TR a disgrace to waterson

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badname0143, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. Kymu

    Am sorry man to disapoint you, but none of our platoons, so eithers DVS or Ethos were/are fighting on Indar atm, dunno if u looked that mb half of ure Tr pop are constantly on amerish, and that theyve been *** kicked for the past 2 dayz to finaly get really swooped last night while the continent was on queue and still taking a beating while we capped am. Then we jsut gone to esamir who were on queue from the Tbags who left amerish, but Tr werent putting enough resisitance even if they had even or more pop on esamir than us, i would like to bow my hat to the VS, they r always outnumbered, but when they make a stand its not like any TR headless chicken.

    Then really, after that failure attempt of drama from a Tr bout NC outfits, we i say we (waterson+jaeger outfits), are making good process and nice coordination, feels good to not be anymore alone on the field doing all the tasks special big up to my EZC, Ethos and SVN ( on esamir u guyz were awesome) bros.
    Ure TR zerg jsut cant take on the face 6 platoons doing pincer movement or fastly capping all around bio/techplant territory to let ure zerg idioticly attacking and stacking there with prowlers and ****, for the rest of us to cap all map and doing th necesary fights while u stall with our zerg..

    Really Tr are headless chickens bums, and i jsut wana point out that when well get both esam+ amerish, dont woryy ull see us on indar kicking butts and u will undestand why VS and TR had to ally themselves for like 2 weeks to warpgte us 1 time to make us loose the benefits and nearly wpgate us for thsoe 2 weeks everynight, but with swift moves its always the same vs you
  2. hawken is better

    Anyone wanna translate this? Thanks in advance.
  3. Kelly0481

    Well you have to know how to lead in order for people to follow you.

    Just because SOE put something in the game that says your leading doesn’t mean you are actually a learder. I see this repeatedly on Mattherson in both AOD and TAS and yes I have a toon on Waterson too.

    Here is what I have seen lately from these supposed leaders:

    -go here, mob up, hang around, ill grab a tank or aircraft and kill everyone including YOU when they come to stop you!


    -go here, spawn on my vehicle, get ganked on repeatedly, but keep spawning on my vehicle and protect it at all cost.

    That is the new tactic of many leaders now. You are nothing more than a means to get them Cert Points. A lot of leaders are grinding Certs this way even if they have to kill their own guys to get them.

    Players do not want to be treated as fodder. Especially from so guy who is no better than they are at leading, or is just some little kid.

    What I do see is a lot of people that HAVE TO LEAD due to some lack in character they are trying to make up for. They will whine and complain and ***** until they get to lead and they were not better than, or even worse than the guy that was just leading.

    A lot of these groups have just gotten too big and are become dysfunctional as too many personalities are wrangling for control. Some of these groups are not good anymore and it is mostly because they have lost focus. They are not trying to direct the game play, just their own personal game play with us as cannon fodder like we are just AI toons who are only here to get them CERTS.

    No one is leading by example, just dictating to players how, when and where. Fun isn’t the goal anymore, or even winning. Just; “how can I get these guys to get me certs. Even if I have to kill my own guys to get them.”

    [AOD on Mattherson is become notorious for this now as you are bombarded constantly by air units from your own platoon.]

    It is actually way past time now that a Cert Penalty was added to players who Team Kill, or at least a timed reduction in XP gain for 5 or 10 minutes, or even an hour each time. It has become way too common now to be fighting someone, and someone in a tank or aircraft kills you and the guy you were fighting, or were about to fight; killing you and the guy, stealing the points.

    It’s not by accident either as it’s a tactic that is allowed in the game because SOE isn’t very good at Game Play. SOE never has been and never will be as they only make little kid console games. We basically have to teach them out make Game Play in every game they make as they never hire anyone to cover this area. They don’t even bother following the examples of other games, they just leave the issues totally blank. Like this one.

    Half the time you see some of these leaders they seem more like spies work for the other side putting you in situations where you’re getting ganked on and just handing out points to the other side. Mostly because, they are not in the same situation as you, because they are not with you. They are just getting points from you respawning on their own vehicle. Then they complain and threaten to throw you out of the platoon if you don’t, or question why we are doing this.

