Another bulletproof max thread

Discussion in 'MAX' started by kukuman, Mar 3, 2013.

  1. kukuman

    Please dev give our bulletproof jacket back :

    main argument :
    will make nocost infantry push a button to switch to AV weapons

    secondary ones :
    will eventually push the maxes to spec hybrid or full dual AV for max destroying purposes
    will eventually make the AV maxes usefull as they dont have to take cover from bullets when fighting tanks
    will eventually make AA maxes usefull as they dont have to take cover from bullets when fighting air targets
    will eventually make people use their brain to kill a max
    will eventually add some content on tactics used by players
    will eventually give some credit to max crashes.

    if somes find more pro , or con , just bring it on , no subjective please.
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  2. Dreadnaught Wrex

    I dont support this really, it would make the AI weapons I bought for fighting infantry/MAXes useless.

    How about more health instead of more resistance? ie. 4000 health instead of 2000 health.
  3. kukuman

    told you no subjective cmon :p

    more health is bad idea , because it will make the hotswap out of mind and it will be nice to REALLY specialise . keep an open mind
  4. Dreadnaught Wrex

    Then why post it? lol.

    I dont see the point in posting something if you dont want to discuss alternatives.
  5. Naithe

    I'd support this, but honestly before that I'd like to see headshots done away with for maxes, first.


    Some softies can within a second or two take me to half health (the time it takes to go past a door normal speed).
    Others take maybe a quarter of my health.

    And the only difference I can imagine is the amount of headshots they got in.
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  6. kukuman

    it is about bulletproof maxes , not soft highp maxes . if you dont support , fine , then tell it by adding a con instead of an alternative that isnt a pro or a con
  7. Dreadnaught Wrex

    I said a con.... such as my AI guns being freaking useless.
  8. Dusty Lens

    You'll have to remind non heavy assaults what button we're pushing to switch to our nocost AV weapons.
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  9. Cryptek

    Which would be the point in being bulletproof.. no?.. Also if you doubled their health, you could no longer c4 kill a MAX.. you'd make a lot of LA sad.
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  10. Dreadnaught Wrex

    Which is why I dont want MAXes to be bullet proof. I dont want to be nearly useless against infantry to kill a MAX while they rocket/C4 spam my ***. **** that ****.
  11. kukuman

    c4 , av turret , grenades , sticky grenades and so on ....
    anyway , every tryed to eat noodles with a toothpick ?

    "everyone should be able to kill a max" is a false tread , look at tanks , they get killed by all classes ( but infil )
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  12. Dusty Lens

    I was of the impression that I was responding to your statement of "no cost". Aside from the AV turret, which must be purchased, nothing on that list falls into that category.

    I eat noodles with a long toothpick.
  13. kukuman

    fallacy , if you play and earn certifications , it is meant they are spent in each or other way , meaning that if you want to kill tanks and to kill maxes , you will need ( if your not HA ) to spec in those products .
    It is normal that stock classes that can kill bulletproof things ( ha ) are rewarded not using a cost to kill those bulletproof things , while others have another role .

    Then if this toopthpick is that long , i assume your teeth have a huge space betwen each other according to the toothpick physics : it has to get betwen teeth to clean this space .
  14. kukuman

    Im happy you feel happy about trolling a post , anyway , back to the talk :

    Please dev give our bulletproof jacket back :

    main argument :
    will make nocost infantry push a button to switch to AV weapons

    secondary ones :
    will eventually push the maxes to spec hybrid or full dual AV for max destroying purposes
    will eventually make the AV maxes usefull as they dont have to take cover from bullets when fighting tanks
    will eventually make AA maxes usefull as they dont have to take cover from bullets when fighting air targets
    will eventually make people use their brain to kill a max
    will eventually add some content on tactics used by players
    will eventually give some credit to max crashes.

    if somes find more pro , or con , just bring it on , no subjective please.
  15. flipmoomonkey

    No Cost?

    C4, Grenades, Mines and so on all cost infantry resources, not to mention the cert costs that go along with them. I think that if you die as a MAX to infantry you should just spawn another one because it clearly has 'No Cost' right?
  16. Dreadnaught Wrex

    The resources cost for a MAX is rather a joke. Never have I had to wait to pul a MAX because of the resource cost. The timer is my issue. Do your beloved explosives have a timer?
  17. Cryptek

    Well sadly, unlike all those things.. MAXes have a cooldown :p
  18. crippler38

    they should also trigger AV mines if they are bullet proof

    CON: get hit by tank mines mines
    PRO: immune to normal land mines
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  19. Dreadnaught Wrex

    by normal I assume AP?
  20. kukuman

    why not , and what about faces ?

    front side of a max could be bulletproof and weak to smallaams fire from the rear , could make sense as it could be consideered as a semi walking tank