Why have I enjoyed playing as TR more lately, VS?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FXRiot, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. FXRiot

    What's the deal, Vanu? Prior to the server merges, the extent of Vanu's playtime was avoiding conflicts, and capping underpopulated continents - at least on my server, and the defunct outfit I was in. Now that the server merges happened, it seems you don't do anything at all. The platoon leaders throw their squads into some pretty nonsensical locations, when it's extremely predictable that we WILL be cut off and everything we had just worked for was pointless.

    Sure. Whatever. I'm bored, I need to make a new character because this blows. Create a TR character, and so far, I have never had such intense battles before - especially against the NC, sh*t gets crazy. Not to mention the platoon leaders seem to actually understand you don't just draw a straight line on the map and say "Go there". We actually fall back to locations to restart a radial push forward, and well whatta ya know, it actually works.

    Don't take this the wrong way Vanu, it might have just been my outfit or some very strange abstract reason, but as of right now I am just saying I have more fun playing TR. They seem to know more of what the hell they are doing.
  2. DerpyHooves

    TR on mattherson is the life of the party. Glad you defected :).
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  3. FXRiot

    Also I had no idea TR talked so much about our beautiful purple spandex :D It's just we enjoy knowing you got wiped out by men wearing purple spandex.
  4. Incinerage

    Named after some sort of horse; had a second life account; using T.T; being this autistic
  5. Cinc

    At the very least, thanks for saying you're, even temporarily, leaving you faction do to its lack of strategy

    • Up x 1
  6. sophont

    I suppose I just keep hoping for this technology. :(
  7. NightmareP69

    My experience with my TR has been a bit diffrent, i'm enjoying my time but it's mainly because of the weapons. TR weapons feel and look more awesome and it's way more satisfying firing their guns + the armor design on their characters is 10x better than the VS design, however the playerbase on Miller seems to be kinda.... derpy. All the TR on miller do is spam Prowlers and when that fails they retreat which is pretty annoying, alot of times i don't get a chance to fire a single bullet since we have 50 prowlers spawncamping the enemy. The teamkilling in TR on Miller is also extreamly high, it apperes the TR players on Miller gets bored alot so they start shooting each other randomly since they have nothing to fight thanks to the 50 zerg prowler spam basicly spawn camping all of the enemys.
    Also the Mossy is so much more fun to fly, it's faster and feel much lighter than the Scythe + the main gun on it isn't usless like the Scythe's main gun that fires lasers which travel at a snail's speed.

    I think this is the last time i pick a side because of the lore, only reason i went VS is because i think their ideology is the best. Next time I'll just pick a side which looks the coolest for me and i won't care if they're the bad guys.
  8. FXRiot

    I agree, the aesthetics of the TR has definitely helped in enjoying this character. The VS weapons kinda look like low detail bricks when you hold them.
  9. Bollwerk24

    TR helmets are very ugly.Without composite armor and a new helmet you look like a Bandit from Fallout3 with a motorcycle helmet..
  10. NightmareP69

    Specialy the Heavy Assault VS weapons, they have no detail on them at all
  11. De_Dominator

    Partly that and partly because they are widely-known OP
  12. UnderMotion

    Oddly I've had the completely opposite experience to you. As a TR from Woodman who migrated to Miller as a VS, I've actually enjoyed VS much more than TR. Part of that may be because Woodman is getting relatively underpopulated and stuck to The Crown. I've found a great Outfit on here and we go on some pretty epic operations every now and then :D

    But I actually find that the majority of the fun comes from the diversity. Switching from traditional ballistics weapons to laser pew pews and wearing spandex is a new and refreshing experience for me ;)
  13. Mathadox

    TR on Mattherson are such D@mn scum. The only way they can beat the NC is if they team up, yes team up (they actually literally fight side by side) against the NC. I remember a few days ago it was VS,TR vs NC at Mao Tech plant. Well a couple of guys in scythes came in and screwed over the TR. Mao was gone in minutes to the NC, and in an hour and a half we controlled from our warpgate to TI alloys all across, and then some.

    TR on Mattherson are the lowest of the low and I don't recommend you play with them. They'll ask you to grab a galaxy so you can ram someone with it. Come to the NC.
  14. Mathadox

  15. Devrailis

    Liking just for the name. Forum is now officially 20% cooler.
  16. Autarkis

    Because the VS are a design disaster with a weak aesthetic and unexciting weapons. But the style guide is set so I guess that's that. #traysaidso
  17. Sifer2

    What are you even trying to say? That TR team up with who? The VS? But you say the VS screwed over the TR push helping NC. Honestly Matterson NC is mostly just a HUGE zerg. Especially at night. 40 something percent of the servers pop. If anything TR/VS would be wise to team up against you but they don't. VS is always pushing the TR border the second we turn to fight off NC on Indar. And on Esamir I have never seen such big battles over Eisa Tech Plant as when TR hold it. Both other factions can't stand it, and a huge hilarious 3 way battle happens.
  18. VanuSovereignty

    From my experience maining VS on Mattherson... a lot of outits completely ignore defense, probably thinking that solo players will take care of the ghost caps. It gets tiring, really, seeing Rashnu and Zurvan falling to enemies detected meanwhile most of VS's population is assaulting Peris while ULTRA defends it.
  19. zaspacer

    I was VS only for a long time, but I recently started playing TR and a little NC too. I play on Connery and I have a similar experience playing with the TR there playing sloppy:

    1) Lotta team kills
    Not just Prowler hits, but actual people shooting me during non-combat time waiting for the cap to finish, running me over more, etc.

    2) Very low use of support classes (fewer Medics and Engineers)
    Less Ammo and Heal/Rez support in battles, less Repair support on vehicles, leaving destroyed turrets unrepaired in captured bases more often, etc.

    3) Slow base capping
    Zerg level forces but nobody is on the letters so it caps slow; usually only when I do a /reg to "get on the letters and cap this fast" do people max out the letters)

    4) Blow up terminals rather than having Infiltrators hack them

    But even with those drawbacks, the TR usually have the most population on the server and are the most active in capping bases. So while I started my NC and TR characters at the same time, I consistently use the TR more than the NC because the TR has much better access to big battles and capping sprees: more access to fun and faster Cert progression.
  20. CupidStunts

    Skillz have nothing to do with it./

    Vanu mind meld whilst zerg.

    If, the mind meld does not work.
    Shoot according to the code of conduct