    That is not leading, that called being a Cert Wh@re.
  4. Zaik

    It happened on Mattherson too, I believe the people from the smaller servers weren't quite ready for the larger battles. It'll likely even out in a month or two.
  5. TeknoBug

    My TR alt was on Jaegar, I got to play a little on Sat evening and yeah my impression of Waterson TR is just... lousy. They're almost as bad as VS was on Connery.
  6. TeknoBug

    On Matherson, TR are pushovers, even when TE is online. It's NC that bothers me (not in a bad way), we had some VERY intense fights yesterday on Esamir against NC but all the other fights aganst TR are nothing to write home about.
  7. Haterade

    Make a public platoon and get upset when pubbies join the platoon. Makes sense.
  8. Doc Savage

    Well, I assume you're trying to brag about DVS. Looking at your "stats" it's very easy to see that the only way you even become a threat is by shear numbers. You're sitting at about 1976 members currently, according to

    Which again has not a lot to do with the conversation about TR acting like complete fools. There are some of us that are really trying to get the TR to move in a uniform direction. We are being met with severe idiocy. A for instance, we were in Dahaka last night. Some brilliant NC decided to fix all the shields leaving my Sundy locked inside. Which means, you have to come inside to kill the sundy. I'm telling our team to leave the shields up it's easier to defend. Guess what? Some genius goes out and destroys the gens and 4 tanks roll in with 3 dozen rockets and we lose the sundy and barely kept Dahaka. We were doing JUST fine repairing and killing anyone that ran up to the Sundy. To top it off I politely said we need to keep the shields up as it is a valid tactic and makes it harder to kill anything in the main room. Go figure some moron starts mouthing off about how it's a stupid idea, blah blah blah. This is the main issue with the game. No one knows how to think beyond "OMG SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT". Fortunately, I had some BRSN, TRAF and a couple from Waterson there keeping the Sundy up till the shields went down.

    Second problem we have, which is related to the "not thinking" part. Is we need to have people on the points. I don't understand it. When NC or VS come in they have all points covered. TR, oh no, run around in front of a spawn room that you can shoot into and die. Brilliant.

    I'm willing and have been trying to coerce people into being smart and play tactically, but no one seems to care. It's really shameful.
  9. tastyBerryPunch

    So would you say that the TR of Waterson.....
    ( •_•)>⌐■-■
    are not fighting like TR?

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  10. Dkamanus

    As the outfit leader of Comando Brasil [COBR] on Waterson, I can relate to your problems. Mostly because of that is why I simply don't let people outside my outfit to join our squad/platoon. It's quite rare to see we play with outsiders mostly because NC has a LOT of headless chickens as well. Tactics on TR are zerg, zerg, zerg, until the zergs loses strenght and then gets pushed out. The only times they are a true menace is when noone is countering them, otherwise, it's a simple question of pushing them back quite easily.

    I've yet to see smart play on TR's part.
  11. Jaeger TR player

    I'm a lonewolf originally from Jaeger. I don't lonewolf only because I want to do my own thing. Generally my play times are erratic. I don't know when I'll log on and I don't know for how long I'll play when I do. Also, due to my living arrangements, I can't really be talking into the mic all the time. Put all that together, and I don't feel like I'm outfit material.

    That being said, when I do get the chance, I WILL join what I think is an organized outfit that accept pubbers. Last Saturday, that is what I did. I was home alone, had all day to play, so I joined an outfit I recognized that required 3rd party voice. It was the second time I joined with that outfit. First time was generally a good experience. Last saturday was horrible.

    My biggest pet peeve was the voice comms. There must have been a 10 year old playing (I'm judging by the sound of the voice) and he wouldn't shut up. Now I use in game sounds A LOT to stay situationally aware, and this kid was pissing me off. The squad leader repeatedly told the squad to keep comms clear for relevant chat, but no one listened. There were only about 4 pubbers in the squad, and none of them contributed to the noise.

    I play as LA the majority of my time. It's my most certed class. I was politely encouraged to play something more useful, like an engineer or a medic. So I reluctantly switched to my medic. Then later, we were trying to man an outdoor point and were getting repeatedly shelled by a Lighting. This triggered a squad wide "what tactic should we use to take it out" discussion among the squad while the squad leader would occasionally pipe in and say to "stay on point, keep comms quiet I'm getting orders for our next objective." After a couple minutes of chain rezzing/getting rezzed, I got pissed off, switched to my LA, flanked the stupid Lighting and took it out with my C4 while everyone else kept on arguing about leaving the point to annihilator spam it with Heavy's. I said 2 things the whole evening, the first being, "There, I took the stupid lighting out with my C4" to which I got zero reply.

