Is anyone else sick of...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    ...the way this community acts? The chat seems less of discussion box and more like a contest to see who can accuse who of "crying" or "whining" more than everyone else.

    I get accused of "crying" way too much, the vast majority of the time it happens when nobody even complained about anything.

    For example,

    NCPlayer1: "is the prowler getting nerfed"
    Me: "yeah, the Prowler is getting their HE/HEAT splash damage nerfed to bring them in line with the other tanks"
    Player1: "quit whining"
    Player2: "so many NC tears"
    Player1: "infantry genocide is the only good thing the prowler can do, quit crying about it"

    It's like everyone has a predisposition to turn every conversation into a whine accusal contest. It's extremely annoying because it kills the conversation. After someone says the word "whine", "cry", or "tear", the whole chat becomes a disorganized mess of people complaining about people complaining.

    The funny thing is, you don't see people saying that stuff to members of their own faction. It just simply never happens. I swear, if this game didn't have factions but merely a "red team / blue team / purple team", nobody would act like this.
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  2. Boulder Langoustine

    Whining about whining in a game on a forum. Hello kettle, meet pot.
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  3. Laraso

    The community acts the same way on the forums.
  4. Sharmanti

    Never happend to me.

    Once some NC dude tottaly lost it when he first came with a lightning, got owned, returned with a reaver and got dumbfired to the ground. Except for that... nope
  5. Dingus148


    inb4 locked for nonconstructive.

    On an administrative note, can we get a whine subforum? At least that'll give the mods somewhere to dump threads like this
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  6. Boulder Langoustine

    Yes, do it, for your health.
  7. KAHR-Alpha

    I also find that this is getting old, especially on the forums, any post that mentions NC/TR/VS tears or some other idiotic MMO "meme" makes me want to punch my screen.
    I thought I left all that behind when I left EVE, but I guess it's the same everywhere (but finding goons here also was quite an unpleasant surprise).
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  8. Laraso

    I give up. It's not worth trying to communicate with anyone in this game.

    Even the friends that I've convinced to play this game say the thing they hate most about it is the community.
  9. Duff_Chimp

    If it isn't whining or crying, its people whining and crying about the whining or crying. That or those really irritating sycophants that say the game is perfect in every way, normally whilst being 100% hypocritical with their arguments. Nobody can claim to think this game is perfectly balanced, nor will it be.

    There is a certain expectation with SOE plans with MLG that there might be some competitive balance. Unfortunately i'm thinking that is a while away from coming. Things don't need to be identical to each other, just equally effective. At the moment there is much imbalance with things...
  10. Yago

    I know what you mean OP .
    Take that Boulder Langoustine for example , I have been watching "him" post a couple of days and have yet to see anything to convince me "he" is other than a prat .
  11. Raital

    You should know better, Laraso. In most large communities GIFT is in full effect. A small community can be a blessing at times. Check out League of Legends, their forum is full of complaining and complaining about complaining too. And from personal experience I can tell you that the in-game community is no better.
  12. omega4

    You think that's bad?

    You should turn on proximity chat in the warp gates.

    There you'll see players talking about useless stuff like "holy handgrenades" as if the warpgate were a chat line.

    At least the text chat box conversation pertains to PS2.

  13. PurpleOtter

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  14. Laraso

    I've been playing games for over ten years, and out of all of them, this is the game I've had the most trouble with in regards to the community.
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  15. CaptainYamerica

    It's the internet dude. Every time you open your mouth, you're either crying or sucking a fat one. Which would you rather be accused of? It's just worse in some games/communities due to the size of the population. The larger the population, the more likelihood of dinks.
  16. Dingus148

    Be constructive, don't whine. Post suggestions; people tend to respond better to a well thought-out argument than to p1ss and vinegar. Or tears.

    You didn't try and communicate, you got your tantrum on. People see them all day here, don't be surprised when we're sick of them. Hence; whine thread subforum. That way these threads stop clogging up General Gameplay.
  17. Tactical Violence

    Sadly the OP is making a valid (if not completely well thought through argument).

    Even more sadly, the only response he is likely to get as a result of dangling just too big a carrot infront of the trolls, is from me.

    So here it is. I agree OP. I would love to actually read some informed debate/discussion about various topics. Instead I have to trawl through post after mindless post of 'qq moar's before finding someone with a brain, a vocabulary and hands that can type rather than w*nk

    Asking the community here to discuss issues to do with this game in a constructive and non-childish way is like asking a bunch of 14 year old kids to discuss issues in a constructive and non-childish way. Oh wait...

    Oh and +1 for the whine thread sub-forum. Great idea.

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  18. xNPCx

    Internet anonymity, x-box live generation, and trolling becoming a fad. The odds of finding a person who is both civil and intelligent on the internet / video game forum are at an all time low, sorry to destroy what faith in humanity you still had.
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  19. Ash87

    Honestly, PS2 isn't that bad. The worst community I've ever seen is the Skyrim Community. If it wasn't perfect, it was horrible there.

    You are dead on, when it comes to people sticking to their faction with religious fervor. To listen to it, every faction has A.) Too many idiots. B.) Too few genuine players. C.) Constantly being attacked by "The Zerg from [Insert faction someone doesn't like]". D.) The strongest weapons. E.) The weakest weapons. F.) The other factions on that person's server have allied Against the faction that person is in.

    I mean, I know people in my outfit that are guilty of some of these things.

    I honestly see the forums as being 10x worse than people I deal with online though. I mean it's to the point that for a while I really knuckled down and tried to bother people, but it's turned right back around, and now I just kind of roll my eyes and chuckle about it, every time I see another thread dolling out the same tired BS.
  20. FateJH

    I never see people using the chat box much that often.