Render Distance <1000

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Codai, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Stongtea

    I support this.
  2. JDS999

    i wantt to change my render distance its a huge difference for some people who are on the edge of playable game and not playable ez 20 more fps for me from 1000-500 change

    edit. yeah that one guys is a dick u would think hed support everyone who wanted 300m render for ezier kills?
  3. Codai

    Patch is out... we can no longer drop renderdistance below 1000. I understand why they'd want to limit FOV to 74. I don't mind that at all as 90+ provides a great advantage to those who use it, especially for snipers but renderdistance only adds frames. I became a subscriber when I figured out how to get 60fps. This is my last QQ. I'll try to bare with it. Hopefully the next patch give me 15 more frames in large battles.

    Q_Q T_T ಥ_ಥand such.
  4. firedamage

    I have plan to buy some SC before the patch since I have higher framerates by lowering render distance ..

    but now it is unplayable due to very low framerates..:cool:

    Luckily I din spend any money on this game..
  5. Chackle


    This NEEDS fixed. it effectively removes a whole bunch of users from the game. IMO in the options the player should be able to reduce render distance to 500. For people who don't know how to edit their useroptions manually this would probably improve a lot of novice player's FPS problems.
  6. Codai

    Making this an ingame option will let even more people ENJOY the game. I don't want or need the ingame option I just want to make the change in any way possible. I miss 60fps so much. I honestly wish I never had it because now that it's gone I just can't play.
  7. NuclearM

    I am sure he had no problem. Many people fail to realize that the render distance option only changes how far out you render terrain, it has no effect on the render values for infantry and vehicles that SOE enforces. So it is possible the are enforcing an 1000 meter render distance cause that is the maximum distance one renders infantry now since the render distance change, would be an unfair advantage if you could see enemies in an area with no terrain rendered.

    I feel your guys pain though, before I upgraded my CPU I had to keep my render distance low.
  8. Chackle

    Yeah but it creates a fog that stops you seeing vehicles / infantry beyond your view distance.. it was perfectly balanced
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  9. Andy789

    Sony please allow us to set our render distance to less than 1000.

    Previously with renderdistance=200 I would get a playable 20+ fps. With 1000 renderdistance enforced my FPS is halved and I can no longer play.

    I'm very dissapointed that we can no longer tweak the rendering distance to <1000. Please fix asap.
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  10. Chackle

    theyre gonna lose a lot of players if this doesnt change
  11. ThaPhreak

  12. firedamage

    This need to be fixed.:)
  13. JDS999

    this is gamebreaking for the people that were using it to pull an extra 10-15 fps. where is the fix
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  14. firedamage

    Yup, where's the fix soe?
  15. HunterHugo

    I need this to be able to play game.
  16. warmachine1

    I think u got to have Vsync on to enable tripple-buffering
  17. Hydragarium

    Tripple buffering IS for Vsync. Obviously you need Vsync on to use the tripple buffering feature FOR VSYNC. :rolleyes:
  18. JDS999

    bump, SOE why cant we change this anymore.
  19. Codai

    I take back what I said about not QQing anymore.

    Two of my friends, one of them being the person who got me to try the game refuse to play. The invitee usually plays with his fps locked at 38 (don't ask me why, lol) but now he says he drops to the 20's now that his render distance can no longer be set to 500. Makes no sense to play without my buddies. Outfits are fine and dandy but nothing can beat your real friends.

    Friendship is Magic SOE.
  20. Merkin

    And the better pilots fly under 30m (literally under the branches of trees).
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