I play on Woodman and am... sad, upset, hurt..?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by itzCujo666, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. IMTasty

    Could you go through the trouble of finding me the charts/numbers? Interested in seeing them.

    But yes, once you go here you're stuck here, the secret police make sure of it.
  2. itzCujo666

    Here you go...
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  3. IMTasty

    Thanks. Huh, seems like Miller is still the biggest then, followed by Cobalt, Mattherson and Waterson. Interesting, with the exception of the community I wonder why Miller has a so much higher retention rate on players. Because right after the merge all merged servers were larger. Then again, server population usually spike right after things like mergers or game updates.

    But nvm, this thread is about Woodman, don't want to derail the discussion. :)
  4. Ganelon

    I could put up a thread where Woodman outfits can organise fights on other continents while we wait for server transfers.
  5. Ulysees

    Personally I think the reason why MIller rocks is because with the exception of DIG there are no zergfits on Miller that can just roll you with pure numbers and even with DIG (the old version not the new leaner more cut down one) because they were Vanu and their pops dropped it wasn't so telling.

    As for the community they are what keep you coming back to the game, both with the outfit you play with and the people you play against but even so WASP had more than 500 Apps in 4 weeks after launch, about half actually showed up and pretty much all passed probation because we had no way of actually really assessing people with only 3 officers and now 4 months down the line WASP has 140 members total and around 30 players on each night, a little more when we run events usually the speed with which people give up on PS2 is alarming.

    Maybe it's the experience that is offered by WASP that is the reason for the large slice of players leaving PS2 since we are a teamplay, organisation focused outfit and people don't like to be told what to do on their recreation time? but I don't think that is the major issue since I would bet people prefer to win their battles rather than lose them which is how it normally goes with us but frankly it's fun for a few weeks but gets boring fast with no real sense of acheivement in the game.

    So how does this apply to Woodman? Hopefully SOE gets their stats back fast and realise that though MIller is healthy at the moment unless the server is growing (which I find doubtful) then it's time to take action, get something worthwhile to acheive in the game ASAP and make sure that all your servers have the level of players needed to give the types of battles that Planetside is all about and i am sure that people will put up with short 5 ish minute queues if the decision is taken to merge Miller and Woodman and they know at the end of the queue is the fight we all say we want, raging across all the continents not just Indar. I am also sure if the game experience is of a high enough standard then people will give more outfits a try and then you have your stickiness and the chance to make some serious smedbucks off people.
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  6. Nintyuk

    Well The outfits on woodman are all talking to each other to move to Amerish some time next week for outfit vs outfit play with some organised sillyness as well. I'm looking forward to it if every thing goes to plan.
  7. St0mpy

    yeah thats them :)
  8. Rene Korda

    Might be a good idea BTW. You'll need to PM outfit leaders the link though, or they might miss it.

    Sounds like a good retention rate for a MMO.
  9. arventos

    Hello fellow woodmen :)
    Let us join together in sadness and justified rant.

    It's only getting worse from here.
    There's literally two battles going on most of the time. You can grind certs near the Crown/TI/Crossroads, or you can steamroll with the zerg. Mind that these activities won't fit one, who tends to ask himself "what's the point?" Because there's none.
    Of course you can also ghost-cap, if you like it. Or ghost-defend (which is mostly the only kind of defend), if you're a masochist like me, who cares about defense and territory control.
    In latter case, there's plenty of work for you on all three continents.

    I can't even bring my friends to this game. The one that asked about it himself I had to point towards Miller. It was a week before GU02 and I thought server transfers will be there... And just wanted the guy to have a "generally good experience".
    Now I'm stuck here. And I don't really want to go. Getting owned by the same people every day, it sort of grows on you after a while :) I'll miss them if I leave.
    Would be great to see something done with the whole server. Guess we won't be merged with Miller though, some miller's bittervets might explode with rage in that case.
  10. shd

    Woodman pop today:

    12 noon

    8 pm CET

    11 pm CET

    Wanted to take one at 4 pm but i wasn't home then. Like i said, woodman is not good population wise but the NC whine (especially TR based) is completely unjust.
  11. RKB

    Bump because woodman still needs to be sorted out.

