[Suggestion] Drastic change to increase Depth+immersion+balance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vikarius, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Vikarius


    These are drastic changes (Some are) that I believe, will increase Depth as well as immersion and balance at the same time as far as classes are concerned. Currently there is too much funneling, and let me explain what I mean by that:

    Situation: Oh look the enemy has a sundy
    Funnel: Billy and Bobby switch to LA and fly above it, drop C4 (+maybe nade) and possibly suicide. Obviously there was a time where it was switch to engi and AT mine but this seems to have been fixed mostly.

    Situation: Oh look Im gonna hop in a vehicle
    Funnel: Switch to engineer so I can run away and repair at any sign of damage

    Situation: Normal infantry stroll
    Funnel: Switch to Heavy Assault so I can excel (without sacrifice) at AV and AI at the same time
    AV= Anti vehicle, AI= Anti Infantry (for those who don't know)

    My solutions:

    Light Assault===
    Take ALL Sniper and Scout rifles away from Infiltrator and give them to LA. (please read on)
    Give LA a "Nanite Pack" and make a slot specifically for the jetpack, the nanite pack will take up same slot. The Light Assault will have to choose between the Jetpack and the Nanite Pack.

    The Nanite Pack will be for all sniper rifles. A nanite pack will have to be equipped instead of the jetpack, to in turn equip a sniper rifle. Sniper rifles will have INFINITE ammo, as the nanite pack will work as a recharging unit and take it's place as the class ability. ALL bolt actions will have their damage increased to 1 hit kill (on headshot) ANY non MAX infantry EXCEPT a Heavy Assault with Full HP+Shield, class Shield active AND Nanoweave mk 5 (Im thinking 950 base damage). The Semi auto snipers will still function as semi auto snipers, and not gain any damage boost.
    The "re-bolting" animation and timer will be removed, all sniper rifles will rely on the nanite pack to recharge each shot (like how tribes does it). The difference will be that bolt actions nanite pack recharge will be slower then semi autos and still require them to leave scope. Semi autos recharge will be faster (obviously) and not require leaving scope (obviously). Infinite ammo for sniper rifles will be balanced because it is taking place of their class ability entirely (nanite pack).

    New Cert Rows will include "Steady Hands", and "Nanite Pack".
    "Steady hands":
    will have 3 blocks. Each increasing the time hold breath lasts for steadying the sniper scope, and the slightly reducing it's internal cooldown.
    "Nanite Pack" :
    will have 5 blocks. Each reducing the time between shots for both Bolt action and Semi Automatic sniper rifles.

    Scout Rifles:
    will still rely on Ammunition as per normal, but the LA will be able to equip the jetpack and be able to use a Scout Rifle. Scout Rifles will get 2 new Certable ammunition times (like HV and Soft Point), "Nanite Infused Rounds", and "Venom Rounds"
    "Nanite Infused Rounds" will do a small splash effect, large enough to possibly hit 2-3 targets simultaneously.
    On hit damage reduced, and splash effect does not do damage, instead all target(s) hit directly or by the splash of NI rounds will put their class ability multiple bars closer to cooldown. NI rounds will interrupt and engineer turret from firing, and put it closer to overheat. NI rounds will also put the repair gun closer to overheat, and interrupt the medigun for a few seconds.
    "Venom Rounds" trade their headshot multiplier (will do same damage on headshot as bodyshot) for a Damage over time effect. On Hit Venom rounds will do the normal damage of their scout rifle, but add a Damage over time effect to the target instantly effecting their health (even if their shields are up).


    Now that they loose their sniping ability lets make them more like the name they were given.

