What class has your highest score/minute?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Paperlamp, Mar 2, 2013.

  1. Paperlamp

    I'm guessing this will be the most common answer, but mine is engineer @ 121(no boosts).
    7h 36 mins on the class.

    To find out go here -


    Click on classes then check each.
  2. ProGamerGov

    Mines medic
  3. Loegi

    Medic, though that one only has a playtime of 1H32M compared to 23H for LA and Engi so that's probably skewed. I've only got a score/minute of 60 for my Engi though.
  4. Zenanii

    Medic 310 score/minute (with 40% membership bonus)
    Engineer is actually my second worst at 136, after infiltrator 92.
  5. phungus420

    Interestingly enough my Sythe, even though I don't like it as much as my reaver or mossy.

    My TR heavy is pretty much right up there with my mossy and reaver, only a few points off. My VS heavy is by far my highest infantry SPH, even higher then my SPH for mossy and reaver, Orion is really, really good. My NC heavy isn't on the same level as my VS and TR guy, the default NC LMG is so inferior to the other two factions it's crazy.
  6. DemoniWaari

    71.8 infiltrator. Lol no wonder I don't seem to get any certs.

    Scratch that. Best is max with 143 but with whole 23min of game play!

    Infiltrator is just 69 score / min. That's pretty bad.
  7. Dreadnaught Wrex

    My MAX unit with 68 hours of play time and 92 SPM.
  8. Vorxil

    Heavy Assault, 108 SPM, no boosts.
  9. Smolzz

    MAX 248 SPM after that engineer 133 and inf 115. No bonuses.
  10. Big Cyz

    Liberator :D
  11. RedPsycho

    Engineer @ 211 - Mostly while I'm driving my Prowler
    Light Assault @ 184
    Avg. SPM 166.3
  12. Littleman

    151 with the LA, but I don't don the jetpack very often. I average about 110-120 otherwise. Finding something to shoot/support seems to be my biggest problem in game.
  13. AccelPrime

    MAX - 268 SPM / 36H played.

    Love dat MAX.
  14. Cleaver

    178 SPM on my HA from 11 hours playtime.
  15. GSZenith

    well i don't care one bit about scores + spend alot time afk.

    medic 242/m 1h 16m
    LA 137/m 40h 34m
    HA 147/m 8h 27m
    engi 159/m 71h 55m
    max 180/m 2h 43m
    inf 126/m 55h 12m

    for fun.
    VS HA with 99% lasher 130/m 22h 58m
  16. Gammit