Could SOE at the very least acknowledge the massive drop in VS players?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ztiller, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Ghosty11

    You can only reliably dodge dumb fire rockets, and the occasional tank or turret round at extreme long range, but it throws your own and your gunner's aim off by quite a bit,so dodging fire at long range simply means you are not hitting anything at long range. At closer ranges strafing tank rounds doesn't work unless your opponent sucks at aiming.

    Meh, NC guns aren't that hard to use they are just different from the TR/VS weapons (which more or less handle the same), so switching from TR/VS to NC has a steeper learning curve than going from TR to VS or VS to TR.

    The Prowler needs to be toned down, not in the tank v. tank arena, but v. infantry. Prowlers are much too efficient at killing soft targets, and it needs to be addressed.

    I agree that SOE needs to do something more drastic to make the low population faction more attractive. I think if they properly address cross faction unlocks, this could also make faction switching more attractive, but then again that can work both ways.

    PS - Yes I play the outmanned VS on Jaeger. I mostly fight on Indar, since I would rather fight than ghost cap on empty continents. Fighting against superior numbers is generally not great for keeping a high KDR, but who cares about that. The XP and cert flow is great with a 60% bonus. ;)
  2. Ghosty11

    NC and TR look like they crapped their pants. ;)
  3. Xasapis

    NC are actually more than TR? That's surprising.
  4. Bill Hicks

    Rebels? this is 2013 rebellion is passe, being overpowered is cool.
  5. Jex =TE=

    This is hilarious, This post you quoted got removed because as the mod that contacted me said "it was insulting" and yet here it is, quoted a few pages later and it was left up. I'm still left wondering how on earth I insulted "The Vanu" - do the mod team here think they really exist or are they that incapable of telling fantasy from reality - these forums are almost as laughable as this game is getting.
  6. Gary

    all tanks are getting a mobility buff of sorts and they are going to be returning the magrider to its former glory with out allowing it to scale cliffs and reach places it should not.

    So it came down to VS having the best tank by far since launch for what? 3 months? Word spread at the state of the broken tank and players flocked to what according to numbers is "the least appealing" faction. VS assumed it was because the faction was liked.. Suprise magrider gets balanced majority leave because the tank is no longer god.

    VS looking like they are in spandex and having a mix of luminescent colours is not exactly a look that i or what seems to be many other people like.

    The weapons/play style is what is going to draw people to them. If this is not enough players cannot expect the weapons to be made better to compensate and attempt to draw more players to the faction.

    If the faction is unappealing to most then that is the case. If the VS are actually out numbered across the board then as difference gets bigger so does the XP bonus.

    I myself would not pick a faction based on the XP bonus.
  7. Shockwave44

    Awww, is your instant lockdown and supersonic AP rounds not enough for you? Not to mention the double barrels and extra armor.

    Name one thing the magrider excels at and don't say strafing.

    It's funny, the TR and NC clamored for the magrider to be nerfed to the point where even its mother couldn't identity it. Now, with the drop in population, they miss shooting the VS. The TR and NC deserve each other.

    Someone once said on this forum, every faction has its niche. The NC have their scat max, the TR have their mossy and rof, the VS "had" their MBT. The VS have nothing to call their own now. This game not about balance, its about advantages and disadvantages.

    The players who cried about the magrider and then mocked the very people who left VS just don't get it. I still play VS, but how would you feel if you're pride and joy, the one thing that made your faction stand out from the rest, was butchered and hacked up to resemble an empty shell of what it once was.

    Just goes to show you, be careful what you wish for in here.
  8. unAimed

  9. Autarkis

  10. MrLee.NO


    Wait and see what happens once VS gets the Top WG on Indar. Then, and only then, will we see what is actually causing this.
  11. KjarAchran

    VS calling TR easymode, how delightful

    VS infantry has guns with no bulletdrop and no recoil (the little recoil they have can be fixed with forward grip)
    Their Scythe outmanoeuvres every other ESF out there (not anybodies fault the VS have about the crappiest pilots out there), on top of that, the line of sight in these things is fenomenal.
    The Magrider can climb hills like no other tank, its guns are not affected by terrain, no matter how rough and it can ******* strafe.
    Again, if the VS are complaining about getting their **** blown up because they suck at strafing left and right, don't ******* point fingers.

    tbh, there's too much crying from all sides in this game. Too much of throwing rocks in glass houses. Sometimes it's just time to Harden the **** up or leave...
  12. Vorxil

    16% VS vs 54% NC on Indar, 20% vs ~50% global, Jaegerson.
    Innumerable Vanguards and Lightnings steamrolling towards warpgate. Reavers blowing everything up with rocket pods and MAXes shooting down all other aircraft.

    Guys, don't you have TR to fight? You know, your "oppressors"? No? Well ****.

    Can't wait for population balance, patch and Lancer to arrive. There will be hell to pay and your corporate checks won't be legal tender!
  13. TintaBux

    The problem is, VS has second highest population of Chars, just allot went to play TR/NC instead after mag nerf, no dedication. Hopefully TR players won't do same now prowler getting nerfed.
  14. Pat Cleburne

  15. Shockwave44

    Lets all give Higby a round of applause.
  16. Jadith

    One of the most frustrating behaviors in internet gaming is people assuming the population when they log on is static and representative of all times of day.

    Used to help run a Minecraft server where this hit would hit full swing and kill the entire player base for weeks on end. Someone would log in, check the member list, log out. Not a minute went by and another guy would log in, check player list, log out. The record for this event, on thsi particular Minecraft server, was twenty time within forty minutes. If these knuckleheads just stuck around for ten minutes, the population would have been great (remember, small server).

    I imagine something similar is happening here. People are logging in, looking at the login screen world pop, then logging out. I bet if half of these yokels stuck around, the population problem would not be so pronounced.
  17. SmellyBoots

    you guys are easy mode. no bullet drop doesnt really help that much. I guess you are also forgetting that the no bullet drop only effect some of the infantry guns.

    I guess you havent drove in a magrider lately as they cant climb hills anymore. The guns not being affect by terrain is just a load of crap on your part. The strafing speeds have been nerf to where they do nothing, while everyone else got a velocity buff at the same time.

    Go ahead try to strafe while fighting another tank and see if it helps out at all.
  18. Draxo

    Get used to population swings. As a PS1 vet I can say the 'fourth empire' is nothing new. There will always be a jump of players latching on to the side seen as the 'best' or 'most unbalanced' at any point in time. This will change from patch to patch. You will see a swing of players when the new empire specific rocket launchers are released if one proves unbalancing and causes a lot of forum whines.
  19. Syylara

    Notice that the drift from VS->NC started 3 weeks before the Mag nerf/warpgate rotation.
  20. Idono

    Wow you can't climb the hills you originally shouldn't have been able to climb. How gear isn't that. Yes i aknowledge that there's a strafing bug but it's only existent when moving forward wich i actually like since it makes more sence since it's more logical that power from forward thrust drains power from the side strafing thrusters.