Squad icons all get white in platoons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Evilhardt, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Evilhardt

    I already did so, where I only described the bug. Got as few attention as this thread here. So I made one here (which is the former "everything in here" forum (thus the prefixes)).
    Anything else you want to contribute? Mabye if you have that bug too or don't? Or did you just want to play the samrtass?
  2. ShayeUK

    They are implementing support for color blind people, I bet this is some left over code or feature they added to the patch and not meant to. +1 for SOE yet again...
  3. Evilhardt

    Software development: 30% development time should be used for TESTING your code. What does SOE do? Certainly not 30%...
  4. JudgeDeath

    I guess this really aint a bug since its still unfixed ....

    I take randoms were complaining about being booted from platoons since they were in the wrong continent or on the wrong side of the continent. SOE as a good customer service provider then decided to level the playingfield by making it impossible to know who are those ********* that have been trying to climb the crown for the past 2 hours while the rest of the platoon has been doing meaningful things.

    .... Would be nice to have it fixed ....
  5. ergie

    Its impossible to coordinate more than 2 squads... Fix it now, please!
  6. maxkeiser

    Clearly a bug and needs to be fixed asap.

    Those with twitter, make sure you tweet Higby about this.
  7. Azzer

    It's horribly annoying. I have no idea why or how it got changed.

    It seems like EVERY aspect of code or design or balance that SOE plays with, they break at least one thing relating to that area. Just go back through previous patches, and then try to remember bugs those patches brought in with them - almost guaranteed, for every 3 things fixed related to a specific area of the game, 1 new thing gets broken/made worse/remains unfixed.
  8. Guadoc

    I've tweeted @MHigby alerting him to this thread. Extremely annoying bug.
  9. Evilhardt

    Thank you very much indeed.
  10. Rhinzual

    Too bad he won't post in it to let us know he's aware of the bug existing.
  11. Evilhardt

    How do you know?
  12. t31os

    There seem to be several colour issues when rolling in a platoon, i get enemies shown as yellow/orange(even seen a scythe in green), platoon/squad members as white, charlie squad is always too close to Vanu colour, short of changing Vanu to something not purple i can't tell them apart quick enough(i've tried various shades and end up either too close to NC colour or too close to Charlie squad colour).

    These colour issues actually put me off playing in a platoon, i've been sticking to solo play and single squad play alot more so i don't have to also contend with the colour problems.

    Squads should never be the same colour as a faction, either choose colours for them that aren't specific to a faction or provide an option to colour them(like you have for the factions).

    Also, why is every colour i choose for a faction not correctly represented, they always appear as some washed out or brightened version of whatever i choose, which half defeats the choice i've made. Please could the colour chosen be applied correctly, if i choose #ff0000(255,0,0), for example, as the colour, make that factions icons, terminals, etc.... that colour, not a brightened or washed out version of it, please.
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