No onder graphics engine is worse than Forgelight Engine. Please remake it because.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zarth, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Zarth

    "no wonder" yeah sorry I'm just incredibly annoyed right now that I just logged off after playing for an hour. I can only tolerate so much BS from lag and fps.

    Clearly all the FPS issues everyone is having. Is for real. It's not gonna get better with Everquest Next either. I have run much straining games on my system and I get good fps. I'm running on below medium settings and most of the time it just lags to hell...

    Thousands of complaints sony... It must be the graphics engine because it clearly isn't optimized to run any game. Especially a game like this where it requires some optimization. Just please consider it SOE, thanks.
  2. FA18

    It was fine before the update, getting a new graphics engine will take a really long time and cost a lot of resources in time and money.

    The one we have is doing the job, when SOE doesn't break it when they update the game :).
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  3. }{ellKnight

    I'm sure SOE will scrap all the work they did on this engine and create a new one cuz you asked them to.
  4. Arquin

    This thread is literally so stupid that I just had to log in to voice my opinion on how stupid it is.

    A: Engine =/= Graphics
    B: Creating a new one would take YEARS.
    C: It wouldn't solve the original problem
    D: Things happen faster if you donate a few million to soe so they can pool more resources into that.
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  5. JackD

    I just hope they will spend a month just for bug fixes and optimization of the client stability. I would like to play this game, but all the bugs make it truly unplayable. This scares a lot of players away, i will play something else for the next week, try again and give up if the game is still in a unplayable state. I could update my system but what is the point if 90% of games run on it without problems and you don´t know if your new hardware will work after the next patch
  6. Arquin

    It's amazing how people have no idea how software development works.

    You don't put artists on optimization duties.
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  7. RottenGroinArea

    SOE does... ;)
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  8. GSZenith

    2/10? it was new at least
  9. Tytos

    Do you even know how long it takes to make a new engine that can run games of this proportion? It's years if you want to know it.
  10. Robes

    You don't just change a games engine, if its a bad one then oh well, remaking the engine would takes years and thats not something SOE would want to do and most people here would want them spending their time on, as its basically wasting it.

    The FPS problem is annoying as **** right now, and needs to be fixed yes, but getting mad about it wont, if you can't play it then dont, play another game or that real life thing some people do.
  11. Stordito

    vanoobs at their best.
  12. P4NJ

    You are obviously an experienced game developer who can make an extremely complicated game engine perfect on his first try, then?
  13. jimredtalon

    Forgelight engine was announced in july 2011, that means they probably spent only 2 maybe 3 years developing it. It was also developed around the physx engine. Planetside 2 was developed along side of the game engine during those two years. Which means that their staff was split between the two. I honestly think they really didn't do a good job on Forgelight all things considerd. This does not mean it can't be fixed, but it will be a long, long hard road to optimizing such a new engine. Also I am sure now that the game is released and it has already lost much of its "oh cool" luster that some, if not more, of the original staff have been pulled to work on EQ next.
  14. Yago

    Bet you won't get many to argue against that point , eh ? :p
  15. BlueSkies

    - Date of announcement =/= date that work began
    - SOE has a Forgelight team. They aren't involved in the development of PS2 or EQN, they just work on the engine

    The game obviously needs optimization (note: they have about 6 months of optimization work already scheduled). I would point out that the on the whole, things are getting better.

    Running on low doesn't necessarily improve performance. If you have a decent graphics card, running on Medium or High can actually improve performance as it moves some more of the work to the GPU from the CPU (low is actually more CPU intensive than Medium or High).

    Not saying that will work for you, but it might help if you weren't aware of it.
  16. 13lackCats

  17. jjruh

    SOE built the Forgelight engine from the ground up, specifically for their games. There is nothing, NOTHING, wrong with the engine. If you are having FPS issues, then you should probably either turn down your settings, or get better hardware. I play on ultra settings with a frame rate above 40 in large battles (70-80 normally), so the game engine isnt the problem.
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  18. Hyperz

    Well they wouldn't really need a whole new engine but redo the rendering pipeline. Still, as others pointed out, probably not gonna happen. They can barely keep up as it is, let alone taking on a big job like this which would also introduce lots of new bugs. It _is_ exactly what'd be needed to fix the majority of performance issues though.
  19. Replay

    Anyone remember when doom3/farcry/wolfenstein/insert big name title on a new engine came out? remember people buying $2000 machines just to run it on the highest settings? Welcome to PC gaming. You do not make engines for whats currently on the market, you make them for what will be on the market over the next 5-10 years.
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  20. Hyperz

    Yes except the engine can't utilize 3+ cores properly, let alone a 16 core. The performance problems come from the fact that the engine was NOT made for modern and feature systems (CPU-wise, GPU is perfectly fine if you forget DX9 is 13 year old tech).
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