Alt Sabotage, what are we supposed to do about it?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SheerTorcher, Mar 4, 2013.

  1. SheerTorcher

    On Jaeger from time to time we had instances of NC players logging into TR alts and placing land mines under sundies and troop concentrations, which NC players would then detonate. After we'd had about enough of this, we created alts to do the same in reprisal. Eventually, it all but stopped, since the cost to NC became fairly high. Since I pay to boost my main, I have no interest in playing an NC alt any longer than I have to, but I was tired of having my outfits ops ruined by sabotage.

    Since we were merged with waterson, it's clear that alt mining is not an occasional thing for NC, it's their doctrine. I've lost 8 sundies thus far to a "heavy using a landmine" and, when I mine shielded my next one, infiltrator using C4 and land mines. I don't want to return the favor but...well.... I'm sick of every hard planned op and effort being blown up by sabotage.

    Given the weakness of tank rear armor and the general vulnerability of sundies, I'm wondering what SOE plans to do. Why do the same low level alts keep respawning and sabotaging? It's even worse now that they can use AV turrets: fragging a tank takes two shots and costs no resources.
  2. jeuvisage

    You do know neither class gets land mines, and infiltrators dont get c4 either. and if your sundy gets c4'd by anything other than a engineer with a utility pack, you do have a opportunity to repair it. Seeing as you've spent 50% more time playing this game than me, yet have only spent about 66% of the amount of time as I have in a sundy, it is also obvious youre not sitting around your sundy watching this happen either, because I dont baby sit my sundys.

    Nothing, because you're a bad player crying about enemy engineers running up and mining your sundys, all the while trying to pass the blame off on your team mates.
  3. VSMars

    What he means is that the HA detonated the AT mines laid down by someone else. It then shows up as a kill by land mine for the character who detonated them.
  4. Spartan 117

    Well I guess that explains why ever since we merged with Jaeger I've been teamkilled in past few days more than I have in past 2 months.
  5. FateJH

    A few nights ago, someone jumped into our squad and first thing he does upon spawn is gun down my MAX while I'm doing AA work. We kick him from the squad immediately and he detonates two sunderers off somewhere else, only the first of which was deployed. After reporting him, we operate only out of the spawn room of the facility we're trying to hold and issue someone on counter-TK duty in the spawn room, probably less rewarding than any other kind of work in the game.

    After dying enough, the guy gives up trying to spawn to TK us and we return to normal defense operations.
  6. jeuvisage

    I really doubt it. If the heavy is close enough to easily hit it with a dumbfire rocket, then he can blow up the sundy with dumbfire rockets and have no need for the tank mines. Also if heavy assaults are able to hit his sundy with a dumbfire rocket, than either he is deploying them in bad spots, or the enemy is close enough that they would have blown up the sundy with C4/rockets by themselves without the need for sabotage. Either way the OP is blaming his team mates for his poor performance.
  7. jeuvisage

  8. Punchdrunk

    Had the same thing happend on Woodman some days ago. Several br1 spawned at Crown, got into Prowlers and killed everything defending against NC. Dick moves, but can't really se how they be able to handle stuff like that.
  9. VSMars

    The difference is that a "friendly" character can lay down those mines (or C4; it actually works more reliably with C4) and then it takes just one hit with a rocket to end the Sundy, no matter what the people around it are doing. No chance to drive the HA off while he reloads, no chance to repair the party bus between hits, just one lonely HA having to get lucky once.
  10. Punchdrunk

  11. SheerTorcher

    Your stupidity is exceeded only by your venom. Allow me to condescend to you by explaining what you probably already know but are trying to conceal about your alts.

    An outfit in ventrilo has one player playing the opposing faction during a crucial battle.

    On command, the player masquerading as other faction goes and places land mines under the sundy. He announces in vent when this is done.

    Safe in the knowledge that this is done, a sniper/ha/esf spams rounds at the mines until they go off. Heck a nearby player could fart or fumble a grenade or set them off. When they do off when struck by a bullet or rocket, the sunderer explodes, and the sundy pilot sees that he was killed by a sniper/ha/esf who set off the landmine and can safely assume he's been sabotaged, since snipers or aircraft don't use land mines. As a bonus, the name of the saboteur character is not revealed and he gets no grief points, so he can repeat his sabotage until he runs out of mines, which, if he is dropping ammo boxes and defending himself against his "enemy", will never happen.
  12. Shasbot

    The other night I had some BR 5 teammate with with mines blow up my sundie, his name was some meta reference, obvious smurf. I don't think this happens much but it does happen. It'll probably happen more once objectives are actually important.
  13. Spiritualised

    On woodman there is a squad of tr that appear from time to time. Usually late at night. All the characters names begin with agent. Their reason for doing what they do..........they claim to be double agents. Grow the **** up FFS bunch of dicks
  14. DaninTexas

    Nothing you can do about it. Laugh it off and move on

    It is one of the evils of a Free to Play game. If I had my preference I would love for accounts with a sub to be on their own server. But whatever.
  15. Gisgo

    What happens when you get killed by a cheater, you dowload the same cheat to make it fair?
  16. CrashB111

    Your logic here is very flawed.

    Sure a HA could kill a Sunderer with just his AT rockets, but that would take time and give plenty of opportunity for defenders to stop him since he isn't going to be one shotting that Sunderer.
    What the OP is describing is a friendly laying down AT mines, and then letting an enemy HA shoot it with 1 rocket to detonate the mines and insta-gib the Sunderer, which leaves no time to react.
  17. GruntOne

    Wait one can now get AT mines from Engineer ammo packs. Well my! I'm feeling really dumb now, I used to have to go back to a terminal and spend 75 infantry resources for that! And I almost always play Engineer and never notices. You learn something every day I must say. Today it was that people still blatantly overreact and embelish their stories with myth instead of staying with facts.

    Yes this was sarcasm.
  18. Ormadil

    I really don't think there is much you can do. Only hope is to soldier on.
  19. GruntOne

    You can watch your sundy to see who it is. After all, own faction mines clearly show up and have an icon when you get near so you will see them. When you know who it is, you write a ticket under the category Harassment. You then explain the situation and get on.

    The player doing it will be reprimanded, depending on his history, from a warning to a temp ban to perma ban - and not just one account, all accounts that they can link to the same PC. So you are playing a very dangerous game if you "do it back to them". Besides stooping to their level and then still coming here to whine about it and claiming you were better because you didn't start it.
  20. orionite

    Dude, you know? I wanted to be on your side, but now? Just report whomever you think is TKing you and let the GM sort it out. If your complaint is legit, he'll get warned/banned/whatever. But while you are doing that: You need to learn more about this game your spending so much time on...
  21. Vertabrae

    Whatever you do, don't stoop to the same level. With how things work in the gaming world, you will get banned and the griefer will go on to TK more Sundies. Of course, you would also be a griefer so you would deserve the ban.

    Wait, what am I saying. You're complaining about someone doing the exact same thing you did. Ban both of you.
  22. Badname82

    How do you know it is nc sabotage? Tr trolling is more likely.
    You do realize if a friendly shoots at a hostile engy laying mines on your sundy...the friendly detonates the mines early and gets the kill credit (friendly fire kill in this case)
    Sundies are meant to be disposable or defense would be impossible.

    But keep thinking its a conspiracy by the other faction. Whatever helps you sleep at night. There is no reason to sabotage when the enemy lines up targets next to each is far better to take all the free and easy xp!

    Oh and 4 shots with an av turret...not 2. Troll harder.