    Hunter cloak: will now better suit the infiltrator at hunting other infiltrators. Cert blocks, cooldown, and duration remain the same. Cloaking activation and deactivation noise removed. When hunter cloak is active, the infiltrator is granted thermal+Night vision @30m range in addition to it's current cloaking effect. Infiltrator with hunter cloaking will be able to equip a Primary Weapon but not secondary/sidearm. Infiltrators now have access to Carbines as well as SMGs for primary weapon

    Stalker cloak: Just like it was relayed in beta. Same visibility/invisibility as hunter cloak, but http://planetside.wikia.com/wiki/Template:Infiltrator-Cloaking-Devices-Stalker-Camouflage
    As it says, infiltrator will be able to equip secondary/sidearm slot (but not primary like SMG) and fire a secondary/sidearm slot from cloak (as the wiki says) on 3rd cert block

    Recon Dart: At 3 cert blocks will now reveal enemy explosives. At max cert blocks will now place a spotted dorito above enemy heads. Now works in a X,Y, and Z radial axis (now effects multiple floors of say a building), and works reliably (no longer requires inf to be in same radius as the dart for it to work)

    *new* Pain Field Dart: Takes same slot as Recon Dart. Creates a small persistent field of effect that works similar to the pain field when in an enemy's spawn room (and too close to it currently). a Cert row with 4 blocks added that increase how long the dart (and field effect) lasts.

    Decoy Grenade: now simulates the sound of automatic fire from multiple weapon types of your empire for 10s (or until destroyed). Also adds multiple red dots to the enemy's mini-map for the duration at the location of the grenade.

    Infiltrator hacking tool cert blocks now cause the infiltrator to overload Generator's so that at max cert blocks it will overload at a rate of 40% of Current time it takes to overload. When an infiltrator hacks an occupied turret, the user is now ejected under the same effects as a concussion grenade.

    Infiltrator only, "Ceremonial blade weapon" added. Takes up secondary weapon (sidearm AKA pistol) slot, and is fully equip-able (when secondary slot is activated the blade stays out). Blade weapon is designed specifically for the infiltrators empire. Half way between a dagger and a sword (short sword?). Left mouse default causes the blade weapon to swing in a thrust motion (impale) for 600 damage. Right mouse default bashes target with an electrically charged hilt (mainly a piece sticking out at the bottom of the grip for this purpose) that causes the target to lose almost all sight and hearing for a few seconds (like a single target flashbang effect) but does no damage, and works on MAXes. Reuse time for thrust attack slightly shorter then current knife mechanics, Reuse time for bash attack much longer then current knife. Cert row added with 4 blocks increasing time the bash effect duration per block and very slight damage increase for thrust hit. ( thrust will always require 2 hits to kill and the infiltrator cannot use default knife with it equipped)


    Make the repair gun take up primary weapon slot, and make it available to ALL classes. This way all classes will have equal viability driving and gunning in vehicles, whilst still having to sacrifice primary slot (on foot performance)
    As a replacement for this loss to engineer. Give them a deployable cover shield, big enough to provide cover for 3 infantry in crouched stance. Blocks small arms fire, but very vulnerable to ALL vehicle weapons (and being run over). Another cover shield cannot be placed within 15m of an already deployed cover shield, and the cover shield must be deployed on a flat surface. The cover shield will take the shape of an octagon cut in half.


    Heavy Assault===

    Currently excel at far too much without sacrifice, which is part of the funneling.

    Change ALL (purchased) rocket launchers, not default rocket launchers, to now take up PRIMARY weapon slot (same slot as LMGs). This way if the Heavy Assault player wants to excel at Anti tank performance, they will sacrifice most of their anti infantry performance. Also change all (purchased) rocket launchers, not default rocket launchers, to no longer be resupply-able at an engineer ammo pack. However they will NOT gain a resource cost. No change to ammo capacity for purchased rocket launchers, default rocket launcher ammo capacity cut in half but still retain ability to be resupplied at ammo packs.

    At the same time, Change Faction specific heavy weapons (Lasher, MCG, Jackhammer) to take up the same slot as the default Rocket Launchers. Buff the effectiveness of all Faction specific heavy weapons, mainly for their related roles. Lasher should receive slight damage boost, and small splash radius increase. MCG's RoF increased to 1000 and causes a higher then normal flinch per round (to simulate suppression). Jackhammer's magazine extended to 12 base, and damage @10m the same as a Pump Action. Capacity increased to 60, however reload times increased to 3.5s/6s respectively. RoF remains the same. Faction specific heavy weapons can not be resupplied at engi ammo packs either. However they will NOT gain a resource cost.

