What's with the TR and hating EVERYTHING

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheMagicCookie, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. TheMagicCookie

    I can't remember the last time I saw the VS post a "NERF EVERYTHING" thread, and the NC do it occasionally. But the TR just seem to be pissed about EVERY. LAST. THING! Like, WTF Angron, calm down bro. I'm just curious, not trying to instigate anything. Instigate, instigate. Honestly, while I can understand somethings, some of the demands TR players seem to make are just like, "What?". I feel like I play a completely different game where, while vehicles need a buff, Instant Action needs to get fixed, and the game needs to be optimized, everything is fairly, well, fair.
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  2. ParakeetLord88

    Ok look, I play TR exclusively (never had a non-TR character) and I am okay with things. Granted I don't like to drive tanks anymore so the messing with Prowlers doesn't affect me that much, but assuming we have comparable numbers to the enemy force at a location we seem to do fine, and we STILL roll Prowler zergs just like before and they STILL seem to accomplish the same thing as before. When they fix tank mines I'm sure you'll see even more of them.

    As to why people QQ so much, you probably already know this but it's just that certain players are attached to certain aspects of the game and have not taken the time to look at the game overall so when they see something get nerfed they don't look at the big picture and how things are improved overall. Certain other individuals are very attached to the way they play and if it is nerfed they get offended. They don't care if it was good for the game. Yet other people see nerfs to things in their faction as a personal attack and get offended accordingly.

    They're the vocal minority though. Most of us just roll with it and keep playing, usually pretty successfully.

    Just adding my $.02 here.
  3. VSDerp

    pshh TR players hate their own kind nothing new here..
  4. TheMagicCookie

    I have played all factions, but stuck with VS because I have the most fun (mostly because my friend runs an outfit). It just seems like the majority of complainers are TR.
  5. csp0811

    People don't complain when they are happy, but they also don't actively praise stuff.

    On the other hand unhappy people will constantly complain.

    If you take those as first principles, then you understand why TR are complaining and VS are not.
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  6. CrashB111

    Do I need to rewind the forums to just after GU2 so I can show you all the VS that were complaining their Spamriders got nerfed?
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  7. JDS999

    tr prowler players might have to adjust thier mouse a little bit to get kills? whining on the fourms gets u whatever u want if u have enough of them
  8. Vertabrae

    Listen here you *******, I don't have to explain why I ******** ************ hate on every ********* thing in this **** *******game. If I wanna hate on something then I will ********* hate on it if I ******* well want to. ********** little ************.

    WOW. My first hate post. Really fun to make :)

    Seriously, I've seen haters on every faction. If one faction is hating more than another, just wait. It will change. 4th empire haters always migrate to the most UP faction.

    +5 to anyone who can fill in the blanks. Better be good though, cuz even I don't know what I typed :)
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  9. TheMagicCookie

    That was funny, because the first day, where every other MBT was broken, we (our outfit) took pretty much everything in a massive Spamrider zerg.
  10. Urban Cohort

    Everyone seems to hate the TR, perhaps we're just reciprocating? :)
  11. Devrailis

    That was quality hate. I give 8/10.

    I docked 2 points just because I'm biased, you know, being NC and all.
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  12. Papio

    It's only time before you guys get out a banjo and start singing kum ba ******* yah.

    GREAT you all agree, way to have a constructive conversation with a single viewpoint.
  13. copywrite85

    TR's are emos and VS are sissies in purple spandex; i hate both of you equally. NC don't whine as much, don't play it safe behind the laser wall; we attack! like rabid animals! FREEDOM!
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  14. Leo Di Caprio

  15. Dudeman325420

    A vocal minority does not make an entire faction. Just so you know, most people who play the game never visit the forums. And also, not everyone plays only one faction. A person's avatar is not always a declaration of allegiance.
  16. Pat Cleburne

    Maybe it's because the TR has been gimped since launch and nerfed repeatedly? When we do finally get a buff that makes us competitive like the prowler buff, it is almost immediately taken from us due to cries from NC and VS.

    Now NC have been buffed to Godlike status, and the 4th faction swelling their ranks reinforce that. VS aren't so overpowered anymore, though their weapons are still ez mode, but we'll see what the mag changes bring.

    Add all of that up and the fact that NC and VS still claim we are op and try to shut down any talk otherwise in these forums and you can see why we are pissy. Look at any server with balanced pops, TR usually holds the least territory. Are we all bad, and NC and VS are just elite? Or maybe our faction is struggling due to imbalance?

    You can say what you want, but the trend of nerfing the TR (mossy/prowler/carv/claymores the list goes on and on) while buffing other factions, or giving us **** weapons like "brass knuckles" for a metal max suit while other factions get swords and warhammers for example, just goes to show a favoritism.

    For players like me who have invested a lot of time in TR that is frustrating.
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  17. FateJH

    To be fair, there's a frequent crop of threads in which VS and NC players really pine for TR weapons. Very unoccasionally, other NC people or VS people actually chime into those threads about NC weapons or VS weapons, respectively, being fairly good. And then you have the TR who want the DAM of NC weapons and NC who want the RoF of TR weapons.

    (Does either side want something from the VS weapons? I think that kind of thread is rarest.)
  18. CrashB111

    Which then turned into months of you all getting roflstomped, because as soon as Prowlers, Vanguards and Lightnings could actually shoot again you started getting your **** pushed in and the complaining commenced.
  19. Leathrewulfe

    It's because TR get 10 extra rounds of hate in a magazine, duh!
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  20. Pat Cleburne

    Too bad you can't hit the broadside of a barn with it.
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