Now that we have your rocket flash back....

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Kuratius, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Kuratius

    Drifter LAs can gain height pretty much anywhere except for flat ground bailing out of their flying flash.
    We can now go ESF hunting again! With a flash!
    I mean the fury also works in mid-air.....

    Edit:the "your" in the title was meant to be "our". No idea how the y slipped in.
  2. Kuratius

    You can simply press e mid-air to get out of your flash and keep the momentum until your engage the jets. This simply means that LAs don't necessarily have to climb or find an Air vehicle terminal to gain height and rain death from above, they can simply take their flash turbo and fly high up.

    Edit: Like this:

    Since they reversed the turbo nerf, this is now possible again.
  3. Highway_Star

    We need to be able to lift/flip flashes back on their wheels. It's just an ATV and we're butch space marines, not that hard.
    • Up x 1
  4. biterwylie

    NC are space marines, TR are chaos and VS are YMCA.
  5. Lakora

    I always perceived the Vanu as Tau.
  6. TrouserSnake

    Seems more like guard, blue traitor guard sans chaos, and tau auxiliaries at best. Actual space marine should be as big as the max armor :p

    On topic: Sweet jesus i'm gonna go try that out!
  7. locosback

    oh my god how many certs is this??? i want it just because of that video.
  8. blzbug

    The very first level of turbo lets you shoot up walls and such. It is 150 certs.
  9. Kingofthesky

    does this still work?
  10. irishroy

    i want to know the same^^
  11. Aquilae

    yes, this still works. they briefly nerfed it, but then changed it back.