GU4 - Bullets* For Everyone!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Caeleron, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Izriul

    Since when is the solstice SF an NC weapon?

    In fact, the majority of TR weapons do the same max damage and more minimum damage, the only ones that don't are things like the Flare, which, at the same time, you have weapons equal to it like the TMG-50. So, yes, equal weapons do the same max damage and more minimum. It's that simple.
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  2. Eclipson

    Where did I say the letters "SF" in that post? Can you find it in there for me? I said the AF-19 Mercenary. I never once said the solstice. I'm talking about NC weapons here. And did you not read the your own stats page?
  3. Izriul


    Read my post YOU quoted.

    I compared the solstice SF to the trac-5 S.

    But hey, since you want to get petty and argue something which makes zero sense. Since when does the NC own a Solstice? Where did I say the AF-19 Mercenary? Can you find it for me? Did you not read the stats page?

    If you can't work it out by now, I'm VS, so I compare VS weapons, which I've done, and since you said "your weapons" and since the patch notes do effect my weapons to have more ammo. You're wrong.
  4. huundar

    I give the OP a 1/10 for reading comprehension. LOL dude you should go back and re-read the patch notes before coming here and showing your complete ignorance of the written word. They didn't increase rounds in a magazine, they increased the number of rounds you carry around. Sheesh you guys really need to take a deep breath and stop showing you have a bad case of cranial rectumitis.
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  5. Eclipson

    I have been talking about NC weapons. I was never talking about VS weapons. NC weapons do more damage. I never said a thing about VS weapons. I was arguing that because your avatar is NC. How am I supposed to think that you are VS? Maybe VS weapons needed more ammo, but I wasn't talking about them.
  6. Izriul

    My avatar is irrelevant. If anything, it just shows up people who can only argue with assumptions.

    You was talking about VS weapons because you said this line

    To which I responded:

    And you continued to argue. I would have thought the whole, telling you MINE, and linking your VS weapons, would have been enough.
  7. Eclipson

    No, I thought you were talking about NC weapons, which are meant to hit harder. And why the heck does a VS player us and NC avatar?
  8. AnnPerkins

    oh hey. You wait until after I suffer through getting an auraxium for the SV99 before you decide to give it enough ammo to kill more than 10 people before needing an ammo pack.

    and soe, it seems you haven't figured this out yet so I'll let you in on a secret: semi-auto sniper rifles need a ****ton more ammo capacity. Compared to bolt actions you run out so ridiculously fast.... and you gave the bolt-actions 10 more bullets, too!? Oh lordy, you have no idea what you're doing.
  9. Izriul

    Firstly, I'll state it again, it's irrelevant.

    Second, I picked a random thing when I first made a forum account when I wasn't even into the game.

    Thirdly, it just hows how much people make assumptions for an argument.

    Actually, I don't need to give you any reasons since I've always stated I was VS in most posts, I used VS weapons, while saying MINE, and the shear fact is, you guys are whining over a fair buff which doesn't in any way shape or form effect you, while calling it a nerf and spreading misinformation.
  10. KAHR-Alpha

    If anything, it's a nerf to VS and NC engineers :D
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  11. Vertabrae

    You can't fault Eclipson for thinking what he did. People usually use the avatar for the faction they play most. Yours is NC. So can't blame him for assuming you play NC. When he said your guns do more damage, he was referring to NC guns vs TR guns. So he is correct. You kind of come out of left field with an NC avatar and talking about "your" VS guns.

    Of course you are certainly welcome to use whatever avatar you like. But might wanna explain that you actually play VS when talking about "your" faction weapons.

    On topic, I could care less about this change
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  12. Eclipson

    I was comparing TR weapons to NC weapons. Plus, VS weapons can land their bullet much easier since you have barely and recoil. Play vanu heavy assault is extremely easy. I have a Vanu alt, just to use the Vanu LMG. VS don't need more ammo, because they can make their bullets it more accurately. You can hipfire those things with out a laser sight. And you know you can change your avatar right?
  13. RedPsycho

    Dude, I'll be honest I've always thought you played NC... So I don't blame the guy for assuming you play NC either. As for the VS doing less damage over distance. You don't say? Well that's your empires downfall. Less damage over distance.
  14. Hosp

    Example of what happened using Imaginary numbers and simplified terms for the 'slow' TR whiners to comprehend:

    TR Gun Prior to Patch:
    150 Round Magazine- 300 Round Ammo Pool
    NC/VS Gun Prior to Patch:
    100 Round Magazine- 200 Round Ammo Pool

    TR Gun After Patch:
    150 Round Magazine- 300 Round Ammo Pool
    NC/VS Gun After Patch:
    100 Round Magazine- 300 Round Ammo Pool

    Damage Before Patch == Damage After Patch

    The change was a change to not be attached to an Engineer constantly. Not a change as to whom has the better/worse guns.
    ***Mutters to self***Wonder how much some of you woulda cried in PS1 when you took a look at a veteran backpack vs a newbs pack. People could tell a newb not by their BR, but by their load-out.
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  15. Draf

    VS do less damage over distance but due to no bullet drop it's easier to make headshoots wich actually deals a lot of damages.
    About ammo amount... It just give more supplies not enhanced magazines. Srsly read before posting.

    tldr; Stop whining
  16. Xasapis

    The guns were not changed in any shape or form. You can just carry more bullets with some VS/NC guns.
  17. Gaarthar

    you neither fire faster , nor do less damage - same RPM with VS guns and same 143 bullet damage.
    its not you that fire faster , but half NC guns fire slower with higher bullet damage.
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  18. Haterade

    Let me break this down for slow people. More bullets = more potential damage. It doesn't matter how hard your weapon hits if your magazine is dry.

    NC and VS both got a buff in combat effectiveness with most weapons. They now can put more rounds down range before having to move off their firing position and find an ammo pack/engineer. In this game ammo is a lot more precious than most other popular FPSes (Battlefield 3, I'm looking at you). The lack of ammo in this game is a tactical consideration. TR used to have an advantage in combat effectiveness due to their having more ammo. Now they don't.

    This is an unjustified nerf to the TR. It might be slight, but TR's "faction traits" are already rather poor compared to the two other factions. Let's **** the TR further. Yay!
  19. Wasdie

    It's not a magazine increase, it's a total capacity increase on how many magazines you can carry.

    Honestly I didn't see the need for the changes as an NC player.
  20. Xasapis

    Your trait is bigger magazine size, not pack mule status.
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