The TS2 Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ash87, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Vertabrae

    Speculation is fine. But why do we have so many thread complaining about one rocket or another? This one will be OP, that one will be gimped. People are running around in a panic over something that isn't even here.

    As for set in stone, sure. It's called the Striker, it uses some sort of visual lock on, and holds 5 rockets in a box magazine. Anything past that is pure speculation. We don't know if it can be dumbfired. We don't know if flares/IR smoke can break the lock on. We don't know the damage. We don't know the number of reloads we can carry. We don't know how well the rockets can track a target and move to hit it. We don't know the size or damage of the splash radius, or even if there is one.

    What we don't know vastly outweighs what we do know. Speculate all you like. But to judge something that we barely know anything about it stupid. SOE knows all about the rage lock on launchers caused last time. Wouldn't surprise me if they did something different with this one to keep that from happening again.
  2. ArcKnight

    which will be along with the prowler nerf, so we will see 2 types of fustration 1 about the lock-on laucnhers and the other about HE farming
  3. Loegi

    We also know that it's highly likely that it's not going to fire the rockets simultaneously.
  4. Ash87

    Well no, because HE farming effects prowler drivers more than it does the more Anti-vehicle focused people.

    But, the point is to raise concerns over the new Striker. Do you have any concerns with the striker?
  5. Vertabrae

    True, but SOE never said it would in the first place. All they ever said was "multiple rockets" People simply made their own judgement and thought it would fire 2 or more rockets in a swarm. Their bad. This is why I say to wait to form a view on it.
  6. Ash87

    Prior question. Do you, have an opinion on what you saw about the striker, in last night's video?
  7. Zaik

    Define abuse? It didn't do very much damage per shot.
  8. Ash87

    Well the reason we kept getting lock-on duration raised is because with shorter lock-on times you could volleyfire and get 5 people to insta-kill anything that got in range.

    Unless the weapon range is lower, it'd be very easy to organized a group of 4-5 people spamming rockets, that could easily level any MBT or Sunderer with a clip, and continue to grind up armor zergs, because it takes less time for them to lock-on.
  9. Zaik

    Watch the video of the Striker firing at the vanguard again in HD. You can see the "health" bar above the vanguard after the first two impacts. It barely moves.

    In comparison, four AV MANA turrets is all it takes to pop any MBT(maybe not the Vanguard? Would just take 5 for it) on side armor or any Sunderer in one shot each, and they also aren't a slave to the awful lock on mechanics this game has.

    So...I dont really see the problem. If 30 TR HAs all fire the striker at the exact same time and blow up one magrider before it can pop ir smoke and hover back to 400m away and be invincible while still shooting OHK explosions with both guns, that's too bad for the magrider.
  10. Arreo

    So speculation... what if it is a lock on that has a very fast lock on time (.5 or 1 sec) but then to maintain the lock you have to keep the cross-hairs in a cone of the target (say the cone is approx what the original lock on's originally had).

    Say it is a lock on, but if the target flares/smokes than the missile will continue to follow the cross-hairs (more exactly).

    There are a lot of interesting things that they could do to the Striker that could make it really unique and interesting.
  11. Crashsplash

    For those who don't know from previous knowledge the PS 1 striker:
    - would lock onto aircraft, ground vehicles, turrets, maxes and deployable turrets.
    - had negligible damage to squishies

    One user could not kill anything on their own (mostly) so strikers were best used in groups.

    Similar to ps2 guided rockets, if you are going to fire at a ground vehicle make sure you are positioned on the crest of a rise or similar and three is nothing immediately behind you for return fire to explode against and damaging you.

    It will be interesting to see if the 'negligible damage against squaishies is carried forward'.
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  12. Vertabrae

    I think it looks awesome. I like the design. I think firing multiple rockets fits in very well with the TR ideals of "loads of lead downrange".

    If you're asking me, as you have asked others, if I have any concerns regarding the Striker.....Then no, I have no concerns. I'm excited to see how it actually works. Whether or not it works well, well I'll have to wait and see.
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  13. Rhinzual

    You and I both know that reasonable logic isn't accepted on these boards.
  14. Ash87

    Yeah yeah, your awesome ;). Got an opinion dude?
  15. Ash87

    I'd be more about the "Targetting Maxes and Deployable turrets" coupled with the "Negligible damage against squishies"... as is, it makes little sense why you can't use a lockon against a max unit.
  16. Rhinzual

    The Dude abides.
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  17. ArcKnight

    only if the millions of rockets flying everywhere gives me low fps
  18. Sharmanti

    The fact that they're thinking about making it lock on sucks. Laserguided, as they previously proposed would be awesome
  19. WalrusJones

    It will most likely loose tracking when you strafe out of the view of the strikes scope.

    Cool your jets.

    Better yet, wait for release.