AV Turrent - Invisible projectiles?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by t31os, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. t31os

    Hi all,

    Recently i'd been experiencing what i would have described as strange deaths caused by the enemy, from an unknown source. I'd be sitting in a tank, sundy or any other vehicle and notice the sound of hits, plus some damage to the vehicle, the hit indicator would appear briefly to indicate the direction but looking in the indicated direction no enemy could be seen.

    I've been killed this way numerous times and it wasn't until this week i realised what it was.

    AV Turrents.

    They don't appear to have any visible projectile even when they are in range, allied or enemy, i see a brief flash/flicker from the turret or nothing at all(aside from sound effects - if i'm close enough) at other times.

    Is this by design?

    NOTE: This isn't only a render distance problem, the same occurs at closer ranges to, i've been killed in enough different places and differing ranges by invisible projectiles now that i've tried to attribute a given thing toward the cause(render distance would be an obvious guess), but thus far can only guess at it being graphical settings in the game.

    Anyone else have this issue? If not, please state your settings.

    AV Turret has no visible projectile for me at short and long range, is that intended?
  2. Doom721

    It does in fact render a missile at close range as far as I've seen, I've seen enemy missiles and heard them.

    At long range they are as invisible as the lockon missile spam when lock-ons didn't work. Trust me I have had a few conversations with people about the AV turret because they think I am a cheat, when really I'm on a plateau with an AV turret sniping tanks and base turrets. It makes no sound and has no visual impact outside of infantry render distance, far as I've been told by people on the receiving end.

    It really needs to show up as a projectile or its range needs to be reduced. Right now it is an infinite sniper rocket with a high skill cap, it needs to be harder to aim/stop working at the 400-500m range.
  3. t31os

    I'll keep my eyes peeled i guess, am yet to see a missle/rocket/projectile from them as far as i recall.

    AV turret should use a similar animation to HA rockets, i never have any issues seeing those.
  4. Peebo

    I've noticed a few times when using the Av Turret that when shot, there is no smoke and the projectile just looks like a + flying through the air it's very weird. I dunno if it's related or not.
  5. Gamertech

    Yea, it's a known bug that just keeps getting worse with every patch... If the enemy that fired the projectile at you is out of render range then their projectile will stay invisible too.

    Also, there is no N in turret....
  6. Kurreah

    The turret would have to be in render range to hit you.
    • Up x 1
  7. Gamertech

    Nope, vehicles render further out than infantry and it's not just the turret, it's any projectile weapon. The way it's set up now any infantry with a lock-on launcher can sit just outside of your render range and pound you to death and you have no idea where it's coming from.
  8. Enemy Pool

    It's hard to aim though at far ranges because SOE made its movement granular. there is no fine tuning of aim and this becomes a great difficulty at longer distances where one tick up down left or right will not be a hit. I agree to make them more visible but jesus christ, not harder to aim.

    Possibly make the rocket increase velocity as time goes on, but do not make it more difficult to put the bead on the target..
  9. SgtScum

    If you are getting hit with an av turret then you can still find the engie doing the spamming even if you can't see the missile itself.

    Basically as soon as an engie lays down an av turret its rendered at vehicle distances but as its little larger than the engie manning it then all you will normaly see is a couple of pixles on a ridgeline.

    Now once the missing shield gfx are in place it will be much much easier to spot them.

    You have to either have a gaming mouse with selectable dpi or turn down the vehicle sensitivity as that deals with all turrets.

    To make the av turret usable at range I had to set it at .25 but alas that makes any vehicle turrets unusable but eh its quick enough to change if I need to hop into the gunners seat.
  10. Kurreah

    The turret is a vehicle when it comes to render range.
    If it can hit you, you are rendered to it, which means that it is rendered to you.
  11. JudgeDeath

    To fight the weapon .. you need to understand the weapon.

    If you get pounded by mysterious AV turret, look for the high ground as its needed for the thing to work. The turret is drawn on a vehicle distance, but if the shooter is good he has it atleast semi-hidden while retaining visibility on the target area (The guiding doesent work unless you have nonstop-line of sight.

    See the direction the fire comes from, then look for the places where you would set it up, it allso needs even ground to set up like other turrets. This should limit the options allready.

    It is superbly stupid if the missiles arent drawn for the person being shot at. This should be fixed. Do not mistake it as AV-turret strenght, simply a flaw in the game. Long distance shots are allready pixelsharp and require stationary target.

    AV-T is one of the best weaponsystems ingame in terms of enjoyability due to having high skillcap and high requirement for effective utilization. The great feeling of "NAILED IT!" when you hit the moving target superfar or enemy sniper dead on (doesent kill otherwise). Lockons and lolplanes aint even on the same areacode.
  12. Gamertech

    But infantry held lock-on launchers are NOT a vehicle, so as I said twice now, they can stand outside the render range and still see you, as you are in a vehicle but you can't see them as shoulder-mounted weapons are NOT vehicles.
  13. Xale

    Unfortunately its not quite so simple.

    Your own rendering range is dependant on the number of players within your certain radius.

    There can be an enemy player outside that radius, who due to not having many within his radius - will have a longer rendering distance than you.