Whats with this game? 2 seconds in?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bonefinder, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. XRIST0

    It has happened to us all , you are not the only one ..
  2. Slenderman

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  3. DashRendar

    Glad I'm playing Planetside 2 and not some c@ck holding game you and your unmentionable company were clever enough to come up with. If you're so clever why can't you figure this game out? This game is like playing Starcraft from a Zergling/Soldier/Zealot point of view. A game I'm SURE someone with your level of "expertise" has spent many many hours playing.

    inb4 I'm an arrogant pr1ck azsh0le 12 year old punk l337 wannabe fake-tattoo smokes-a-cigarette to be cool soon-to-be high school dropout.

    gg though, nice try that was cute.
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  4. MacLargehuge

    I'm the 109 year old CEO of the largest game company that you ever couldn't be told about and all you newborns need to show some respect!
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  5. sophont

    The memories when I first played this game.
    I absolutely sucked. :(
  6. Fox Reinhold

    This is actually a valid complaint, but it's more fun to flame than to think. However, the developers are already addressing it by introducing the VR training areas. They should've been in the game in the first place, but Higby was too busy attempting to make his hair look elegantly disheveled.

    So really, the problem is already being solved. The only thing I would like to see the developers do is to give a new character the option to spawn straight in the battlefield (like we currently do) or in a VR area where they can practice. This would allow any new players who wanted to ease in a mess around a little bit to do so, and would also give outfits a place to congregate to get fresh meat for the grinder while simultaneously helping the new players benefit from their experience. I mean I know I would be more likely to join an outfit that helped me and really, it would solve the problem of making any tutorials, because outfits want recruits so bad, that you'll be having outfits give live tutorials for free.
  7. Bags

    Is anyone in this thread older than five years old?

    Sorry to hear the lack of new player experience is a deal breaker for you OP, we tried to tell SOE but they only recently started listening.
  8. DashRendar

    I turn 6 next month. I'm getting a cell phone!
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  9. PapaMojo

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  10. KariH

    Well. I have to say you are not very patient player.

    I am old retired fart with wheelchair. I have never played game like this. I have never try to fly airplane. Now I can even survive some time when flying without instakilled. OK - my K/D ratio is mega baaaad because I crashed gigazillion aircrafts just because I want learn to fly. I also realized that fastest way to replenish ammo is to die and then respawn near sunder or base near fight.

    But dying is certain if you instant deploy yoyrself in the midel of batle. But when you have died then after that respawn inside base near fight or better - sunder. Sunder is usually rather "peacefull" area so you have time to adapt.

    And by the way - newer stop moving. I get my first gold metal as sniper. There are tons of snipers who just wait if you stop a moment.
  11. Laraso

    Oh wow, that's priceless. Laughed hard at this.

    He technically *did* play. His killboard shows he was killed only once by an NC Light Assault. To think that he rage quit and went to cry about it on the forums is just sad.
  12. Maljas23

    Please spare us the ******** drama. You are the one who made this thread hostile to begin with. Did you expect us to ignore your obvious pessimistic tone completely and comfort you into playing? You yourself said that it was a waste of time, so why the hell did you even post.

    Had you came into this thread to ask for help instead of passing your 5 second judgement of this is the most negative way possible, people would probably wouldn't be flaming you at all right now. You didn't like that far ahead?

    As for the kid comment, I'm sorry about that. You're not a kid at all, you're just a senile old man who whines when he doesn't get what he wants, right of the bat.

    Give me a break..
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  13. Vertabrae

    Lol game dev. Sure you are. You should stick around. You will fit in nicely. Everyone here is a game dev, former or current special forces member, or mega rich. Well not everyone, I'm actually an ancient nordic god in human form. .
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  14. DashRendar

    GUISEEE don't you see? It's an SOE in disguise... they're trying to make us defend the game so they can see what works and what doesn't

    (*)~(*) omg
  15. Agent 47

    Ridiculous, starter's spawning near battlefield is just stupid. Look, it takes a while before the interface and objects loads up since the Game Update 2. I get where he's at. It's also what I've experience with new characters created. Sometimes i feel bad killing these people too, but it's one way to keep the population balanced :p
  16. Whateverworks

    Why is everyone jumping on this poster? Dumping a level 1 character into a hotspot *is* a pretty bad mechanic. There is no reason why they couldn't be dumped off at a warp gate instead as their first drop. Even if they have completely researched the game, they could still use time to figure out how responsive their character is, what run speed is like, et cetera, in the safety of a warp gate. And honestly, putting them there first would give them a chance to figure out what their alliance uniforms looked like - I'm tired of getting shot by new players on the field even though I'm wearing no camo on my armor.

    Take the rest of the attitude in the posts with a grain of salt - it's frustrating to die very quickly without knowing what is going on or having your bearings yet, and I'm not surprised that frustration comes out in the posts.

    I'm hoping once the VR training area is up, it will be the destination for new avatars, instead of a random outpost under fire.
  17. Rayden78

    So you ran out of arguments and don't want to respond to others people critics on your post .. way to go.
  18. Mightyhalo

    This same guy will complain after the newbie areas are added. He will then cry that it isn't fair that players shoot back when he moves out of the newbie area.
  19. Zaik

    This actually happened to me last time I created a new character.

    After the intro, it spawned me inside an enemy spawn room. No pain field, nothing. I killed 3 with the default NC carbine before they realized what was going on.
  20. Yerk

    I agree with you that this game is rough on newcomers. That's why they have a tutorial coming soon in the Roadmap schedule.

    Reinstall, be careful just going about. You'll get used to the low TTK (time to kill). Make use of covers (duck = CTRL key). Check all the corners. Use your flanks. Don't just charge in. Join with a squad/platoon and move in groups. Watchout for aircrafts. Put the target right in the middle of your cursor and type Q to spot them.

    Lastly, try the Heavy Assault class. Once you get some certs, type L and go to your infantry screen (gun icon) cert on the Suit (Nano adds health) and ability slot (Resist Shield). Pressing F will activate special ability shield (will allow you to absorb more damage for short period of time). Try all classes. They have different special abilities.