    Logged into planetside 2
    Found nothing really going on
    Logged out
    Went to play something else
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  12. Gary

    Caputes the problem perfectly! They deem the population enough to have a stable server and grant the same experience as the other servers that got merged. How can Woodman be granting us the same experiences as the new merged servers when the older servers that got merged had in some cases more population!...

    People say - You are exagerating you can find fight elsewhere. Yes we can maybe a squad of fighting... If i want squad sized fighting i would still be playing BF3. The map is clearly showing the only Planetside 2 experiences is at the crown, That is a pretty ****** experience considering its tanks on a hill one side, Snipers on a hill the other side.

    "Higby is saying if it gets merged you would end up having to wait in a queue for some time" fair enough, you do not to have queuing and are avoiding causing queues... well add something else to membership... Selling something that is useless atm.

    Lately the only reason i have logged in to Planetside 2 is to see what the daily deal is and get my cert that have been saved up... I see no reason to log in to the game it is not giving me the huge battles that the other servers get, After obtaining items that have 1 use codes and cannot be gotten again i am not willing to restart especially with the amount of time i have put in. So as i said i do not even bother logging in to play just collect my certs and log out. (best part is that shows up as a player logging into the server so they think its still populated!)

    Between War Thunder and Warframe, Hawken and Warface i am not short on free to play games and playing through Tomb Raider.

    My FPS cannot do anything i saw in the Planetside 2 (can your FPS do this) Trailer... no it cannot not enough people play and those that do either bum around crown or go for small fights and ghost capping.

    Letting my membership run out not renewing (thank god for 1 month) No point paying if i am not getting the experience everyone else is getting and not to mention the perk higby that due to what Higby said is likely useless and a gimic...Priority queuing...I have spent plenty of time and money on the game, See no reason to continue it trapped on woodman, Helped out on the forums when i had the information to do so, Helped out capturing plenty of bugs on video and now like the rest of Woodman i left to stump up to pay in order to move so i can experience the game the way it should be despite other servers with higher population deemed not to be giving the experience getting it for free. I doubt Woodman even manages Half the server population that the merged servers get now.

    I called it some time ago that Woodman is a part of a crude marketing trap with no plans of a merge instead the same month mergers happen is the same month we are expecting paid transfers... After they haven milked the paid transfers they will no doubt merge the server. If i managed to see this coming after the server was deemed not to need a merge you can sure as hell bet someone as SOE planned it some time ago.
  13. Angelo85

  14. Evileet

    It's 6pm now and Woodman has a population like the US servers, slightly over 1200 people.
    Woodman needs a merge.
  15. Masterskunk

    1200 = half the population of Miller.
    Woodman indeed needs a merge ASAP.

    I encourage all of you to tweet Smed, Higby, RadarX, TRay, PS2Twitter and everyone else in the dev team until we get an answer other than "we are looking into it", "soon™" etc.. We cannot stress this issue enough in my opinion.
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  16. Angelo85

    Yep, Prime Time is basically right now for EU and this is how Woodman looks like:



  17. Gary

    Calm down guys! Woodman will get a merge!!!!.... They just need to milk people on Woodman for the Paid Server Transfers that are coming out this month, Horrible attitude to single out a whole bunch of players who they deemed should pay for an experience that the servers who merged got for free.

    Apparently Woodman was capable of sustaining and providing a good Planetside 2 experience. If by this they mean login check daily sale, Collect certs log out... Then yes it is doing it great, Have no played properly for some time now and its a shame...
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  18. itzCujo666

    See... that's the problem! If you don't stand on empty points, you miss half the game! Get out of the warpgate and go experience the epic.. scenery! You collect a lot more points flipping something like an amp station, all those turrets and generators you get to play with. There's really cool environment noise as well the empty buildings make. Also, it's kind of funny to play ***** wedding and fire your gun in the air dancing around while you wait for the point to flip!

    ...there really is a lot more to do than "just" log in (try the credit card number sub game, it's kind of fun too, but not as much as the description reading quest).
  19. St0mpy

    youre asking the wrong question, merges are done now and the situation has not changed, to continue asking will be ignored as badgering.

    Now is the time to ask for server tokens, after tokens and many leaving thats a situation change, ask for merge again then.
  20. Gary

    If i am honest i prefer finding a nice quite and empty field on Amerish, Parking up my tank, Climbing on it lay down get comfy and losing myself if a nice book!

    Really hoping something gets done...