I play on Woodman and am... sad, upset, hurt..?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by itzCujo666, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Lightblindz

    dont worry guise, once SOE notices that woodman exists and sees how low the pop is they will HOPEFULLY merge us.
  2. Ganelon

    It's already too late, to be honest. It's getting harder and harder to even fire up the game, in my case.
  3. Lightblindz

    i know the feeling, if it wasnt for the 208th i would've probably already quit.
  4. SyIar

    There wouldn't have been bottlenecks if they merged the correct servers together. Also I doubt there would be anyway

    And even if there were it wouldn't be a "bad experience" just play on a different continent(which we all want) I would prefer ques than a dead/dieing server
  5. Hyperz

    So, a login queue would be a bad experience but a half empty server is not? Maybe in some alternate universe but in this one I'm fairly sure that it's the exact opposite. There's plenty of things that would disprove that. At launch people, including me, were in queue's for hours waiting to get into the game because we knew there were gonna awesome and massive fights. Guess what an underpopulated server will do?

    Sometimes I really do not get where SOE gets their logic from. If you stop and think for a minute, a lot of their decisions don't make a whole lot of sense.
    • Up x 2
  6. itzCujo666

    Exactly how I feel.

    I went from "hardcore" (whatever that means) very happily playing hours and hours a day to...well, I haven't logged in yet this weekend. I so want to play PS2, but if the game, as it is on Woodman, is what SOE consider an adequate gaming experience...well, they designed a boring game then.

    I get better battles and action in other shooters at the moment. There's a lot of competition in the shooter and F2P space.

    I've cancelled my PS2 premium, until something happens to Woodman. I'll keep playing, for sure, but I won't keep paying for such a sub-standard game experience.
  7. IMTasty

    Bump on behalf of the Woodmanians. :)
  8. St0mpy

    Account level unlocks are coming, if you used SC for some stuff, making a new account on Miller may give you something to do until the tokens come and you can move your full one there too.
  9. VoidC

    I though about the same to grab my SC unlocked stuff and create a new VS main on Miller, after account level unlocks.
    But then I spend so much time and so many certification points into skills, so I don't know.

    I will wait till they merge us with another server.

    I personally doubt that there will be login queue on all continents at the same time.
    If Indar is full, well why not Amerish or Esamir!? For me its much better than to stare for hours on empty bases and landscapes.

    As for Indarside, SOE could implement kind of strategic point on Esamir and Amerish. For example:
    - Small city
    - Underground base near to huge artifact
    - Origin vanu city ruins

    PS2 world should be flexible and adapt with time. They could remove some small bases and put ruins instead etc.
  10. NucNuc

    Hossin was announced for what...May? Can be June then... tbh, i cant wait so long. I log on now and then, fight some skirmishes until i realize that there is no big battle anymore, log out, go to the forum, wait for an answer, turn off the comp and read a book.

    I will forget how much fun PS 2 could be and will probably not come back anymore. Happened so with other games where the devs turned stubborn on some things. And no, a new start is not an option with a BR70 char. So adopted to many things i´ve certed, that it´s a pain to even play my br30 NC now...
  11. Pivke

    a merge is urgently needed for woodman server.
    maybe a miller would be a good choice to merge with.
    as for waiting queues: i have been playing on indar only for months now! (other continents are empty) i would be more than pleased if i never have to fight on indar again.
  12. Evileet

    Of course this game is just pvp, and that is good. so they have to fix low pop server, but if they fix too much servers in a short period of time, the moneygiver of this game will not pay anymore.
  13. oOCKYOo

    "Wanted to add a quick note about server merges. I've heard from a lot folks on Connery & Woodman who are upset that they didn't get a chance to have their server merged. We're going to be continuing to monitor server populations to see if it's possible to do further merges, but with the current peak player loads there wasn't a good way to merge those servers without causing login queue bottlenecks and a generally bad experience." - Higby.

    Our cries have been heard fellow Woodmanians! Keep this thread flying high and lets convince them we are in peril and need a merge!

    Screw queues on Indar, we have the other continents! Im so tired of that place anyway lol, would prefer to have more fights on Amerish like that one night when we fought TR at Crux Headquaters to make them lose the continent bonus or the epic Elli Amp station battle last night on Esamir. Yes that was a group of Vanu on flashes you saw there lol.

    We want life on all 3 continents, not just indar as well as the upcoming 4th.

    Make it happen SOE.
  14. NucNuc

    Tbh, we may have been heard, but they need to adress this before making money with servertransfer tokens.

    Alternativly they give us free tokens with faction-specific warniings when trying to join another server:

    Something like:" NC on Miller has already many players: if you join this server with this faction be prepared for longer queue times ("and a generally bad experience ™")."

    This way they would downsize the problems they seem are valid.

    Vanu player rejoice..we should have no problems at all ;P
  15. SyIar

    Agreed at least free transfer tokens for us
  16. itzCujo666

    Odd that SOE view log in ques as a worse game experience than an empty server.

    I cancelled my premium because the benefit of no log on ques is false advertising. If they made a benefit of premium a guaranteed busy server, I would start paying again.
  17. oOCKYOo

    I can understand that. I wouldnt pay for something that never gets triggered. Heard there were queues on indar last night though for the first time in months.
  18. Pivke

    yes i had a whooping 10 seconds long waiting queue for indar yesterday on prime time (as a non-premium member)
  19. NucNuc

    If thats the case, we really dont need a merge. If Indar is full, the game is saved! hooray...
  20. SyIar

    No. The game is not saved. The que was 2 people for about a minute. Also just because there is ques means nothing in the grand scheme of things