hacker video

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SoggyCow, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. SoggyCow

    i dont know what i should do with this so im putting it here for somebody to take it and do something about it.
    • Up x 1
  2. Sobieski14

    Nice catch.
  3. Eyeklops

    In b4 "use /report"
  4. Nacasatu

    Open a support ticket with details and link the video to them in that.
  5. Techup

    I don't know how many TR I've caught doing this ****.

    I find myself reporting my own faction more than any other (not that TR cheats any more than any other faction, it's just easier to spot the cheaters when they aren't killing you from some unknown location).
  6. SoggyCow

    I wont open a ticket cause im not currently playing, waiting on my new system to arrive that doesn't cause the cpu to bottleneck. Yall are welcome to report if ya want. ill be back in maybe 2 weeks. have fun!!!