Why I'll never stop lolpodding

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MarlboroMan-E, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. MarlboroMan-E

    First things first, the decrease in outer radius of rocket pods is a good thing.

    Despite that, it won't keep me from farming infantry, matter of fact, I don't think it will even discourage me. Here's why.

    I'm primarily an infantry player, I look for the medium to big sustained infantry battles and stick with them as long as I can, mostly as a light assaulter (65% time played.) After a fight ends, the first thing I do is check the map and see if there's another good infantry fight I can get to. If not, I get in the air. Why? It provides me with the most flexibility and the ability to move across the map quickly. The first thing I look to do once I launch is to clear enemy air. Rotary gun ftw, I despise a2a rockets. If I find no one to dogfight or no libs to hunt, I'll start looking for tanks to kill with pods. If I can't find tanks, I look for infantry.

    That's my playstyle. It's not going to change. I've got hundreds of hours in the mossie now, so I've got my attack runs down pretty good, the 6 to 5 meter burst might save an exposed infantryman or two. Raising the skillcap ia a good thing, though, but we may have just made things harder for newbs rather than easier. We'll see.

    What's really funny about this is that the only reason I even bothered learning to fly at the end of beta was to stop lolpodders.
  2. Gaarthar

    made things harder for newbs....? like harder to farm infantry with rocketpods ?
    isnt that great?

    i also dont think this nerf is supposed to discourage you - its supposed to give infantry more chances to survive - not in the one time you aim at them , but statistically.
  3. MarlboroMan-E

    And statistically it will. But it's not gonna hurt experienced pilots all that much, but it will make learning to fly less newb-friendly. I guess they can practice in VR now...
  4. Gaarthar

    killing infantry with rockets had nothing to do with learning to fly in the first place.

    on the contrary - the less effective rockets are at killing infantry , the harder it is for newbs - the more those newbs will have to actually learn to fly
  5. Chiss

    I have a similar playstyle, except i have 95% time as LA. I only use vehicles to get around, and usually try to crash land them into enemies.