Be awed by this mortals!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fluff, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Fluff


    hmmm doesn't this kind of shows that NC's are the true tyrants in this world!
    • Up x 3
  2. Fluff

    While in this video... you will clearly see the defenders of liberty in this world.... TR... we are there for YOU!

    Prolly the only thing wrong in that video is he showed those strange girly warriors wearing spandex :oops:
  3. Fluff

    Ok if those 2 previous videos weren't enough...

  4. Fluff

    By the way, why don't we have dune buggies in this game?
  5. Fluff

    Wait... aren't we getting a 2 seat flash soon? But... but... isn't it a copy from another game? Shame on you Sony ;]


    Uploaded with
  6. Fluff

    This is what I want!


    Well... in planetside 2... not in real life :p
  7. IMTasty

    TR are next. ;)
  8. Fluff

    I'm thinking only TR should get the cool stuff that roles out the dev's assembly line cause we're just too hot not to be the first to test the hot stuff!
  9. Fluff

    C'mon you know you want those dune buggies :p
  10. Morpholine

    I'd love to have my Thresher back.
    • Up x 1
  11. TomaHawk

    Nice job! I like!
  12. Edgar Allan Bro

    "democracy will triumph". Yeah that sounds like something true tyrants would say.
  13. Fluff

    Hey hey it's the tone not the words... something like "ima ran my demo down your throat", I've always suspected NC's were the true tyrants anyway :p