HE nerf - Farming infantry is almost impossible now

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by jdono67894, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. jdono67894

    So last week I made a thread about how good you can farm infantry in 30 minutes, this is before the nerf.

    I was worried about this HE nerf, I love to sit on top of a hill and just continuously kill infantry without any risk to myself, and that was in jeopardy.
    Now I have actually tested this nerf, and the results are worse then we ever imagined.


    SOE have you not gone far enough?
    Rollback this nerf now, or this game risks becoming CALL OF DUTY with too much infantry combat and not enough opportunities to farm infantry!

    The community wants more farming and you should obey us, we are your customers!
    An acceptable kill rate would be closer towards 6 or 7 per minute, the HE radius needs to be GREATLY increased to be more realistic.
    • Up x 16
  2. Techup

    Wow!! Over 3x less KDR.

    Rollback please.
  3. Daioh

    you can't farm infantry like a god now?[IMG]
  4. Phyr

  5. Leer

    Came in with high expectations and leave dead....with an HE round to the general area some place...sorta close...to my cover.
  6. Ravenorth

    Working as intended.
  7. Leer

    He is saying that it didn't really make a difference. Infantry are still easy to farm. needed a /sarcasm tag
  8. Captain Sandwich

    They should first fix the bug where AA can kill my ESF. It's totally unacceptable.
  9. TheWhiteDragon

    What is your kills per minute as infantry?
  10. ENGTX

    i dont know about the Nc . but they have totally destroy Magrider HE . before i could farm . STILL TR TANK ARE THE BEST FOR FARMING .
  11. Gavyne

    LOL loving the sarcasm.
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  12. vaxx

    Sadly 90% of the people reading this dont/wont get it.
    • Up x 5
  13. Zaik

  14. sophont

  15. jdono67894

    Only players lower then BR20 still play infantry, I am BR41 so I am always in a reaver, lightning or MBT.
  16. Phrygen

    it only makes a difference when you don't have the high ground.

    The wobbling bug is more of an issue frankly.
  17. Sen7ryGun84

    Came here to drink tears. Left laughing. We'll done OP, you get yourself some thumbs.
  18. Bill Hicks

    10/10 would read again.
    • Up x 2
  19. CrashB111

    It only really hurt HEAT, though I do agree that once the huge recoil and rocking of the tanks is fixed it wont be as bad as it feels for my Prowler right now.
  20. VanuSovereignty

    Double XP