    Note: This way even if the heavy player chooses to use say a Decimator in the primary slot and a jackhammer in the Default RL slot, they will still be sacrificing something, which is the ability to resupply any of their weapons at engi ammo packs.


    Increase base health of MBTs to 1.5x their current level (50% increase)
    Increase the resource cost of MBTs to 2x of their current level (100% increase)
    Increase the cooldown of MBTs by 10 minutes.
    Increase certed reinforced armor resistances by 10% (front, top, side)
    Reduce the health of the Liberator by 25% (should not, in practice, be a flying MBT with more guns and armor)
    Increase the cooldown on the Liberator by 5 minutes
    Remove ALL splash damage from Rocket Pods. Direct damage changed to reflect that 2 direct hits will kill any non MAX infantry however.
    Buff the effectiveness of the Banshee, Light PPA, and the Photon II PPA.
    Slight damage boost and magazine capacity increase for banshee, Slight damage boost and splash radius increase for Light PPA and Photon II PPA.

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  2. Sharpe

    I would play that game.

    But I don't see it happening.

    People don't want to adapt to situations nor make sacrifices.
    As a small example, take aircraft in Planetside 2, even before the GU1 / 2 patches which nerfed air and buffed AA considerably - they were fine. Absolutely fine.
    It took teamwork, half a squad or more of dedicated bursters to actually clean the skies and keep it that way, and there was still the risk of failing due to how powerful liberators and pods were.
    People didn't want to switch to AA. (It's not fun, it doesn't give enough XP, I play infiltrator) and naturally got repeatedly owned by air.

    How would you think it would go down with these numbnuts having an anti-tank weapon as a primary?
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  3. Vikarius

    It probably won't happen, you are right there.
    However if someone where to chime in against making any sort of sacrifice, they would only be grasping at straws and making themselves look bad, just as you described. The sacrifices I layed out above are actually very minimal. As an example, it would be 100% justified and actually make more *sense* if all rocket launcher ammo costed resources, heck grenades...AI mines...AT mines...do.. why not rockets? But see I did not go there because I know there is a side of the PS2 community that would not only be against that but want to throw away everything else in the thread as well because of it.

    I believe, my changes would be perfect for pleasing the planetside 1 veterens, who came to this game because it held the same title, expecting at least some elements to remain... not just some artwork similarities. My changes above would be giving the PS1 vets something, without causing too much upset from the fresh/bf3/cod/ etc players (whatever you want to call them). Also without disturbing any balance that exists in the game, and at the same time creating more and more tactical choices required
  4. Klondik3

    Although I'd love to try out the system you are suggesting, I think your suggestion is too radical and doesn't show clearly how this system would be much better compared to current system to be worth spending time and energy on implementing it.

    Instead of giving concrete suggestions on how to fix things, I think that outsourcing players' opinions would be far better option.
    Need to generalize your ideas into something that lots of player can agree with and then let the players' opinions shape the idea into concrete suggestion.

    I'm not trying to sound like a smart*ss here but I hate to see so many cool suggestion threads go to waste simply because of this.
  5. AbkaFlab

    I read a few lines of each paragraph and honestly I dont agree with any of these changes, if these were put in the game it would be a whole different game.
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  6. Vikarius

    It actually isn't all that radical. The LA is the only really drastic change. Many of the infiltrator additions and changes are either QoL, like giving things that we should have had since launch (were in beta and should have been allowed to be tested in beta but weren't) as well as some additions many have been asking for (similar to)
    I also did explain in very minor detail how that system would be better. In any class based system, the foundation is specialization WITH sacrifice, for balance to exist.

    I also compromised a lot there, as I mentioned in my second post.

    @AbkaFlab Thinking it would be a whole different game is very exaggerated and close minded thinking. The changes, whilst I made long worded, would not change the game all that much. Something that would make a whole different game would be me asking for PS1 style base layouts, or tanks that require 2 people to fire the main weapon (driver cannot fire), or even an inventory system instead of class based OR changing the TTK. In light of everything that exists in the game, most of my suggestions are simply tweaks that would better serve the longevity of the game substantially. Reading the "first few lines" of each paragraph doesn't really give an opinion weight either, especially when you cannot and did not even explain in detail why you think that way.
  7. SpankyH

    Ugh. GOD no.

