridani and the Sirius with certs (!!!). Expensive for getting screwed!!!
  2. tomahawk72

    I tried the sirius and the other vs weapon last night how freakin accurate do you want it? Do you want it to max out damage as well?
  3. Duvenel

    What exactly do you mean by "accuracy"?... Because I have a sirius and I'm pretty darn accurate with it. A gun's only as accurate as the person using it IMO.
  4. Gul4sch

    You dont get in the comparison to the other factions smg's (accuracy when aiming down sights in mid range) the vs smg's suck!
  5. Klondik3

    Maybe you had lag or something. I'm pretty sure all SMGs have similar accuracy. Also if anything VS should have highest accuracy.
    That said, use laser sight on smg and fire from the hip it isn't really great when aiming down the sight.
  6. Lolki

    No he's right, the VS SMGs have the worst ADS accuracy

    It doesn't matter much since SMGs are close range weapons, but the accuracy probably should be the same across the board.
  7. Zaik

    Technically, he is right. The difference is fairly small though.

    I don't quite understand why they're less accurate though. Normally the VS have slower projectiles to pay for the no-drop lasers, but in this case it would seem that the cone of fire was slightly increased instead, perhaps as a range limiter. The 25 mag one is tied with the TR 30 mag one, and the 50 mag one has the fastest projectile velocity of them all.
  8. Gul4sch

    Who cares about projectile velocity? And the difference is big (VS: aiming down sights increase the accuracy 10%; TR and NC: increases 25%) so they could decrease the velocity because who cares about the velocity? But increase the accuracy. I am feeling screwed.
  9. S1eB

    SMGs have better hip firing accuracy than they do ADS accuracy.

    Sirius + Advanced Laser + Silencer + Soft Point Ammo = WIN for CQC.
  10. Gul4sch

    One question S1eB: are you even playing ps2? EVERY weapon has better ADS accurancy than hipfiring! Even SMG's
  11. Zaik

    not quite. hipfire default on all of them is 1, adv laser dot should reduce that to 0.5. Sirius has 0.4 accuracy, the NC/TR ones have 0.3.

    It's only beneficial for the first two to four shots, but it is beneficial.
  12. S0LAR15

    Yea, seems like an error, should be the same across the board. Either way, if you're aiming down sights with an SMG, you're doing it so wrong.

    Get a VX6-7 instead and save yourself the hassle of using an inferior weapon
  14. Gul4sch

    You cannot do something "wrong" with smg's. at mid distances your f***** when you dont aim down sights :)