[Suggestion] MAX sprint should flatten enemies

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Xocolatl, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. Xocolatl

    MAX Sprint should deal some damage, and stun enemies in its path.

    Now wouldn't that be fun?
  2. Pikachu

    I wish that too. I would like it to have instant kill if he swings his arm at someone during a sprint.
  3. crippler38

    maybe the ability to turn into an infantry lawn mover with some melee add on
    • Up x 1
  4. Xocolatl

    It shall be christened, The Crushanator mode.
  5. Urban Cohort

    Do real damage? Nah, but cause a serious flinch/knockback? Absolutely.

    I personally want a MAX suit that makes milk shakes though. Strawberry in the right arm - banana on the left.
  6. Purple

    i disagree about the instent kill swining the arm during a sprint. but i all for crushing someone against a wall for an instant kill.
  7. Anvildude

    Heck, just make MAX units 'tangible' to everything, like vehicles are- even if they don't deal damage, if they were to be able to push infantry with their charge, it'd be pretty cool, useful, and fun.
  8. Purg

    I'd be happy with an effect similar to a concussion grenade if you pass through enemy during a Charge.