    The second thing I said that whole evening was after we took some plant, I forget which. During the attack, the mini map was just RED with dots. There were so many enemy all over it was rediculous. We took the plant and immediately after it flipped, the squad leader told us to redeploy and hot drop to some small base nearby. I spoke up and said, "There are still tons of enemy in the base, one of the sattelites is already being capped. Least we can do is repair the SCU?". I got told the pubbers would take care of cleaning up and off we went. 5 minutes later, we lost the plant and our adjacency and failed at taking the small base.

    I was seriously thinking of just leaving the squad at that point, but the outfit took care of it for me. There was a big announcement over their voice for everyone to redeploy for Ops night. I was kicked out. The outfit left the continent we were on and 30 minutes later the NC capped it (took it from us, the only continent we owned).

    Overall, I wasn't impressed with the outfit. My first play with them was while on Jaeger and they seemed effective. Second play with them on Waterson and they seemed always at the wrong places doing the wrong things.

    So OP, you better be careful throwing stones. Especially if your house is made out of glass. (I have no idea what outfit you are a part of, I am not implying I was in your outfit). Point is, outfits can seem to be pretty ineffective to pubbers. It goes both ways.
  12. DJPenguin

    I lol'ed. With 170 hours on the engineer and nearly 200 with light assault, i can say that a well played LA causes so many more headaches for the enemy than a well played engineer.. it's not even close. If only you were NC I'd recruit you in a heartbeat.
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  13. Commissar38

    Waterson TR has too many unaffiliated casual players who like to run around by themselves and do their own thing. Now if all them joined an outfit and got their act together...

    Since somebody mentioned all the TB fanboys... when's the last time you saw someone (much less a squad) rocking a BRIT tag? I thought that fad died already.
  14. jamesr20

    Here is what needs to happen, SOE should purge all TR on Waterson who are not in a outfit. Won't happen, but that might solve it.
  15. Shasbot

    shamfru dispray
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  16. NC_agent00kevin

    Ive noticed a decline in TR competition on the newly merged Waterson. On Jaeger, we would typically run in to BRSN, who always came well prepared and well organized. TRAF would usually try to fill the air and/or spam tanks at you, but the sheer numbers allowed them to get things done still. And sometimes their smaller platoons would seem to be their 'elite' as in they had a lot more tactics and mechanical skill than the normal waves that would show. There are a number of other TR outfits from Jaeger who, when you encountered in a battle, would fight tooth and nail til the bitter end.

    Now, I dont see this as much. I dont think its quite as bad as some here say, but there is a definite difference in how the TR handle themselves.
  17. DJPenguin

    Dunno about that. Some of the more competent TR i run into don't bear tags and vice versa. If everyone in that faction on Waterson was required to take orders from some of the more notorious spectacles that call themselves outfit leaders you guys would be much worse off.
  18. Ash87

    My introductory experience to real Weekend Waterson: The outfit I am a part of decides to run an op Friday. It's the first time 90% of our people had played on Amerish. It was the first time 100% of us had seen Platoon v. platoon battles in a long while. There were ques on 2 continents. It was epic. BRSN, HSTL, and IR held the space up in the NW of Amerish, fighting Etho back and fourth between Sungrey and the base to the NW of Sungrey for HOURS. And, it was good.

    Saturday I don't recall.

    Sunday, HSTL tried a quick techline of the VS on indar. We got pushed back by XOO at The Stronghold by some rather amazing Scythe pilots with good infantry backup. We then moved up to fart around with the zerg until we could get up further north. At that point, we were inundated with VS and NC Characters sardonically decrying the TR present everywhere we went, because it was "Yawn, the TR Zerg". We then moved north, capturing ahead of the NC Zerg after a fight at the NW Biolab, until we got to Crater Firing Range, where we held the NC there for some time. we closed it out by the entire Jaeger drinking battallion: BRSN, HSTL, and TT6 on Amerish, sitting at Raven's Landing pushing back 3-4 armor pushes from The Ascent, and locking it down as a no flight zone.

    Fun introductory weekend.

    Waterson TR are going to be interesting to work with, despite what bile the other groups on Waterson are happy to pile on them.
  19. centurionvi

    What exactly would you constitute as smart play?
  20. temjin12

    lets not stab @ the entire waterson TR, there are some decent players. . . .