why is splash damage being reduced for everything

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ArcKnight, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Soylent

    Only the Prowler HE and Heat shells had their splash damage nerfed. The other MBTs and Lightning remains as it was. The radius was nerfed for all tanks.
  2. ArcKnight

    this mainly applies to the prowler HEAT and HE, since they can fire 2 rounds before reloading which is impossible for any other tank ( the lightning's default gun can fire 6 rounds, but the low damage make it irrelevant )

    in other words they want to stop us when we have a legit way of getting a tone of certs

    couldn't agree more ( well maybe I could ) reducing the splash radius for everything including grenades make no sense
  3. ArcKnight

    yeah but I'm wondering on why the Devs don't find a way to make it impossible for explosions to penetrate walls and shields

    my problem is not whats outside the spawn room, its the guys inside hip firing without seeing if there are any friendlies in the line of fire