    These changes would be TERRIBLE.

    So now light assaults are crazy ultra-snipers that don't need to rely on any support at all, and have super-bolt actions that will leave you at 2 bars of health with a body shot? Awesome. Oh, and they can cert for faster RoF on the bolts too. Great. I already hate bolt action snipers as they are, so no thanks.

    Infiltrators cant snipe any more, and now instead they get a cloak that they can shoot from. That would only be very annoying since they only get pistols, except, oh wait, now they have uber death stun swords! I guess they give up all shooting entirely to have that? But still. No thank you.

    Of course that's nothing compared to the pain field dart. Holy crap, are you kidding me? Forget MAX's, all you need to break a strong point are some darts! They would either be so weak as to be useless, or they would completely ruin the game. You could never hold out anywhere. Any time a battle line started to form, it would immediately dissolve due to pain field darts. Super, super no thank you.

    Now for the engineer, I actually like the deployable cover thing. I don't see why it needs to be super vulnerable to vehicle weapons though. Any tank cannon will be able to splash the infantry behind such a thing quickly enough even if it were invulnerable. I could totally see that as an alternative to the MANA turret.

    As for making the repair tool a primary slot weapon. No thanks. Not only is that just a huge and unnecessary nerf to engineers, it doesn't even address the primary concern of "Only engineers drive vehicles". The only change from now is that instead of switching to your engineer to drive a vehicle, you would go switch to your repair gun load out, and be useless for anything BUT driving a vehicle. It would also make base defense MUCH harder, since instead of waiting for an engineer to come repair the generator, you have to wait for someone to fight their way over to you with nothing but a pistol.

    And for HA... good grief.

    Your right, they don't sacrifice anything except everything that all of the other classes do. Like revive, or provide ammo, or have a jet pack, or turn invisible. Its true, HA's are better a straight up fighting. Thats the point of the class. They are the front line troopers that the other classes support. They benefit the most from having engineers to provide ammo, they benefit the most from having medics to heal and revive them. They are the front line that the light assaults flank around, and the infiltrators either infiltrate or hide behind. Each class has its own play style. Pick the one you like, and don't whine when you lose a face to face encounter with a HA. Just like I don't come and whine when I get killed by a sniper, or from above by a light assault, or run out of ammo cause there aren't any engineers around, or have to run all the way back from the spawn because there are no medics.

    So not only can heavy assaults not fight vehicles without being tethered to an infantry terminal, or really at all now, but you further devalue the only unique ability engineers have left! No thanks.

    This way if the Heavy Assault player wants to excel not be completely helpless at Anti tank performance, they will sacrifice most all of their anti infantry performance.

    Once again, no thank you. I mean, the ESHW could be better, especially the Jackhammer and the Lasher, but they do not need to take up the rocket launcher slot. I am especially opposed to these changes, as this would make my preferred load out impossible. (ML-7 and MCG) Also, making it impossible to resupply from ammo packs is just another nerf for Engineers. Especially if the ESHW's are buffed, so that more people would carry them.

    Sacrifice their reliance on engineers I guess?

    Oh, and then on top of completely crippling the ability of infantry to fight vehicles, you want to make tanks massively tougher?

    Ugh. If you thought tank-zerg was bad before. Tanks would be unstoppable, to the point that all of the other changes would be irrelevant.

    In conclusion, I like the deployable cover idea, NONONONONONONO to everything else.
  8. Vikarius

    That was a sure fire and long winded way of stating you didn't read past the first lines of each class change. You posted blatantly false information that would have simply been put to rest if you actually read that I did not put any actual numbers in there for how long it would take between shots for the LA using a bolt action sniper rifle and nanite pack, for all you know it could be 3x what it is now uncerted, you also did not even take into account that it is 100% replacing their class ability by choosing it. Your spew of misinformation about infiltrator shooting out of cloak would have been put to rest if you actually looked at the wiki link and saw what happens in stalker cloak when the infiltrator uses a sidearm weapon.... etc....etc

    Instead of making a rage post, try actually reading it all and explaining constructively why you do not like the changes. I mean you didn't even try and cover up the "OMG ADSFDG Don't take away or change my Favorite toy!!! I dont care if its not good for the game!!!?!?!"
  9. Forkyar24

    horrible no way man
  10. Vikarius

    Care to explain?
    The following also applies to you:

  11. drNovikov

    "Ceremonial blade weapon"? Dude, you played too much Farcry 3 =)
  12. SpankyH

    I did in fact read your whole post, and considered each of your points in turn.

