this is my last post here; meta-game/meaning/logisitcs.. the last hope for this game.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Duke

    forgive me as my 'shift' key is in operable and i cannot provide correct grammar.

    to all of the new players that have never played planetside 1.. you cannot and will never know the experience that was given to us ten years ago... after many years of tweaking it became perfect. the llu system was not introduced from the start of planetside 1 and a lot of the features in planetside 1 are slowly being afforded into planetside 2.

    i don't know if they did this on purpose to appeal to the bf or cod crowd, but it's clearly not working... people are leaving daily...

    i'm not going to spend this last post telling soe how to fix this, i've done that four-hundred thousand times before and honestly, they did listen but they placed their own spin on it...... it's failed...

    when a game has this much hype and everyone can't wait to play it, then three months after release they are having to merge servers because of player loss, that to me and should be to many other people are tale-tell signs of an issue.

    i've fought for this and i truly give up....... i tried...and i really did fight man... i emailed smed, higby, they all have their collective feathers in a bunch and just see dollar signs... i can't fight that and no amount of community interaction can... it's money... it's business..............

    for those of you who are left fighting, i implore you to keep fighting... i know the potential this has but i cannot defend any longer.. fifteen months was enough for me...

    i also don't expect any response and hope there is no response to this thread really... i truly believe those who wanted to fight have given up and those who condone this copy-paste bf4 with ps2 bf4 engine...

    the developers didn't fail us.. they really didn't....they DID .caps. do everything right... but us as a community were not acceptable numbers to influence the game.........

    i know i know what it takes to move on, sitting in an empty room forgetting the past... this was never meant to last.. and i wish it wasn't so... holding onto what i knew was right but holding onto the pieces of a broken mirror was too painful to endure..

    if only......... if only the community would come to a census...... it will never happen and this post trying to explain that to the community will be gone by morning by posts that consist of 'OMG REAVERS ARE OP'

    goodluck soe... you are really going to need it .... i love planetside and i really do see it failing....and that truly hurts me.......if only people were smarter..............
  2. DuckSauce

    Not a PSA. :confused:
  3. OgreMarkX

    Pretty sure this whole MLG thing and the dev fascination with OP NC MAX's will see this game to the top.

    I, for one, had a blast this weekend, recalling the days of yore....circa 1997....trying to play the first online games over my 56K modem. Rockin'! Ahh the stutter lag, server crashes and lack of FPS....

    (sings) Memories.....misty water memories!

    The King, he has no clothes.

    BUT MLG MAN MLG AND PODCASTS! And Marketing during load screens! Awesome sauce!
  4. QuantumMechanic

    This is one of those cases where ignorance really is bliss. I probably would like Planetside 2 a lot more if I never had played Planetside 1.
    • Up x 1
  5. McWafflez

    Might want to update your sig, render distance was totaled with the latest "hotfix"

    Dont give up so easy dukster. your a PS1 vet. how long did it take before PS1 was the PS1 that you loved so much? Yes I know that PS1 was released with 10 times the content of PS2, but as you said, money is money. as the pop dwindles, and the CA guys are the only ones left, this game could become the game you wanted.

    Im disappointed as well, but my rosy glasses let me see a future in which patience is rewarded. we are already seeing drastic changes (some good and some bad).
  7. riker

    i wish you the best dude, its a shame we have lost someone so loyal.......maybe one day you will come back after this game has been fixed, have fun:)