Combine LA/Inf

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by xxsureshotxx, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. xxsureshotxx

    SoE should just combine the LA and Inf then give us the choice to have either cloak or jumpjets when we choose our loadouts....yay or nay?
  2. ih8Darian

    • Up x 3
  3. OldMaster80

    What did you smoke man? o_O
  4. Rhyl

    Absolutely not. There's nothing seriously wrong with infiltrator.
    • Up x 1
  5. Timeraider

    We dont want your jetpacks! :p
    • Up x 1
  6. OldMaster80

    They should combine Max and Engineer so I can repair myself and earn tons of Xp. [IMG]
  7. ThElement078

    Nothing seriously wrong? HA!

    But seriously, DONT MERGE THE 2 CLASSES!!!! They have totally different roles (almost anyway)
  8. MutinyTheory

    Give the infiltrator a jetpack or LA a cloak : Ultimate troll soldier.. (This is a joke, so chill your **** before you rage ) keep the classes seperate.
  9. Rudette

  10. Highway_Star

    Jetpack snipers would kill the game. /discussion.
  11. OldMaster80

    Tht's why I'm against the introduction of any sort of super-jump or climbing ropes for Infiltrators: cloaking device + sniper rifle + ability the reach rooftops = baaaad idea.
  12. SGTWOLF68

    You heard it here first folks this is possibly the worst idea in the last 2000 years.
  13. MutinyTheory

    Guys, I was being sarcastic. That's why I said " Troll soldier " also said keep classes seperate. Now calm your T I T S
  14. Pengalor

    Not really...have another jetpack user hop up there with a shotgun. Dead sniper, no worries.
  15. Highway_Star

    Spoken like a true wookie. Just go on a hill or something dude if you need height.
  16. SGTWOLF68

    My **** don't want to be calm.
  17. roDDo

    Invisible flying man with a pump-action shotgun... ooooh the rage, sweet sweet rage.
  18. Death Reaper

    I think we can unanimously agree that a class merger is a terrible idea. Despite the Infiltrator's shortcomings, it is not so completely worthless that it deserves to be tossed in with Light Assault. Even with the sound differences and excessively refractive cloak, you can still be more 'sneaky' with an Infiltrator than you can with an LA - if you know how to do it. However, there is one major thing that should be addressed above all else here;

    Do me a favor.

    Go to your respective faction's VR, equip any shotgun - preferably the pump-action or the 8-round semi-auto - with slug ammo, extended magazine, and a 4x scope onto your Light Assault, and take some shots at some target soldiers. Once you've done that, take a moment to reevaluate what you just said.
  19. Highway_Star

    Snipers are already a cancer in FPS games. Giving them the ability to camp ontop of every single tree, antenna, tower and mountain between here and timbuktu is everyones idea of hell.
  20. Revillios

    More than half of the snipers I encounter can't even shoot straight. When they try to kill you, they give away their position and make them easy targets. I have no problem with them.
    You just have to move and be on the look out, something a lot of people also forget.