Weapon prices to high?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cozert, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. ZtriDer

    If you get killed by basic weapons all the time, it is more a learn to take cover from "30 people spaming random bullets down the hill that you cant see" issue.
  2. WalrusJones

    Well, no.

    I mean, those are the only weapons I see on anyone below Rank 38.
    What kills you is a good indicator of what is being used, not the skill of your opponents.

    NC is TERRIBLE about using just default weaponry. I see 5% of them using something that isn't the Gauss 6 saw (68% of NC infantry)/or the Mercenary (27% of all NC infantry.)
    The VS at least has 10% variance from default loadouts.

    People who shoot me with friendly fire tend to be using the Cycler TRV, at least -.-.
  3. QuakerOatsMan

    I don't think 1000 certs is too much of a problem if they're going for a dedicated long-term playerbase. The problem I see however, is that those weapons costing 1k certs are too similar in design and feel to even the stock weapons. It effectively becomes paying 1k certs in attachments for the stock weapon, except that the package comes in a "new" weapon and that you can customize it slightly further with additional attachments. The devs/graphic designers probably intended to make the scopes and attachments be the differentiating factor in customizing the weapons' looks, but the change is minimal because the options are pretty much standard across most weapons based on their specialization (ie: scope types varying based on the weapons' intended range, but there are also a standard set for these).

    What I think PS2 needs is a greater variety of specialized weapons that define the factions' overall weapon theme. The upcoming rocket launchers and heavy pistols seem like a clear step towards this (though they really shouldn't be simply adding a different scope to the stock rocket launchers to claim they're legitimately different guns, even if they do function differently...) although much more would be needed to better define the feel between each faction. These are definitely going to be weapons that everyone would be willing to spend certs or SC on, essentially because they're different.

    To be blunt, I believe that SOE is missing out on a very high-potential cash-raker when they're pretty much half-assing cosmetics and designs (and perhaps sounds).
  4. Vicarious

    I think once the training grounds come out, it won't be so bad.

    You will be able to test the item that you save your certifications for, giving you that true "wanting" feeling, instead of "god I hope this gun doesn't suck"
  5. Munq

  6. Kelly0481

    Well if you think about it our characters are really limited. Personally I would have done a lot more with our characters requiring a lot more certs overall and with a lot more detail and depth. More or less, with specific intent for you to specialize in specific areas with your character, or multi/spec with multiple things working at once like nano and flak but to a much less extent with much greater addions and cert application. Like instead of 5 levels 55 levels each.

    What are you going to spend your certs on after you are done with your characters?

    It’s kind of funny actually if you have tired this by not buying any of the items with your certs and just work on your character with them. Before you are even level 20 your characters is 90% to 95% done, and that is characters, with a “S”.

    Then you got your tanks and aircraft but we do have 100 levels.

    I do understand what you are talking about thought I think the emphasis should have been on our characters. You have to remember this is just some guy in Marketing Department, marketing scam. He doesn’t care about the game or the game play, just how much money he can ring out of the community. His whole day consists of: “how can I make them spend money.”

    This game may last, it may not, but one thing is for sure if the game does last in time the game we will look nothing like what we have now [maybe]. I mean this is SOE and they only make child toy console games and not real PC games for adults so it’s really anyone’s guess.

    In the end though it is hard play a game run by the Sales and Marketing Department. Hint, hint Smedely, grow a par. Stop letting these guys ruin every SOE. We all know it has kind become a tradition with SOE games, but maybe it is time to break with tradition.

    It is 2013, after all and the world did not end.
  7. Phrygen

    shrug. its an issue with revenue.

    They made everything a side grade basically, but also make it so that you unlocks arent faction universal.

    Buy breaker and AA gun... thats it
  8. FeelTehRUSH

    idk bout you guys but im gonna quit when everyone gets a zero bulletdrop instagibbing sniper. i think the system is fine, personally i liked the cert+araxium points in the beta but w.e bro it keeps the rage meter low (i personally would not have a fun time in biolabs if everyone had an SMG)
  9. SgtScum

    Considering that the new account wide unlocks will only work for NS and faction weapons that were unlocked with $C you are going to get much greater value out of buying weapons with $C.

    Besides, saving that 1000 certs for upgrades instead of unlocks is the way to go if you can keep from buying a single expensive dinner and a few sodas a month.

    It's not like you need every single weapon in the game unlocked and a single $20 $C purechase(especially during a double $C event) should do the average player right on getting the core weapons for his chosen class and vehicles asap.
  10. ent|ty

    What are you talking about? Have you played other "F2Compete" games? Which were they? How many players did they get? How long was their run? What do you base your statement on?

    Your assertion is absolutely ridiculous... well unless you consider the difference between a brainwashed modern gamer (to think this way), or the gamers of old playing Quake TF.

    Oh wait.. players had all weapons, limited classes, no achievements, digital badges, cash register sounds.. nope nothing.. Yet they played these games for years.

    Counterstrike.. same thing. Years and years of gameplay with massive popularity, and still people play it. There are so many other examples..

    You sound like a shill,really. Who the hell wants to play high prices for things? Who the hell wants to pay $$ or grind endless hours getting the **** beat out of them just so they can finally compete?

    People don't play to pay (PS2). People don't want to pay 2 NOT play (EVE Online), they want to have fun. Other than perhaps little bonuses and awards, players want to compete and have a battle of skill.

    Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe be people do want to compete with their RL $$ in a virtual game.
  11. Norse

    Its pay to be competitive. The prices will drop as better weapons are introduced. But the better weapons will draw the premium price. Break out the card or be left behind.
  12. Shasbot

  13. Fluzing

    Newsflash! I am already bored with this game and it's not 2025 yet.

    Endless grinding is not fun for most of the players and they will leave the game for other games that do not require you to play for 40 hours to unlock 1 weapon out of hundreds.
  14. Wasdie

    Well like it or not, at the end of the day this is a F2P game. They need something that is a bit too expensive. Just be thankful once you unlock the gun you get it for good on that character, none of this "unlock for 7 days" BS i've seen other F2P games.
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  15. Wasdie

    If you aren't having fun with the game, even if you would unlock everything you wouldn't magically start liking it more.

    The vast majority of the guns in this game don't change how it plays at all. The few that do, you'll unlock through just playing a bit.
  16. Fluzing

    I had lots of fun in this game until I realized that bombers, fighters, tanks and sunderers are useless without different weapons and that infantry is just grinding fodder for vehicles. Also, I am not paying 7 euro's for a tiny amount of game content. I can get whole games for that these days. It takes me more than 30 hours to unlock a new weapon and then I have to start upgrading that weapon with massive amounts of certs. Did that for my Prowler and guess what; they are going to nerf the weapon I bought. So. Much. Fun.
  17. Dragam

    I agree that the cert prices for weapons is way too high - and thats despite me being a paying member.

    In my opinion, 500 certs should be the MAX price for weapons.
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