Hypothesis on low Vanu population

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PsychoBat, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Metallic123

    Vanu look dumb
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  2. HadesR

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  3. Vashyo

    Vanu only come out at night cause they're afraid people will see them wearing purple? The night is dark and full of vanus. :p

    I love that game series
  4. MrLee.NO

    Now let's add purchasable sparkle effects and we can be glam vampires.
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  5. HadesR

    And it's still skin tight spandex but with a slight colour change becomes 100% more appealing to the average Joe
  6. Disparu

    Oh look! Another person who cant understand statistics. Maybe you should go apply for Higby's job, he needs another person in the universe to agree with him or he might accidentally learn something.

    Mags nearly all ran 2 man with AP setups (saron), Prowlers ran HE sets with 1 man, Vanguards ran also with 1 man. If you look at this and therefor remove confounding variables from the picture, the numbers BALANCE OUT. This was even said at the time when this graph first appeared.

    So you can keep trotting out your failed graph time and time again with everyone else who can't understand highschool lessons on the subject, but they dont actually show anything.
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  7. Sek3000

    from SOE
    "The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act imposes certain rules regarding our collection, use and disclosure of personal information from children under the age of 13 ("Children" and individually each, a "Child"). As a result, special terms applying to children under 13 are included within our Privacy Policy. We ask that parents and guardians ("Parents") monitor and restrict their Children's access to and use of The Station to the games and services we offer for Children, such as the subsite www.freerealms. com, where we have set-up additional protection and parental controls."

    Im gonna go ahead and guess your parent didn't monitor your post because it was really stupid and redundant, but don't worry they have a special service just for you "www.freerealms.com" go there so we (well except you) can continue the discussion here without dumb comments.

  8. Roxputin

    Please tell me the main VS outfits on Briggs.
  9. Marked4Death

    Is that a serious question like you wanna look at their stats or something?

    The biggest would probably be trojan trolls [TROL] I think.
  10. Agent 47

    come to connery to see VS below 20% all the time on indar and nc overwhelming 2 continent population. that is not balanced.
  11. Roxputin

    Yes It was a serious question. I looked under outfit recruiting on Briggs and saw the trojan trolls with the most replies in the outfit recruiting section. I normally look at what mega outfits are on servers that have lopsided faction balance though I have never heard of TROL.
  12. Marked4Death

    Lol, mega outfits don't really seem to be the Aussie way :)
    NC have two big outfits and TR have a few large ones. I haven't followed it too closely but I doubt any of the outfits are truly big enough to skew anything on briggs.
  13. Gav7x

    35-40 % on soltech most of the time
  14. FoxD3v1lsW1ld

    And 20-25% on Ceres

    Its quite obvious though that this population problem is not fixing itself. VS are underpopulated because many ppl are not playing atm. But that will lead to VS being underpopulated again...
    So one needs to give VS a real bonus. Not +5% xp and resources. Something real. 50% upwards. Something that makes people join VS. Because right now the disadvantages you get from playing an underpopulated faction are more than the 5% bonus can compensate.
  15. Xasapis

    One thing is certain. With the next content update and assuming they don't touch TR (I very much doubt the prowler will remain as is), it will be crystal clear whether the population dip was due to the warpgate rotation.
  16. Xasapis

    They should probably wait for the server merges to settle down before doing anything.

    I definitely wouldn't mind an exp buff for sticking with my under populated faction.
    Even a disclaimer of sorts in the character creation page that would designate a faction being harder to play due to population imbalance would help, since some people would just roll for the added challenge.
  17. xKstreetx

    Just wanted to say thanks. I've actually got some background in stats, but this chart still fooled me. I didn't even think to consider a 1 vs 2-man situation.

    If that's still the case, then the new graph (showing roughly "even" performance) is actually a travesty. Now the "1" is winning more often than the "2" he's up against!

    I have a question for you: do you think they have the stats on whether 1 or 2 people were manning the tank during the engagement? If so, how do we demand to see a graph of only true 1-vs-1 performance?
  18. PsychoBat

    First of all, stop derailing the thread. This is not the subject here.

    Second of all, all your perceptions aren't based on anything. The balance was based on actual data. They took account all the secondary weapons etc.

    If you want to discuss it further, move to a thread dedicated for it.
  19. Brusilov [TR]

    There are a couple of servers that feel the impact of large, organised outfits, tilting the balance... Connery is defintely one. The reason this happened is because all of the old Planetside Outfits decided long before PS2 was released, which server everyone from Europe, East or West coast would be the "main" server for that region.

    Briggs is slightly different, as even though there have been many Australian Planetside veterans, the majority of them were part of largely American Outfits, mostly on Markov i would expect.

    Many of the outfits on Briggs now were created from scratch when the game launched and for this reason are still not as organised or large as the well established outfits on Connery. This is my observation, anyway.

