Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Exolus, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. alexm42

    It doesn't stop the crash exploit, and said exploit doesn't have anything to do with the liberator sound. Higby confirmed that it had to do with sunderers on his twitter.
  2. Cl1mh4224rd


  3. Exolus

    Killer! Gonna log in, see if it happens to me for the next couple hours.
  4. MisterBond

    Sweet Exolus, you were correct, it was something to do with the sound system

    It didn't crash the "Hex" it crashed anyone that could hear the explosion, it was a result of two explosions going off in unison, which overloaded the sound channels and caused the crash

    There was several ways to do this. While you were wrong that changing the channel sounds fixed it, the bug was indeed caused by the sound system =3
  5. Angelos Sanguinum

    It helped. Less crashes on Windows XP SP3. FPS feels better, but still stuttering in mass carnage. After SOE hotfixes I played on Win 7 and there was no crashes at all.
  6. Liquidz2l

    The hotfix did seem to fix this issue for me.
    However with the last patch I did start having issues freezing again, no consistency yet in how it is crashing.
    • Up x 1
  7. StrikerSix

    pretty sure the max voices setting adjusts the sample frequency, and btw 44.1 is more common than 4800
  8. StrikerSix

    I take that back it doesn't change the sample rate. Also this fix didn't work for me and if anything sped up the time the game crashes. Is there any known fix for this game crashing on windows 7 32-bit? I asked around in game and the response I got was "get 64-bit" and "whats your memory" which I don't see as being a fix. I'm just realising as I type this that running in xp mode service pack 3 might fix the problem since the game runs for a few hours on my xp computer, just has been broken fps wise since GU03. hm well if anyone knows a real fix please post it here since this is THE page that comes up on top of multiple searches for crash fix.
  9. StrikerSix

    Well bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3000 worked when all else failed.

    As far as I understand, for windows 7 and maybe some other windows, there is a 2 gig of ram limit a program can use, maybe when you only have 4g, but either way I'm pretty sure it allows planetside 2 to use up to 3gig of ram instead of just 2 which is the default. You can set it higher, but so far the game hasnt crashed while i was interested in playing, when before it crashed every 15-20 min.

    There is some despute if this causes issues or not, and I guess it could if you use a bunch of programs? dont know, but you should be able to play the game ok if you only have 4g of ram.

    They still screwed me over with GU03 and getting a playable framerate on my cooler 2009 AMD. >=(

  10. AdrianM

    Well its almost june and im still struggling with this problem...
  11. Reapergod36

    So how do you do the fix, if you have the steam version?
  12. Destructiod

    Ya how do u do it on steam and does this fix just crashing in general and will it help me i have a 32 bit window xp or is it unfixable idk why it crashes but it does it all the time
  13. user101

    I lowered the sound from 44.1khz to 32.0 khz to see if the frame rate improves and reduces any lag. I have had good results with reducing the channels in the game and improving the frame rate.

    I almost never crash.
  14. Stepas

    Well it didnt work for me :/
  15. TeknoBug

    I've always used SampleRate=44100 because of the USB sound card (Steelseries), setting it to 44.1K 24bit in the sound settings and it's best to match it with games if possible, 48K just hogs resources from it. On my Creative SB X-Fi PCI-E card it's fine with 48K.

    Whoa necro thread.
  16. Leer

    Edit: Thread should be dead
  17. Jryder

    There are always a multitude of reasons for crashes-this in no way confirms that the OP's fix is invalid. Your logic is extremely flawed.

    In addition, I inserted the line in my useroptions.ini, went in game to a biolab fight and experienced almost 100% increase in FPS (was suffering with 0-20's, now getting high 30's and 40's). It may not solve the crashes but it did improve performance significantly.
  18. Bloodrage666

    THIS FIXED MY PROBLEM OF CRASHING AT INTENSE BATTLES!!! which is every 30 mins or so.