    I don't like your changes. I think that they would be bad for the game, and I would not want to play the game you have described.

    Your right, you can totally tell that didn't read past the first line at all. Especially the part where I quote almost the whole heavy assault entry and address it point by point.

    Well, you did put in a number for what you want the Bolt actions damage to be. And forgive me for thinking that you weren't recommending that you charge these new LA snipers a massive number of certs just to shoot at the same RoF that Infiltrators already shoot. Ultimately though, the RoF on the rifles would mostly be irrelevant, since according to what you said, they would have to leave zoom to "work the bolt", and semi-autos can already shoot faster than you can realistically aim them.

    Oh and I absolutely took into account that they would give up their jet pack to snipe. That's why I didn't point out the nightmare of super-sniper LA's jet-packing on top of towers and stuff. Ya know, because that wouldn't happen, because they wouldn't have their jet packs.

    I'm not sure what misinformation I am "spewing". What I said was:

    "Infiltrators cant snipe any more, and now instead they get a cloak that they can shoot from. That would only be very annoying since they only get pistols, except, oh wait, now they have uber death stun swords! I guess they give up all shooting entirely to have that? But still. No thank you."

    So lets check my facts...

    So a cloak they can shoot from. Check. It would be very annoying. That's subjective, so cant really be called misinformation.

    And here we have the uber death stun sword, capable of cold cocking a max, killing infantry without nano-armor 5 in 2 hits, which go faster than a normal knife. Calling it an uber death stun sword is perhaps a bit hyperbolic, but is not entirely inaccurate. Also, since it takes up the pistol slot, and the stalker cloak only lets you take a pistol, that would, as I understand it, require them to give up their ability to shoot to take it. So not really any misinformation there either.

    How about instead of getting angry and defensive, you accept that maybe everyone wont agree with you and you might have to actually defend your ideas with real arguments. I mean, you didn't even try and cover up the "OMG ADSFDG Don't say mean things to me and disagree with my favorite ideas!!! I don't care if they might have some problems or actually be bad!!!?!?!"
  13. RedPsycho

    So what advantage would LA have with sniper rifles that Infiltrators already don't have? Where if a Infiltrator get's spotted can Cloak and reset. The LA will just be standing there. You take away the Jetpack so it's not like they'd be able to get some where the Infiltrators already can't go... not sure what this change would actually do to general gameplay.
  14. Vikarius

    You still managed to not read nor understand anything that was wrote. I can tell because you kept taking things out of context and attempting a strawman.
    I don't need to defend my suggestions, until it actually comes into question with constructive criticism... something you have yet to provide, you are getting there though. I am also not being defensive, you on the other hand.... just repeating the same emotional post with different wording whilst keeping the heavily emotional part.

    Also, when I say "Something like #", if you cannot understand that means "not set in stone", or even "placeholder example", I don't know what to tell you man, education?
    You also still failed to read the wiki... No point in going further since as I stated, you only reworded your last post.

    They would be getting infinite ammo for semi-auto and bolt action SNIPER rifles. This is balanced by the fact the nanite pack (recharge pack) is taking up their class slot (cannot use jetpack with it), and you have to have a nanite pack equipped to also equip a sniper rifle. Basically when you take a sniper shot, before you can take a second shot the nanite pack would have to fully recharge. The recharge rate would differ for each weapon (even certain bolt actions fire/reload faster) so that would be taken into account, and it would also differ for semi automatics. It is all balanced in the end because they wouldn't be able to jetpack while sniping, nor cloak like an infiltrator if they are spotted, but they would have infinite ammo. There would also be 2 certable abilities... one slightly reducing the time for the nanite pack to recharge (by default it would be slower then any sniper rifle's current ability to fire repeatedly) , as well as one to increase the time the hold breathe scope steady mechanic lasts.
    You also have to remember it is NOT removing jetpack from the class, merely giving them a choice if they want to snipe.

