[Video] Killstreaks, demolition and max hunting montage! NC on Woodman. HD

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Moukassin, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Moukassin

    Hi guys, here is my first montage of what i like to do in PS2!

    I really enjoyed to syncronise music with the gameplay, hope you'll like it too
    here is the program of the video:
    -blowing up stuff with C4 and AT mines a funny way
    -killstreaks as infantry with the gd7-f (my new favorite weapon)
    -hunting several maxes and their engi dogs
    -destroying ESF and libs with my tiny lightning (HEAT)

    I also wanted to thank SOE for this great game, since now i play it for free, i buy everything with certs.

    this game is so good that i wanted to buy some station cash but from my country i can't pay on internet so i support some kind of gift system (like on steam)

    sorry for my english, and greetings from Morocco!!
    • Up x 2
  2. }{ellKnight

    Enjoyed it, nice vid.
  3. Flix

    I`m always shocked how long non-VS reloadtime is. Never the less. I know it`s a montage so only the good parts are shown but I dont want to cross you on Woodman.^^ Very nice vid and fitting musik. Keep on the good work.
  4. Moukassin

    thanks for the feedback guys :)
    and Flix I agree that the reload time for the gd7f is sooo long! most of my kills are with the default NC carbine, wich has a ultra fast reload speed, getting used to the gd7f was quite frustrating sometimes because of that.
  5. Purg

    I'm always play a tank style (and sometimes actually inside a tank) - envy people with this sort of play style. Very enjoyable to watch your skill.
  6. hotWHYre

    I really enjoyed the video. But I hate you for copying my playstyle. And I hate you for being more succesfull in doing stuff I do too ;)
  7. kamenjar

    +1 for the song. Been a while since I've head some good ol' psy :)
    Great vid!
  8. Devrailis

    Got nothing bad to say about this video. Keep fighting the good fight. ;)
  9. Moukassin

    guys I am so glad you like it! I hesitated a lot before to put this music because it is pretty rare in fragmovies.
    i'm going to post more of this stuff, stay tuned :)