Alpha Squad, Why isnt this offered still for all beta testers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 4Play, Mar 9, 2013.

  1. 4Play

    Just wondering if anyone else feels that the Alpha squad package should still be offered for the guys who participated in beta, a lot of testers didn't get to buy it for one reason or another, maybe they couldn't afford it at the time or perhaps they felt the lower exp boost that was replaced wasn't worth it (now changed).

    Personally i am of the opinion that if you took part in beta this package should always be an option for you and not just an option for the beta tester who could spare the cash at that moment in time, knowing who was and wasn't in beta is already known ingame as they are able to decipher who gets the beta decals etc.

    What do you think?
  2. Tekuila

    Should just be offered period.
  3. Robes

    The deals they put out in beta are just to help get the game going, not give people that played beta extremely cheap **** whenever they want.
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  4. Mightyhalo

    No. One of the reasons it isn't offered is because people didn't think it was worth it and they were probably right. So while Joe Blow was running around with 10% exp boost for the first several months vs. the people that didn't buy the alpha package and went with the 50% boost, while at the same time mocking the alpha squaders.

    Now that they changed it to 50%, everybody wants it.

    It sounds like something they would eventually do. Like a late to the party version with like 35% boost. :)
  5. Domonvoi


    It was a pre-order perk that those who thought PS2 would be worth it bought it before the game was released.
    It rewarded those who wanted to take a chance at a game that technically wasn't even finished yet.
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  6. VanuSovereignty

    They also did a triple station cash before launch and a lot of people bought that instead of Alpha Squad.
  7. Tekuila

    I want the camo and stuff, don't care about the boost. Also didn't know this game existed until it came out or I would have it. :(
  8. Vashyo

    I was originally bit dissapointed with my purchase but the fact that the boost carries over to all ur characters and they upped it to 50% was extremely fair move on SOEs part.

    There will be good deals from SOE like 3x station cash and such, so don't worry missing out on the alpha squad. Just save your money and purchase loads of SC when the next deal happens.
  9. Sweet Jackal

    I went and bought Alpha Squad not for the bonuses but to get access to the game. Getting 40 bucks worth of station cash, Alpha Squad Camo and the 10% boost was a nice value but I wanted to take part in the beta, assist in the testing and creation of the game as well as see it for myself.

    It was a pay option for those willing to take the risk on the game. You can't buy access to a F2P game after it is launched. Though I'll admit I never bothered to use the 10% Alpha Squad boost as I didn't give it a second's worth of thought and I'm glad I held onto it. Now I'm getting a full 6 months worth of a 50% boost.

    And on that note, I wouldn't object more long term boosts being made available to everyone else. In fact could rake in more people willing to buy a boost. I know I wouldn't touch a short term boost myself as I would feel like I wouldn't be able to get the value out of it and would get disgruntled over constantly going back and spending more cash on them. I know subscriptions are trying to be sold as long term boosts but those offer so much more now that adding in long term boosts shouldn't pull customers away from that.
  10. VanuSovereignty

    Agreed. I would really like a good faction specific camo and digital isn't that.
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  11. Inertia

    I agree with the OP, i see no reason not to offer this to those who beta tested the game. There may be good reasons for not purchasing at the time it was available other than not wishing to "take a chance" on the games success. Lack of funds at the time for example. Speaking personally I tested this game in the tech test and the beta. So to use an extreme example i believe i have more right to the opportunity to purchase this than someone who bought access to beta via the alpha squad on the last day of testing. I don't really care about the exp boost, which i suspect is where the bulk of the opposition to this will come from but i would like access to the camouflage and title.
  12. SDD

    I'd imagine that when they've built a large enough update to warrant calling one an "expansion" (be it continents, naval warfare, the megavehicles, the AI enemies, or game changers they've never even hinted at), there will be a similar themed promotion in celebration of it.

    Alpha Squad's camo is probably going to remain exclusive to that promotion forever though, to provide extra incentive to buy something that is "limited time" further down the line.
  13. Lord Gentlecrab

    Trust me you don't want it. Was a waste of money due to the whole boost fiasco. Got notin to show for it either cept rodeo clown camo.
  14. Tatwi

    Some of were smart and spent money on both. Hard to imagine, I know.
  15. 4Play

    Must be awesome if you can afford it.

    No need to be condescending.
  16. AnotherNoob

    Well, I wouldn't mind getting that boost... Honestly, I can't see why soe would not want to, as they put it in the last fno, "take our money and time". I would be happy to give them some more of my money and time if they enabled it :p I didn't know about the game until after launch...
  17. Deathrus

    I bought ti to invest in the game and for the little pre-release stuff.

    They won't offer Alpha squad again becuase it was a pre-release type of deal.

    People talked crap about it until they revamped it. Now every on that betaed and said it wasent worth it is envious.

    Thanks SOE for being Fair and treating the people who invested in the game before it went live!!

    Tuff luck man, should bought it. If you didn't have $40 buks do what I did. Get a temp job or post on craigs list, that's how i paid for mine.
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  18. 4Play

    Surely the people beta testing their game for free and investing their time is an investment also, that is the reason that beta testers should still be given the option to buy the reward still that the other testers got, reward for the time they spent testing.
  19. Deathrus

    I am huge on that As I have had paid QA jobs. Big difference though, A paid tester gives constant feedback has journals etc. Meanwhile volunteers just play the game.

    Thats why When I was beta testing I made sure not to devote too much time playing as you're not getting compensated. Like a paid QA
  20. Remainz

    It was a limited time offer meant to be a bonus for those who wanted to support the game before release. What they should do instead is have some sort of starter bundle. Say $30 for 3000 SC and a six month 30% boost to xp and cert gain.