    Generally as an effect on gameplay, it would make snipers more effective when playing smart and staying behind their force or risking a lot by flanking an enemy force. Basically supporting roles added. Where as they would be vulnerable as any FPS sniper would be without cloak and without prone, so not anything un-natural. At the same time it would leave infiltrators to infiltrate, or hunt other infiltrators, or even play the scout role. Scout does not have to mean sniper. an LA sniping would be vulnerable not only to other LA snipers, but depending on situational awareness and their positioning, very vulnerable to infiltrators hunting them but the infiltrators would have to get into close range to kill them (mostly) as they would at most have access to SMG, Carbine, or strictly melee weapon. In short it would make the PS2 sniper less of a solo rambo because they would be more exposed and vulnerable, whilst not taking it away from them completely (because their ammo would be infinite however limited by charging mechanic)
  15. SpankyH

    Wow. Ad hominem much?

    I'm not sure how my second post is simply a re-wording of my first, since I was replying directly to your criticisms of my first post in my second. So unless my first post was somehow reaching through time to talk about your reply to it, I don't see how I was "rewording" anything.

    And I did go read the wiki. Specifically the part about how at rank three, you could shoot your gun while cloaked.

    Also, straw man? Like what. Perhaps you are referring to the parts where I draw conclusions about what you mean based on what you actually wrote?

    You also talk a lot about how you want constructive criticism, but all I see you doing in this thread is trashing anyone who disagrees with you. It just seems like its impossible for you to imagine that anyone read what you wrote could disagree with it unless they were some kind of mouth breathing idiot.

    But you know what? I'm bored, so I'm going to waste some more time on you.

    You want some details on why I don't like some of these ideas? Well here you go. I dare you to actually practice what you preach and read it all.

    I disagree with this statement for the reasons that I stated previously. HA absolutely sacrifice for what they gain. They sacrifice all of the support and utility that all of the other classes have. You may disagree that it is an even trade. I think it is.

    I think that this is a bad idea. I feel this way because I disagree with the justifying statement. Having a G2G or G2A lock on launcher or a Decimator does not make you "excel" at Anti-Tank or Anti-Air.

    Having a G2A lockon launcher allows you to engage air targets at all. However, a single HA with a G2A is still only barely effective against aircraft. As for anti-ground, personally, I feel that the other anti-ground launchers aren't really worth it anyway. Ultimately, in my opinion as someone who play's HA almost exclusively, this change would make the alternate anti-tank launchers a fool's choice, and would make Anti-Air as a HA even more unrewarding and unnecessarily punishing.

    Although, this would theoretically allow you to carry a Deci and a Dumbfire? Which could actually be a little crazy as things stand, but since you recommend buffing tank durability drastically, this still likely wouldn't allow you to quick change from one launcher to another and 2-shot a tank in the but at shortish range. Also, since you would be depending on your pistol for anything else... Eh.

    Losing the LMG isn't sacrificing "most" of your anti-infantry performance. Its sacrificing all of your anti-infantry performance. Yes you can shoot nubs with rockets, and yes you have your pistol. But you would still effectively be a non-entity in any real firefight. Especially with the reduction to rockets carried.

    I think this is a bad change as well. It completely removes the ability of a Heavy to operate away from an outpost. Destroying their ability to operate for any extended period. Additionally, cutting the number of rockets for the DF in half would be awful. This would leave them with only 2 or 3 rockets, depending on how you choose to round.That isn't enough to accomplish anything unless you never miss. Its already hard enough to fight armor as infantry as it is. It takes luck, skill, and tanks with no infantry support.

    Additionally, by reducing the ammo load of the Dumbfire, and making the other launchers unable to resupply from engineers, you create this binary situation where anti-vehicle HA are either completely dependent on engineers, or unable to benefit from them at all.

    While I do not disagree with buffing the ESHW, as I stated previously, I do disagree with the idea of having them take up the default launcher slot. Part of that is personal, as I prefer the MCG and ML-7, which would be impossible with this change, but its also because it would be extremely OP.

