[Suggestion] Definitive reasons why Certification Resets should be implemented ASAP

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Asan, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Asan

    Good evening my Vanu Brethren, my dirty NC, and my self-righteous TR...

    Today we will discuss something that affects us all equally. The more seasoned on the battlefield you are, the more this topic affects you.

    Certification Resets..... When we need them, and how they need to be implemented.

    When we need them:

    There is no time like the present! As have recently acquired a new Virtual Training area, this finally halts the problem of having to buy something before you try it out. This problem has plagued PS2 since the early days...

    For example, before the VR, if you wanted a new scope.. you better have a friend with it that will let you log on his account, or you better find it in a video... because you had no way to figure out if you would like it or not until you bought it. Which results in many vets, including myself, stuck with a stockpile of dusty scopes that never get used, and cert points that have drifted off into the great abyss.

    Newer players now have the advantage of building their 'dream setup' (whether it be vehicle or infantry loadout) before they ever spend a single cert. They can now test everything out and develop a plan of where to spend the certs, a luxury that us oldschoolers have never had. Alas, we had trial and error.

    I feel that for this reason alone, cert resets needs to be implemented. So everyone can start on a level playing field. Everybody I speak with in my outfit are absolutely ecstatic about cert refund, because they started playing early and have faced the same trials and tribulations as anyone who has played pre-VR.

    I know SOE has a lot on their plate, and many changes and patches in the pipeline.... but I also know that you all listen to your community. And this community is begging for Cert Refunds!

    How they need to be implemented:

    First and foremost I do understand that these will be an item sold in the item shop. And I also understand that they cannot be too cheap, or it will really devalue certifications. If people can just buy a quick cert reset before any major battle and customize their vehicle for the day...and then switch back to something else afterwards... well, I think it suffices to say that would be a bad scenario. I believe they should be extremely expensive, like maybe 1,000 cert points or something in that ballpark..... which leads me to my next point...

    Make the first cert refund free!

    The reason for this, is that obviously many of us have played for a very long time, and it is common practice in the world of MMO's to be able to reset your specialized points. And none of the newer players will have to face what us older ones did... what I like to call "Buy it before you try it" because with the new VR, they can "Try it before they buy it" ... To put things back on an even playing field, every player should receive ONE AND ONLY ONE free Certification reset to use whenever they want. And from that point, they should be sold for a solid amount of SC.

    And with the upcoming addition of new launchers, and new vehicles... now is a great time to release a cert reset so people can have some certs banked up to invest in the new items.

    To SOE: You all have done a fine job of listening to your player base, we love your game, and we look forward to being able to spend our hard earned certs more appropriately now that the game has received some love and we are in a position to fix some of the smaller, more annoying issues that come with a new MMO ;-) And on a personal note... I have played MMO's since Ultima Online Beta (15 years or so) and I have played shooters since Doom... and this is by far the most epic, innovative, fun-filled game I have ever played. I am as addicted as addicted can be ;-)

    To my fellow pwntato players: Reply in this thread to show your support! Let us prove to SOE that this is a change that we are all vehemently looking forward to and would like to see implemented NAO! Show your support by making this thread as long as long can be! Re-post any ideas you may have for the implementation! Agree or disagree, but lets get this issue on the front lines!
    • Up x 11

    Cert resets are in the works. have patience.
  3. Dingus148

    I say no. Let the FoTM train lay in the bed they made, and pay if they want out of it.

    (I'm willing to bet the lolpodders/lib farmers didn't pay for boosts to get their certs, it's only fair SOE extracts some blood.)
  4. StormStrafe

  5. UberBonisseur

    A team of experts and scientists is on the case; according to their estimations, the project should be completed in 2017
  6. Asan


    I know it is in the works. And patience is one of my many virtues ;-P

    I am merely suggesting here, that they move it from...say.... #19 on the list, up to #5.

    Just bump it up on the list of important changes that need to be made. I think I speak for everyone who has played for a few months, when I say that we are realllllllllllllllllllllllllly looking forward to spending some of those wasted certs on fun new toys we will actually use.
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  7. Paltry Porridge

    I am old school and part of the "make meaningful choices" crowd.

    I hate respecs, I hate refunds, I hate anything that trivializes the permanence aspect of decision making pertaining to character development in video games.

    It's just another type of dumbing down. I say charge SC for it and don't make the first one free.
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  8. Separatists

    i remember buying a forward grip for my bolt action thinking it would stop the sway, i miss those 100 certs lol
  9. NinjaTurtle

    Yeah for the first few months I didn't even realize you could hold your breath... getting kills with the sway was a real pain in the ****
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  10. Quiiliitiila

    You just made yourself rather epic by insinuating you even got ANY kills with the sway. I'd hate to come up against you in a snipe out now that you know you can hold your breath :p

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  11. MutinyTheory

    How about selling back items you bought that you don't want or never use? At a lesser return, say 25%. Bought weapon at 1000C. Sell back to shop for 750C. Unless you bought the item via SC, then maybe do a 50% return?
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  12. Asan

    Gotta make sure we avoid people buying things with SC, and then being able to return it for certs... that would officially be pay to win.

    Paltry Porridge- While I respect your opinion and tend to generally feel the same way, it does not apply to PS2 IMO due to the fact that descriptions were not even close to accurate when the game released. SO you could only make about 50% of an intelligent decision. Ad there was no database of sorts that we could look at to see what guns did what, and what upgrades did what, etc etc.
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  13. MutinyTheory

    Thus why I mentioned that if said weapon was puschased via SC to be sold back in return for SC but at 50% less or trade for another. I have spent SC on 2 characters (diff factions) only to buy a gun that sounded great at the time, but when tried out I was dissapointed. And with the 2nd SMG out I now sit with one un-used.. Though I doubt something like this would happen. I too have too many scopes that are collecting dust.
  14. Daioh

    it would devalue certs to much.

    also, its only about 30/50 effing certs, that is less than a days worth of play.
  15. PS2Freak

    I want cert reset my overnerfed Annihilator. i support OP post
  16. VanuSovereignty

    I agree with you OP.

    That adds up, a lot. I have at least 1.5k certs in weapons I don't use.

    Weapons shouldn't be included in the resets.
  17. MutinyTheory

    True its only 30/50 certs (per item) not to mention certs put into classes that are complety useless in some classes for playstyles. As it is I am sitting with at least 3 - 5 scopes on 3 classes on both my characters. When I started the game I was foolish and not knowing better splurging ever 30 certs on scopes and dearly regret them as I now don't even use optics other than on BAR.
  18. Daioh

    then you two should have made more meaningful purchases. having certs mean something makes them worth their salt. if they weren't infinite, i would be with you, and if the attachments were dirt cheap, then i'd be with you. but unfortunately, that is how the value of currency goes.
  19. ParakeetLord88

    Agreed. It was impossible to know what you should buy, and I have well over a thousand certs in things I no longer use and don't want to use, purely because I had no real way to see if I would like them.

    I agree that, with the release of the VR training, a single free respec to help those that had to go without it for months is fair.

    I would also like to add that respecs should have a minimum of 3 day cooldown on them to stop people from on-the-fly respeccing to fit the situation. Such behavior is a significant pay to win issue.
  20. Isila

    How would it be any more P2W than the game already is? Now with the heroic boosts to combine with the membership, it is officially possible to buy your way to permanent double XP (which means double certs) and double resources.