Em1 or Piston?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by copywrite85, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. copywrite85

    Title sais it all. Hoping to get some expert opinions on which is the best close range killer.
  2. OddChelsea

    Now I have neither but if you're talking about real close range nothing is going to beat a shotgun. I have been killed far more times with a piston than an EM1, however that's probably because I rarely see people using the EM1. In any case I'd rather run into someone with the EM1 than a piston if it's up close and personal.
  3. Badname0192

    Two different animals. EM1 will give you more options outside of close quarters when traveling. Piston/Mauler (Etc.) can wrap up a conflict in close quarter in short order as long as you land your shots. Learn a shotgun, win handily when it comes to close quarters.
  4. StormFrog

    Neither. Get a Sweeper.
  5. copywrite85

    I think ill go with a piston. Thx guys.
  6. Zaik

    Neither, Jackhammer or Anchor. The SMGs are also nice, I personally use the Blitz for when something is just outside shotgun range but not requiring ADS.
  7. SmileyBomb

    I personally have the auraxium medal and a 91%+ accuracy with the Piston. Throw on an IRNV and the extended clip and your good to go. Walk into a room, hold trigger, collect exp.

    As an HA, though, YOU WILL RUN OUT OF AMMO unless you have an engi tied to your hip. With the extended clip you get 10 rounds in the mag and 26 additional for reload. That is not even three full clips.

    Also, avoid the slugs. If your trying to get more distance than the Piston can do by default, change guns. Otherwise, enjoy plastering those LAs that float to the ceiling hoping to be invincible.

    P.S. Piston works for all the other classes too (sin infiltrators).
  8. copywrite85

    Great response, whats so bad about slugs though?
  9. copywrite85

    Surpised 0 ppl have stood up for em1...lol wish I never bought it >.<
  10. Zaik

    That's because it's almost a carbon copy of the CARV, except with -15% rate of fire. It's the worst LMG in the game basically.
  11. copywrite85

    dang =/
  12. Zaik

    It's so much worse than the others that they're going to have to fix it eventually, just don't use it until then I guess.
  13. copywrite85

    Looking like my ultimate load out will be as follows
    all purpose em6-grip/va/comp/2xreflex
    close piston-grip/extended mags/irnv/slugs (maybe, still unclear of the detriment to speccing for slugs)
    long range nc6 gauss saw-advanced grip/3.4 scope/va/comp
    secondary nc4 mag-laser/supp
  14. SmileyBomb

    Slugs on the Piston are not a good match. Slugs need to be shot one at a time to even become remotely accurate. This is possible with the Piston, but does nothing to take advantage of the full-auto nature of the gun. The tremendous recoil and damage drop-off, as well as the massive bullet drop, also make range shooting more chore than fun.

    Use the Saw or EM6 (my choice for distance on the HA), as you mentioned. Both offer a lot more range with a lot less recoil and bullet drop. When heading to the Bio, switch to the shotty. If your determined to try slugs out on your own (which is fine, as perhaps you can make some use of them), make sure you get the 4x scope with the chevrons to help judge the drop.

    Happy hunting!
  15. copywrite85

    Thankyou NC brother
  16. Tythes

    Don't dismiss the SMGs, they're also very good at close range.
  17. copywrite85

    i think shottys more my style :D