Prowler shell does not one shot but a shotgun will. Riiiight.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wave, Mar 5, 2013.

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  1. Garantine

    Said it plenty of times, welcome to HeavyAssaultSide 2, where infantry counters infantry, infantry counters air, and infantry counters armor.

    That is where this game is rapidly heading.
  2. Vertabrae

    That's kinda how it works. Air bombs/rockets tanks and infantry. Tanks blow up other tanks, shell infantry, or use AA, all depending on their design. Infantry shoots each other, uses AT missile/mines to deal with armor, and portable AA rockets to deal with aircraft

    Each side developed ways to deal with the others. Apparently some people don't think squishies should be able to deal effectively with anything else except other squishies. Don't blame Infantry if air doesn't want to fight other air, or tanks prefer to shell infantry instead of dealing with enemy armor.
  3. Pikachu

    They reload with batteries? Plasma is just a fancy gas, not pure energy stuff. They should reload with canisters of hydrogen or something like that.
  4. wave

    My bad.
  5. Vertabrae

    Actually they use batteries because the entire Vanu Sovereignty is sponsered by Duracell. That's why the batteries run out so quick too. Shoulda used Energizer. They keep going and going and going....
  6. MartianDiscoFish

    Your logic is severely flawed, pump action shotgun users aren't immune to infantry fire like prowlers, nor do they have the range of a Prowler.
  7. DuckSauce

    I thought Vanu pump-actions reloaded with PEZ.
  8. KraggTheGrim

    I don't think people are calling for infantry to not be able to blow up vehicles easily, but the infantry are asking that vehicles not be able to kill them as easily.

    Its a fine line to walk, and in PS1 the line was crossed. Infantry should die with a direct hit from a tank shell, or other large caliber round/explosive. In PS2 we currently have 1 hit kills by tanks, and I don't want to see that go away, not because I am a tanker, but because it make since, same as when an HA's rocket smacks you in the head.

    If infantry want to Reduce splash damage, that is fine, but people should dress accordingly. If you see tons of tanks and bombers, make sure you are wearing your flack armor to cut down on how much damage you take.
  9. Necron

    Don't worry, every new gun is released in a OP state to drive up sales, then nerfed later once they have taken all your money. It's all part of the plan. ;)
  10. Vertabrae

    My only issue with tanks killing Inf with HE, wasn't actually WITH tanks killing Inf with HE. LOL I know, lemme explain.

    HE was used by just about every tanker, because it was THE most useful shell. I'm totally fine with tanks using HE to knock the crap out of Inf. I would like to see it being darn near useless against other armor. Make HE the dedicated anti-infantry round. Make AP the dedicated anti-tank round. That forces tanks to choose, instead of having one round that does everything really well. HEAT would be the "meh" middle round choice. An AP tank would wipe the floor with an HE tank, but be practically useless against Inf, if you follow my thinking here.

    A shotgun is good at close range, sucks at long. A sniper rifle sucks close up, but rules at long range. You have to choose. You can use default style weapons that are decent all around, but not the best at anything. Tankers could use the HEAT round, but most tanks opt for HE, because it great against Inf, and works almost as good against tanks. They should have to pick one. Good against one or the other, or one that is meh against both. Allow them to swap out ammo types at ammo towers under their factions control.

    Maybe I'm wrong, just my thoughts.
  11. Garantine

    I'm not blaming infantry for anything, I'm blaming the devs for terrible game design and balance. :)
  12. Vertabrae

    Now that I can agree with.
  13. Pikachu

    That signature of yours is so cute. :3
  14. Vertabrae

    I'm cute too :) But I'm married so hands off.
  15. MilitiaMan

    100mm cannon gibs infantry but a 150mm cannon doesn't?

  16. Pikachu

    I'm not ga y...
  17. Vertabrae

    Well with that sig you could be mistaken for a female. Not judging just saying..I didn't know....
  18. MaxDamage

    Grenades now do more damage than heavy tank rounds. GJ SOE.
  19. RadarX

    In order to help us consolidate feedback, please feel free to use any of the existing Prowler threads in the Vehicles section. Thanks!
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