Whining about whining is still whining.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Earthman, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Earthman

    What I mean in particular is the severe, almost terminal QQ I'm seeing on this forum regarding the tank nerfs. So it's not whining to catastrophize what a ruined game it is because your AOE sniping platform's easier to blow up? In the same thread, it's totally not whining to call everything who pushed for the change "whiners" and at the same time bemoan that your gilded carriage has slightly lower wheels? Please.

    I bet if tanks were never nerfed, or were indeed buffed further, these internet warriors would say "adapt or die" or some other tough guy talk like that. So because the current nerfs are live and in practice:

    Adapt or die.
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  2. Sekaszy

    You just whining about whining about whining and its still whining
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  3. Earthman

    And so did you. :)

    Difference being: I'm defending the current state of the game regarding tank/infantry balance. It's live and active and current.

    Take off your hipster glasses.
  4. AccelPrime

    But following your logic you're still just whining. Although your train of thought is very narrow..
  5. Earthman

    And what are you doing, by that same "logic"? ;)

    Again, to restress the difference: the current way of things is how things currently are. My point was calling those who pushed for those changes "whiners" and whining about those changes is hypocrisy. Which you are pretty guilty of since you have no other point to stand on here other than "NO U" :rolleyes:
  6. Jaquio


    There is literally no change, or series of changes, that the devs could make to this game that would cause people to stop complaining. The problem is that there are thousands of people who want thousands of things, and they all have their own visions. And there are significant enough numbers of those people who find the only way to get what they want is to be the proverbial squeaky wheel. And yes, some of those complaints are justified.

    But my point is, the complaints will never end. Even after the game dies.

    The only time you'll hear people talk about how great Planetside 2 is, is when Planetside 3 comes out in 2019, and all the PS2 vets come out of the woodwork to talk about how much PS3 sucks, and how much better it was in PS2.
  7. Yago

  8. Taiji

    Nothing like a good whine.
  9. Earthman

    The problem with self-interest bias is that the very same people that are outraged that their tanks aren't being worshipped by the unwashed infantry masses, cowering in fear of them for their godlike action of "click terminal, select prowler", would be very smug and have a "deal with it" attitude were the nerfs not to be.

    Perspective, get some. I say this as someone with a fairly inferior TRAC-5 S that I'm trying to make functional and worthwhile as a labor of love instead of saying "NERF SMGS!!!!!1"
  10. rayvon

    quit whining
  11. TheMagicCookie

  12. Earthman

    Thank you for your "NO U" retort. You can cry over the hood of your tank now. Before it blows up. :)
  13. Earthman

    Reddit is -------> that way. Tired memes are tired.
  14. TheMagicCookie

    I'm sorry, I don't Reddit, I Tumbl.
  15. Earthman

    A tired meme by any other name is still a recycled piece of someone else's borrowed humor.

    The responses I'm getting in this thread are telling me SOE did the right thing regarding tanks.
  16. Klondik3

    Whining about whining is metawhining.
  17. Earthman

    Adding the word "meta" to an online argument is like adding the word "ironic" anywhere. The user can pretend he's smart for doing it, and the rest of us can roll our eyes.
  18. GhostAvatar

    No difference, it is still whinning regardless. And as such this topic is pointless, as it will turn into a whole topic about who is whinning about whinning about whinning blah blah blah crap. Should have chosen a better topic title.
  19. Earthman

    You may be right. Unfortunately, you're falling into the same "NO U" spiral here.

    If the tank whining continues in a few days I may repost something about this with a less incendiary title so people don't play a game of hands-down with "hurr I said you're whining last, I win!"
  20. siiix

    lot of people dont whine, they just quite the game

    if you look at the the combined server stats its pathetically low since the patch, even with bonus XP, weekend and cheeking out the new patch its dangerously low

    i'm on the edge too to just quit the game, and stop giving feedback... it feels like beating a dead horse, whining / feedback dont work anymore , maybe when enough players leave SOE grow some balls and start to have a vision for the game witch they stick to

    you can not go back and forth between balancing infantry and vehicles , every time they change they mind they lose customers who never come back ... just stick with 1 direction, make it a vehicle shooter all out war OR make vehicles useless and make it an mainly infantry game... BUT MAKE UP YOUR MIND SOE

    i'm for strong vehicles and if the new rocket launchers will be way stronger then the old ones it will be the last straw for me to uninstall the game

    others think the other way around and if tanks get new weapons that make then strong again will quit

    if the game stays how it is, no one is happy, the game blows now, there is to much issues to even worth crying about for both infantry bozos and vehicle lovers

    SOE diged its own grave with this over balancing bull