Cobalt shows unavailable?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by BulletJunk, Mar 7, 2013.

  1. BulletJunk


    When starting the game the Cobalt server is unavailable. Here on the forums it is marked available...

    Is there a problem??

    • Up x 1
  2. MrIDoK

    Same for me, i was about to open a thread myself...
    At least it's not my problem directly.

    Nanites, probably. Those nasty little buggers tried to divide by zero, let me tell ya.
  3. Peter Daniel

    Yes. I opened a ticket, it seems it wasn't scheduled...
  4. FLHuk


    Forum says server is up, launcher says unavailable and play is not selectable.
  5. kingduckling

    so only cobalt?
  6. Rexsaw

    It appears that way, my other two characters are on Miller and Helios and they are both up.
  7. Markus.D

    For me game shows that only Cobalt is down.
  8. kr0naa

    same here, cant login to cobalt only
  9. Matlock0

    SOE? You there?
  10. kr0naa

    shame really. i had my beers and munchies all ready :C
  11. ThatsMoney

    Still claims server is up on their site but alas no, I wanna pop heads!!!!!!!!
  12. Deefje

    On my day off. :(

    And here I just placed my camping sofa in allatum with my trusty silenced longshot in hands.
  13. Kitt75

    When it comes back up, will it automatically change to available or do I need to keep relaunching to check if it is working?
  14. Kakkeru

    Cobalt is still down. No statement from SOE about it....
  15. kingduckling

    we should go to higby's twitter maybe he will recommend us some tv shows!
  16. Kakkeru

    Cobalt is UP! Thanks!
  17. Deefje

    Cobalt just came up, and play became avaiable even though my client was open. So, I guess this answered your question and yes play automaticly becomes available.

    to the rest, yay we're back. ;)
  18. hroafelme