Merge Woodman.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Felixbz, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Rockit

    Wait til Hossin lands. There will be a whole lot of merging going on. Oh wait, I forgot MLG will be here this weekend. It will be our saviour.
  2. insertsomethinghere

    The last few days tr took over everything
  3. Rockit

    The Koreans will save us man. They will disregard that new SC2 upgrade and save us from boredom I promise you.
  4. BlueDevilManiac

    INDAR = Semi Dead
    ESAMIR = Dead
    AMERISH = Dead Dead Dead

    Come on SOE!! -GIVE US MERGE OR TRANSFER!!-...people are leaving..
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  5. Ronin Oni


    hence the trollface
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  6. Scorponok

    all the lovely tears from crying on the forum...dont you ever get tired of being drama queens?
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  7. Moby

  8. Evileet

    Miller is still the biggest EU server, so why should they merge Woodman with it? This is just stupid.
    Ceres is big, but Nr3 in EU population (close after Cobalt). That would be good merge.
  9. VoidC

    Because from hearing many moved from Woodman to Miller. To give players a transfer token would be fair.
    So that everyone decides for himself where to transfer his character. I'm personally not interested in Ceres or Cobalt.
  10. IMTasty

    Idd, I think giving everyone a free transfer token to be the best idea if they decide to shut down Woodman instead of merging it with another server. Either that or wait until Hossin if they are going to merge, but we don't know how that is gonna work together with continent locking and such.
  11. Ganelon

    You just keep going with the zerg at the Crown while we attempt to get the devs to fix it.
  12. Evileet

    Sure, but what's with the players who are on vacation or holidays or something? When they shut Woodman down after the most people are transfered, what will happen to the remained characters?
    Otherwise i don't want to transfer my character, i want a merge. I have gaming friends (in no other messenger or something) on Woodman and the contact would be lost. What if they have to change the name, i have to change my name. We couldn't find each other again.
  13. Draf

    Your name is unique between servers. In previous merges no names has been changed.
  14. the pestimist

  15. Chiss

    Bump for merge.
  16. the pestimist

    Out of my way ill bump you all muhahaha
  17. Scorponok

    Mod plz lock thread...its not constructive.
  18. Akrasjel

    I don't want be merged with Miller
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  19. Chiss

  20. Scorponok

    oh look its the guy that keeps going at NC is so UP....