Rethinking the VS design aesthetic to reinvent the spandex faction as the scary weirdos we are.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Autarkis, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Scythan

    From a balance perspective, Vanu do have perfect Night camo. This likely needs addressing.

    Other than that, Vanu (mostly) appeals to a younger audience, it is possible the dropoff is caused by loss of interest - though I would not hesitate much to say the Magnerf was contributory.

    Wait until after the Prowlernerf goes live next week and check the TR dropoff rate, if it is similar, you have your answer.
  2. Autarkis

    I guarantee that the VS is not the most popular faction for younger segments. My guesses would be TR, then NC, based exclusively on looks.
  3. Syylara

    Oh get off it, everyone says "faction x is for children", it is a roundabout way of jerking yourself off for picking the 'mature' faction.

    Also, the VS->NC population shift started 3 weeks before the Mag nerfs/WG rotation. But don't let facts get in the way of a good narrative, right?
  4. gudman591

    I wouldn't say TR looks "badass" or anywhere close to it, TR design is as generic "future soldier" as it can possibly get.

    But I agree that VS needs redesign. In the direction of post-humanism, that's right. But as I think about it, I can't just grasp the level of body modification. Make it subtle, like, hardly noticeable "something's not right" kind of thing and you make it worse, taking it further into the depths of Uncanny valley. Overdo it and you get "plastic" effect.
    I think VS MAX design got it right, it looks like a huge human being, but taking a closer look - oh my god, no way there's a human body in there. It IS actual soldier, not a exo-skeleton suit. Though, overdone a bit. Looks silly instead of intimidating.

    Design in this game is generally non-existent. Look at NC Heavy - he looks like a ******* transformer from the movies. Look at NC MAX, it's like someone got a lot of free time on their hands and a big pil of scrap metal. TR Prowler - nice WWI tank design there, thanks SOE.
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  5. Negator

    TR heavy with composite armor? TR Max with composite armor? Both look like and feel like terminators.
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  6. TechnoRaven

    Ha! No rightfull loyalist would be caught dead starting at... those... iniltrators...

    Fine, you win on that point.
  7. ThalonGauss

    I for one actually did stop playing VS because I couldn't deal with the look, it is downright ugly, it is the ONLY reason I quit that and every gun was the same shape and bare for the most part, a very odd shape. I imagined a much more Tau (wh40k) like feel to them as I saw the infiltrator and the max helmets and I was like YAY TAU. In the end I turned to the TR because their style appealed more to me than the current vanu style ever will, but I would possibly go back to Vanu if the look is fixed.
  8. Autarkis

    What, you don't like looking like a JCPenney model wearing knock-off Under Armour?
  9. Rhinzual


    Did you really have to use a piece of concept art from that utterly terrifying game? I don't want to picture the Vanu Female Infiltrators (known as 'Dat Vanass') to look like -that- under the spandex!
  10. Eugenitor

    Oh boy, comic-book transhumanism, here's an appropriate reaction image.


    Pretty much any transhumanist whatever has to be the Hollywood version, because if the Vanu were actual transhumans instead of just trying hard, this wouldn't be much of a game. If 25% of the population was made out of fast-reaction, super-strong, super-smart (the big one, but good luck implementing that in a game), pick-your-improvement-here actual transhumans, everyone else would be warpgated constantly.
  11. Damingo

    I would love a new look and wtf is with purple
  12. crayy

    bump because i really hope the artists see this and get their stuff together. Ive been playing my nc alt more than my main vs. i guess it doesnt help that i play on connery. but yea get rid of the purple
  13. Autarkis

    I think we have an answer:

  14. Cryptek

    Because I am a terrible person.

    Also with the upcoming voice packs for stationcash: I would pay so much SC for a shodan voice :p

    *L-L-Look at you TR.. a p-p-p-athetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you r-r-run from our magriders.. How can you challenge, a perfect, immortal, tank?*
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  15. Rhinzual

    You made my day with that line. You're still terrible and evil for showing concept art of the Cyborg Midwife, just so you know.
  16. Cryptek

    That's why I was talking about cosmetic options for the shop, because it's wishful thinking that they'd go and revamp the entire art style for the faction.
  17. Xasapis

    Indeed. An alternative uniform or an alternative composite armor would be nice.
  18. VoidC

    I wrote it already before, there is no need in full redesign but some additional stuff like:
    • Alternative composite armor (darker, more Vanu alien tech)
    • Alternative composite helmets (darker, more Vanu alien tech)
    • Alternative exclusive voice packs ("synthetic" dark voices) for Vanu characters
    • Darker Vanu specific camos (Urban Forest, Digital, Zebra Alpha Squad. Replace white/bright color on these camos through very dark purple/violet)
    will be feasible and make most VS people happy. Good for SOE (more stuff for store) good for VS community.
  19. xGreedFuSioN

    omg if our max looked like this instead of the panzy sheit we have now omg id die
  20. SpecOps Delta

    In this thread there are really good suggestions how the Vanu should look like. It would be great to have a more aggressive alienated look for our faction. Maybe we could get a higher pop on our side we would look "cooler" :)