Indar Dry Brush camo.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. jdono67894

    Why does VS camo not cover their butt?
    It looks like they're wearing arseless chaps.
    • Up x 1
  2. MaxDamage

    Looks good. Looks great.
    Not a fan of the camo.
    Thumbed up for saying "arseless".
  3. MaxDamage

    Over fat whiny jealous girls? Any given day of any given week.

    Personally I like the saying "Skinny girls look good with clothes on, fit girls look good naked."
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  4. Baleur

    I know, the proportions are so weird. It's like hamburger central over there. But for some reason none of the men in the armies on Auraxis has this problem?

    I'm all okay with making the women look like real warriors, muscles and all.
    But this ain't a warrior look, this is a lazy fastfood junkie look.
  5. Baleur

    In b4 someone who doesn't understand asian bodytypes or healthy diets calls them anorexic.

    Oh i was too late ^_^
    Go figure.
  6. AgentStark427

    This is why I go either TR or NC. It's a lot easier than dealing with fellow players who fap to their character models.
  7. TheBloodEagle

    As usual, the VS chick is the hottest. NC def bring the heavy hitters though.

  8. SinerAthin


    I feel inclined to question whether it's something wrong with your sceen picture being stretched an awful lot to the sides, or if you even know what you are even talking about :p

    The current models look perfectly fine given that soldiers eat a lot and carry a lot. (unless you live in N-Korea)
  9. Nyscha

  10. VSDerp

    I personally love the new amerish camos for my vanu.But all the new camos are really nice.
  11. notyourbuddy

    VS's fashion sense sure is a peculiar one. Am I the only one who thinks that thing looks like cat vomit?

    (its not too bad on the Mag though. Then again everything tends to look awesome on that baby.)
  12. flipmoomonkey

    I tried out its cousin camo Indar Plateau and its a very nice subtle mix of sandy and drab browns, pictured below on my baby for your viewing pleasure.

    PS: I really hope you enjoy the in flight shot because as this was taken on steam I had to use F12 to take the screenie, I'm sure you can guess what happened next. :(