    TR could carry a shotgun in the primary and the 1000RPM MCG in the secondary. Essentially having a kingly CQC weapon, combined with a gun that is flat out superior to every TR LMG by lightyears. NC would do the same thing by carrying a Gauss SAW and a Jackhammer. I don't know about the VS. The Lasher is weird.

    Regardless, you would end up making HA the absolute KINGS of infantry combat, able to dominate with weapons specialized for each engagement range. And they mostly would too, since your changes to rocket launchers make them less effective and a very harsh trade.

    Slight damage boost and magazine capacity increase for banshee, Slight damage boost and splash radius increase for Light PPA and Photon II PPA.

    Also, once again, I feel that preventing these weapons from being resupplied by engineer ammo packs is a bad change. It devalues engineers, and makes the weapons practically useless away from an infantry terminal. All the ESHW are meant to go through ammo very quickly. Not being able to resupply would be a larger nerf than any buff you could give them.

    So at this point, we have heavily nerfed the ability of infantry to fight tanks, and now we are going to make tanks massively harder to kill? Do you not see how people already complain about Tankside 2? These changes to tanks and HA rocket launchers would just make all of those problems 10x worse. Tanks are already incredibly difficult to kill as infantry unless you manage to sneak up on them in tight terrain, and even then it can be dicey.

    All the tankers like to complain about how they get insta-nuked by C4 or AT mines, but they don't see all of the other times that same guy tried the same thing and got pasted for it.

    I have no particular opinion on these changes.
  16. Vikarius

    A. Except it was a simple reword of your first post, anyone with even the slightest ability to read would pick up on it. Try reading what you type?

    B. Again you say you read the wiki, but only pull out *What you WANTED to see*. There is more to rank 3, then "you can shoot while cloaked". Of course you will never pick up on something that could hurt your emotional argument. Try the part where it talks about visibility levels, which is a balancing feature of being able to fire while cloaked. How do you know that it does not make you completely visible? and that could be for multiple seconds after firing? But you'd rather *See what you WANT to see* and jump to super spectrum speculations to fit your emotional, and flawed argument

    C. You clearly do not even know what *ad hominem* nor *strawman* mean. I suggest you look them up before using or questioning words of which you have zero clue about. People usually do this to avoid looking ignorant :)

    D. Now saying I am trashing anyone that disagrees with me is obviously only going to amuse me. I don't need to right big constructive counter points to raging banter posts that sounds like a child who's parents just said "Keep it up and we are going to take away your batman toy". Why would I even need to attempt to, I would have been perfectly justified to just stick you on ignore, especially since you have serious trouble even formulating an argument in the first place.

    A. They don't sacrifice the other class abilities, because the class abilities are not even relative. Feel free to quote where I talked about even touching the HA shield. Or did you not know that, that is the HA's class ability?

    B. You have yet to even formulate any semblance of WHY you think they sacrifice anything and WHAT you think they sacrifice

    A. Having a G2G in primary and Default DF Secondary *IS* Specializing in Anti Vehicle/Tank. Do these weapons not inflict reasonable damage to vehicles? ohh wait... they DO :) . So I am right, that is specializing. Just like having a G2A in primary and Default DF in secondary *IS* *STILL* Specializing in Anti-vehicle, however it choosing more ability to fight off aircraft whilst not having full utilization against ground vehicles, but not sacrificing all utilization against ground vehicles either. That sure looks a lot like the definition of sacrifice there as well.

    B. A single HA isn't supposed to be *effective* vs Aircraft. Not at all, they should only be a very small deterrent. AA MAX, AA Turret, and skyguard are supposed to be the hard counters. HA should be a soft counter. Also stating you play HA almost exclusively, only further reveals where your complete bias and "Don't take away my fav toy" attitude comes from.

    C. Just because you "don't like" the non default G2G rocket launchers, does not mean they are not effective. Thinking they are not effective, also makes you look like a fool, and any REAL player would say the same thing..

    D. You complain that it would make anti air work for HA unrewarding and further punishing. How can you expect anyone to take you seriously here? You can't even live with the fact you HAVE a tool against air? Do infiltrators have a tool or weapon to fight air? How about medics? LA? lol... As I said above it is supposed to be at best a deterrent. AKA Soft counter.

