Can we get some damn bug fixes instead of pumping out new weapons biweekly?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Watche, Mar 1, 2013.

  1. Watche

    Platoon colors on map
    vehicles times resetting
    dead zone on maxes

    etc etc why can you pump out weapons so ******* fast but you cannot fix simple bugs? do we have to pay for you to do bug fixes?
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  2. Bloodlet

    Do you think art people fix bugs like that?
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  3. Xind

    Pumping out new weapons. Clever. I like what you did there.
  4. TheEvilBlight

    As it is, the work the art people do is the stuff that gets bought and pays for development of Everquest Next; I mean, for Planetside 2.

    That said, complaining about the work of the art team when there are bugs to be fixed is like complaining at Home Depot about the TV you bought from Best Buy not working...
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  5. Watche

    because new weapons don't need to be coded in or anything...
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  6. Morpholine

    Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, tweak a few numbers is far faster than bug chasing and solving.
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  7. Compact

    New weapons need artwork and perhaps a few rows of data in the database (velocity, spread, whathaveyou) and I do believe that's about it.
  8. JDS999

    well the art peoples sales prolly help out with the bugs' peoples salary
    just an idea
  9. Arreo

    Art people, weapon designers, sound engineers. None of these people involved in making new weapons are the ones who can address the bugs you mentioned.

    Is it really that hard to understand?
  10. MiZrY

    They fixed something that was far more important for me then any of the known bugs..... they merged my dead server (Genudine) to another.
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  11. illgot

    Art Developer: "Hey I fixed that bug you had with your UI"

    Coder: "Yeah you completely disabled all the UI by doing so"
  12. nobodybaby

    With the amount of different guns that have the exact same graphics it looks like the art team is doing a lot of that ctrl v etc thing too.
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  13. FateJH

    Sadly, they merged it with Helios. We're dead on the inside, so to speak.
  14. MiZrY

    Well at least there are platoons fights on multiple hexes for us Genudine players now. Don't know how it was for Helios before the merge, but Genudine during prime time would be lucky to have platoons on two different hexes.
  15. TheEvilBlight

    To be fair, the art people are designing objects and someone else has to integrate how the objects go together, which animations are shown and in what sequence..and obviously, to Assure Quality.

    I'm guessing the art people are designing the model or doing the texture and putting together the animation, it gets added to the .pack and then they go "whew, now let's make a pump action handgun now!"

    If there are bugs where animations look off, is the modeller at fault? If there are other glitches, what does the art dept have to do with it? That said, it reflects badly on PS2 as a product when it does occur...