    It's unfortunate that the VS outfits from Markov are not so well represented on Connery these days, there used to be a few big ones, but the main VS Markov force was an alliance of a few medium sized outfits iirc.
  20. Izriul

    Firstly, I don't believe anyone who bangs on "I play all 3 factions!!11!" I think it's a childish and rather pathetic statement which many use to try and back up their claims. While there might be a few (emphasis on few) that do, the average forumite who use's it as an argument 9 times out of 10, isn't one of them. Now, I've PLAYED all 3 factions, as have most. I even own purchased weapons on all 3 factions, but I would be lying if I said I PLAY (as in, consistently, without bias and/or faction loyalty with equal amount of time invested into it). I usually just pity those people who say that as it's a terrible argument.

    Secondly, VS wasn't arguably the strongest at launch. Arguably the TR were. The tears shifted towards VS when the carv got a SLIGHT nerf. Arguably, NC weren't the weakest, nor are they still, however, arguably, the gun from the most played class was worse off as STOCK. Again however, all 3 factions have guns extremely similar to each other, almost on a CoD level. There has never been any real skill required for any weapon in this game when comparing it to another like ARMA.
    Again however, while the HA might have had a worse off STOCK weapon, the infiltrator had a better STOCK rifle. The difference, it's not a FoTM class, and the FoTM crew like to cry hard, so we saw more tears for NC. When we add yet another variable to the argument, once people had started earning their certs, the NC STOCK saw starts to surpass the other two factions in effectiveness when it has a bunch of certs put into it, thus, NC start to feel more balanced to NC (but there will always be biased people and those who feel hard done by or even those who can't accept it's their own skill level so need to blame it on someone else. However as VS, even as a magrider pilot, I don't feel much changed in balance in the last update and I don't feel hard done or nerfed. This has to be one of the most biased gaming forums I've come across. Any minute differences between factions CAN be worked out by either learning to use it, cert investment, or just not listening to the WAAAY over dramatic and unneeded whine. It's far more balanced than people try to perceive. No one is hard done by, each faction has it's downfalls, each has it's strengths. Together it makes it fairly balanced in the grand scheme of things - a combined arms with lots of players.

    Thirdly, There will always be a forth faction, but ultimately, people also like a change, and also like familiarity. So, when the warpgate changed, they got a chance to try a new faction out, while having a familiar location. Take your average FPS, people always play certain maps, when you try a new map, it's harder than when you know all the safe spots, sniping spots or whatever. It was a good chance to try a new faction out and due to the cries how XXX is OP, people jump. With their natural skill level increased since launch, and the knowledge of the layout, they do better, thus believing that XXX is actually OP, because people like to forget about the times they do good on their own faction, and focus on the worst times (which, is learning something new, E.g, release).

    Forth, because the game isn't new anymore, NATURALLY a drop in players would happen. Because of the warpgate change, which while technically not unbalanced, it doesn't suit the magriders style of play, open ground and being able to utilise it's utility. While NC got what was arguably the best warpgate, and TR got a nice looking one, less of that faction left. When you play a game for a while, you get bored of it, when the WG changed, a lot of VS probably thought it was a good time to just quit as their "new fresh of breath air" was instead, something that NC often moaned about, already giving them a perceived bad image of it.

    Fifth. I personally believe there are too many variables to pin down to one specific thing. I do not believe that this game was ever so imbalanced. I've PLAYED, not play, all 3 factions, and the guns are so similar to each other, anyone who has played FPS for any length of time would be able to use them all. For an MMO that has not one, not two but THREE factions, balance was actually pretty good in comparison to most new MMOs. This is however, a F2p game, and there's a lot of self entitled children, and children are whiny, they are also gullible. Hand all 3 factions an IDENTICAL gun, but tell them TR's is OP as hell, NC's is weak as hell, not only will they believe this, it will also effect their play style, in thinking that it's so bad, they will do so bad.

    Sixth, this is an FPS on a massive scale. It doesn't even matter if X weapon is slightly better, if all 3 factions have something good (Let's start at the beginning for arguments sake Carv/Scatmax/Magrider) then it doesn't come down to being out played, it comes down to numbers. The faction with the biggest zerg wins. The faction that wins, is perceived to be OP. NC had a fairly low pop at the start, NC whined that they were underpowered. VS now have a fairly low pop, and now VS whine that they are underpowered (never as much as the NC but I believe a lot of the kids (on all factions) have already left, quieting down the forums. In reality, not that drastic of changes has actually happened.

    Seventh, a lot of players have left due to stupid things that should have been fixed a long time ago. Bugs, team kills, hacking or whatever. This is a lot more noticeable on the smaller faction. A hacker can ruin the day of a smaller amount of people, as the script kiddie is more visible. When you're being zerged, it's a lot less fun, when you throw hacks, bugs and TKs into the mix, it's a lot less fun, thus forcing out yet more. While the side with the numbers are having more fun since they don't notice the hackers as much (or they get more reports, acting faster) and if their game crashes, they log back in, while if you're already losing, you might find something else to do.

    TLDR: Games pretty damn balanced across the factions. There are too many variables, too much hearsay and bias to ever pin it down to one thing. The 4th faction might ultimately end up killing this game, but it's not the fundamental problem to it. Bugs, hacks and the general lay out of the maps, the fact the games only ever played on indar, further decreasing it's longevity have more of an impact to this game than anything else.
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