    E. You try and slip something in there about my Tank durability changes, but again only *strawman* and multiple times in the same paragraph. How about the resource cost increase? Cooldown increase? These would lessen the tank spam, and 50% increase in light of how much HP a tank has... is not that much at all.

    A. With all of the tools and abilities the Heavy Assault has, this is part of the sacrifice they need. With the abundance of sunderers and terminals in the game, this shouldn't be that difficult, but you are still pulling the "Don't take away my easy mode fav toy away". Since it would barely add ANY effort. I am sorry if your side on your server is magically so bad, it does not use sunderers, because you would still be able to resupply there. My Infiltrator does not get to resupply his AP mines at an engi pack, I am sure your rocket ammo is larger. What about my LA's C4? I bet your rocket ammo is larger, and you don't even pay resources for it. The sunderer is supposed to be the forward resupply unit, NOT just a spawn bus. The engi pack should NOT in any way fulfill the same function. This change would also bring about more tactical requirement for placement of your sides sunderers, to keep the Anti vehicle specialized one's supplied. AA maxes seem to have to do it, and I see no complaint from them.

    A. Again what you prefer = /= what is best for the health of the game. It is just that simple, and you seem to be unable to go a single paragraph without basically screaming "Don't take away or change my fav toy".

    B. If you think making the MCG 1000RPM would suddenly make it some *Beast mode OP* weapon, then clearly... you have not used it eh MCG. Since that is VERY clear I will let you in on a few words of wisdom regarding the MCG, "CoF", "Bloom". Or are you telling me that you have tried the MCG, but as per usual you only SEE what you WANT to see?

    C. None of that screams overpowered, and spewing logical fallacies does not make it so. They would be specializing in Anti infantry combat, by equipping both of those weapons, sacrificing their ability to fight vehicles. They would not have much if any at all, ability to fight infantry, better then another class that is also specialized for such. The only part where they would have the marginal opportunity is being able to compete at multiple ranges, but still restricted by weapon switching. Being able to *compete* and 2 ranges at once, is *NOT* overpowered. I can do that with a TMG-50 alone.

    A. It does not devalue engineers. How many weapons would remain in the game that still could be resupplied at engi packs? a crap ton no? I think making default rocket launchers still able to be resupplied there is a big compromise on my part. If anything engineer ammo packs ONLY make sense to refill small arms, not explosive OR rocket weapons (I don't think UBGLs should resupply there either). The Sundy is supposed to be the main forward supply, NOT the engineer pack. Empire specific heavy weapons losing their ability to resupply at engineer ammo packs, is the balancing fact that paves the way for their buffs I mentioned. It goes hand in hand. Making them more powerful, but requiring the HA to either be smart with ammo consumption, or stay near a sundy if they want to use those weapons. Heck you are completely discounting the fact an infiltrator, especially with the infiltrator changes, will more likely to hack the terminals in enemy bases, giving the HA even more places to resupply further making your argument moot.

    B. How does making HA sacrifice to specialize, "Heavily" Nerfing them? Again with the "Don't touch my fav toy". You are kicking and screaming at this point to resort to gross exaggerations and false claims.
    50% more health is NOT that much of an increase when you actually do the math with the MBTs current health, 10% increase on the certed resistances is still VERY minimal of an increase. Try using math? This is also only effecting MBTs, and balancing by the fact, as I mentioned in the same area, harder to spam with increased cooldown and resource cost.

    Care.. to try again?
  17. Tact

    Where were you during the beta!? :p Meh... anyways *to summarise* - what just about every PS1 vet has said to date: PS2 Should have been PS1 + updated graphics. We instead got: BF3 freemium wearing the skin of planetside. Lets see if SOE start converting it back into PS1 over the coming year? :)

    Anyway, great ideas, thanks for posting buddy :)
  18. Vikarius

    I played during the beta but the performance on all GFX settings then made me play very erratically.
    Yea man, I am definitely hoping we see more planetside and less BF3. The only thing in my opinion that BF3 has that this game ever should have taken was the suppression system, overall balance and immersion would benefit far greater from a system especially in a game where battles of this magnitude can occur, and flinch could be removed entirely