[Suggestion] More Merges. Connery needs one.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vermana, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Vermana

    What's this I hear about Mattherson being balanced and having Queues? Why do we still have so many servers when the game's so much better with high population?

    Haven't seen a Queue on Connery since launch day. It's still Indarside over here all the time.
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  2. Benton!

    Yep, made a char on Mattherson, got dropped into Amerish. YES! It's even off hours for the east server.
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  3. Psi

    While I love Connery and the people on it, I'll agree that it could probably use a merge.

    Though, I still think Indar itself is a problem, rather than overall populations.
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  4. QuantumMechanic

    I'm basically not playing again until Connery gets merged. I don't play during primetime hours.... it's just not worth bothering to even log in.
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  5. Damocles

    Don't worry they'll just wait until the server is absolutely dead at all times to do jacksh!t about it.
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  6. Ghodere

    Higby mentioned that they are keeping an eye on Connery (and Woodman for that matter) and, if the peak population numbers indicate that New Helios and Connery can be successfully merged (i.e. not have excessive queues), they will do so. Some patience is warranted here; nobody knew exactly what the peak pops would come to after the merge of Helios, and the prudent choice was to merge one set, then the other if the numbers fit. Optimistically, expect a merge within a month, GU5 or 6.
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  7. Vermana

    Guess I'm taking a break or making a character on Mattherson until GU5 or 6. Connery Indarside with 40% TR is pretty boring right now.
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  8. itzCujo666

    SOE - when you're fixing Connery, can you do something about Woodman too, please?
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  9. fastdak255

    As you can tell from my sig, I have a character on Connery as well is now 2 characters on Mattherson. Before the merge I played heavily on Connery, since the merger I have been playing matherson. The population difference is quite distinct, I just cannot see myself playing on Connery again until it's merged
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  10. PapaMojo

    Well, by then they may not need to merge. Connery is on it's way to becoming a two faction server.
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  11. DonnyD.

    Connery is in a bad way when it comes to population and needs a merge or to just be shut down and let people go where they want to. The populations is never even close to balanced even between the NC and TR it is almost always at least a 5% difference in population. I have way to much time and money in my character on connery to just make another one and wait until I get transfer tokens or a merger to play again.

    I know it would be a huge pain in the @$$ but personally I think that a system that allowed players to choose another server for their current play session instead of a queue would be a big help, not only for populations but, it would allow people to meet new groups and outfits and find a good community much easier then going on the interwebs and looking.
  12. itzCujo666

    I feel sorry for Connery if it's as dead as Woodman. :(
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  13. Tatwi

    This is how it goes every single day,

    1. Amerish and Esamir are essentially dead. A few random people ghost capping don't count as population in a game designed for "massive combat on a epic scale".

    2. So on Indarside, the TR push NW to NC warpgate while most of the NC defend, then flow into Ti Alloys/Crown. While this is happening, every VS on the server goes to Crossroads > Xenotech > Vanu Archives / Regent Rock.

    3. Once VS start pushing into Peris (or very rarely Allatum/Hvar), the TR come back from the NW fight with the NC and beat the VS back beyond Tarwich. While the TR are doing this, the NC move back down to Allatum and often take Ti Alloys/The Crown as well.

    4. Save for a few random and short lived skimishes, like the changing for hands of Zurvan and the small bases around it, pretty much no Planetside-worthy fights happen outside of the above two blobs.

    5. This pattern of flow repeats every 1 to 3 hours, every day of the week, from 5pm PST to 1am PST. This pattern is so natural given the low population that what is going to happen in the next few hours of play is entirely predictable just by glancing at the map.

    More people will fill out Indar and hopefully make it possible to push and hold "front-lines". Even more people will make it possible to actually play the game on one of the other continents. I hope Connery gets more people soon.
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  14. riker

    god i hope they listen to us
  15. fastdak255

    Such a shame, NC is my favorite yet I just can't get myself to play it right now, not until Connery is fixed or I can Xfer him to Mattherson
  16. Rraymondo316

  17. aimpoint101

    When they mentioned login cues, I thought that was part of their selling points on the membership. As it stands in the entire time I've played since launch, I've only had 2 instances where I actually made use of priority logging and one of them was during the ultimate empire showdown. Higby mentioned peak time login cues, but honestly if you take a look at Esamir and Amerish during peak hours, they are very much empty, thats space for nearly 4000 players right there.
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  18. TheWhiteDragon

    Please no. I don't want to be stuck with these entitled babies. Connery's population is not much different from that of Helios. We love our server on Helios. A queue is not necessary to enjoy the game.
  19. serith78

    Connery definitely needs a merge with Helios, there's plenty of great players and outfits on the server but not enough to meaningfully fill three continents never mind a fourth one. Helios and Connery populations combined barely peaks higher then any of the merged servers (around 4700ish players looking at the Friday night data) I don't think the merger would produce massive queues.

    It feels like SOE is overlooking the frustration of players on servers that got left out of the merge, along with underestimating the damage done to the player server community in terms of players playing less or leaving the server due to low population. I personally want to stay with one server and outfit for a long time, but that's a tough thing to do when peak player populations are twice as high on most of the other servers. By and large more players always = more fun in PS2.

    I'm really glad the server mergers happened and think it was a great decision on SOE's part overall. But it feels like players on Connery and Woodman in particular got arbitrarily screwed over when the decision was made to leave them out of the server merges.
  20. Cl1mh4224rd

    Hah. Where's all that "we don't have that problem on Connery" attitude? You know; when some poor soul from Genudine used to lament the always-Low population on their server, inevitably someone would chime in about how easy it is to find a fight on Connery.

    Now, post-merges, people are making Connery sound like a barren wasteland.

    Oh, you wacky humans...