If infiltrators cannot get C4...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberBonisseur, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. UberBonisseur

    Can they at least get a sapper ?


    It's part of why we feel infiltrators are somehow left out of combat; they're the guy you use once to hack a vehicle terminal, then shamelessly dump for the rest of the fight.

    As a lightning passes by, a tear runs down your face, because you can't do anything but watch.
    You could almost touch it, except you are just here, standing, powerless.

    So yeah, we've talked about Jammer grenades and Vehicle hacking from PS1; this could work as a hybrid.

    Something like:
    -Sticks on a vehicle
    -Disables it for 30+ seconds or until destroyed.
    -Prevents vehicle from firing
    -Prevents vehicle from moving
    -Prevents people from getting in

    C4 might just be too powerful; but that could be just right in terms of power
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  2. Legend89

    I find that the Infiltrator has traded off its AV powers for an increased AI ability. As a sniper or running with an smg if I find a vehicle in a base I will hack an terminal and grab rockets after him or hack a turret. We have options but you have to think outside the box. Mind you the game will change with time and there are already so many options for AV and one player generally shouldn't be able to take a tank down. Neat idea though.
  3. Gavyne

    I think infiltrators should get artillery strikes, like from other FPS games like Battlefield which this game was modeled after. It makes sense to give infiltrators something that counters ground vehicles.

    Jammer idea is not bad but it seems awkward. People can just shoot the thing and blow it up, and get back into their vehicles. Doesn't seem like of much use.
  4. GSZenith

    inf already have c4, jetpack to get into bases easy as well as silent, shotgun, blind nades, buggy hitbox while using jetpack, what more do you want...
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  5. TheBloodEagle

    That Light Assault, not Infiltrator.

    Anyway, I honestly think Infs just want to be OP. Most of them on Jaeger don't even actually Infiltrate. They sit back and snipe.
  6. OneRedBlock

    Laughed when I got the joke, good one.
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  7. GSZenith

    I think you missed something :(
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  8. TheBloodEagle

    Yea, didn't get the subtle joke. You cleverly made a really valid point but it flew over my head. =/
  9. Dinglebuttz

    I personally like how Infiltrator's, the class designed to sneak into a base and be "up close and personal" with the enemies are outfitted with a sniper rifle by default. You think they would have like a silenced SMG or machine pistol as their primary loadout. The last thing I think of when I hear infiltrator is sniper, for real.

    Edit: It seems like it would have been a better idea to seperate sniper and an actual infiltrator into different classes. Infiltrator gets the hacking, proxy mines, silenced machine pistol/smg, and anti-electronics equipment (disables powered gun sites, vehicle electronics, radars, etc. temporarily) and have the snipers get the rifles, recon darts, maybe a mortar type strike, etc.

    Seriously, the Infiltrator is my favorite class because I like being the sneaky type to hack the entire base but in combat if I am not acting as a sniper I feel about worthless to a team.
  10. UberBonisseur

    That's the fun part.
    If you take down the pilot this is roughly as efficient as a C4.
    You don't blow up the tank, but the pilot is sent back to spawn.


    The sniper part sets them apart; but only in open fights, and if the enemy doesn't have that many medics.
    In base assaults, do you think the Hacking and Cloak compensate for lower shields and a subpar Carbine ?
    I'd rather have a light assault.

    Infiltrator can be fun to play, but you'd be better off taking HA or LA once the pads are hacked
  11. iller

    Players can move too quick and dodge all your shots while using the Repair gun / Wrench / w/e.
    TF2 is the exact same way... I mained Medic and Engie and avoiding damage from spies was super easy as long as you never stopped moving. I wouldn't even call that counter play, I'd call it oversimplified design. A good scout or demo was ALWAYS superior to taking down medic/engie. There's a reason spies never saw use at Comp level and were often the lowest contributor even when they were shoe-horned into it for Highlander format.

    The only thing they ever had going for them was Deadringing against Pubbers who stood still a lot.
  12. Duvenel

    Fun fact: EMP grenades during beta used to disable vehicles and lock infantry weapons. Sadly this is no longer the case and they do nothing to vehicles.
  13. Dubious

    They ditched the infil part of the iniltrator in beta, but kept the name..
  14. Hypest

    Or they should make proper EMP grenades what disables everything (including vehicles) for a couple of seconds.

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  15. Kumaro

    Like stats and descriptions then XD
  16. Benton!

    Have you ever seen the really good top spies play? Sure, they might not be as effective as a scout for pure damage, but knowing there is a deadringing spy behind you, or being able to pick the medic once or twice can be really useful.

    And, ironically enough, the sniper is the best class in the game for pure damage.
  17. UberBonisseur

    Apples and Oranges here.
    You're comparing the HL2 movement style to PS2. And the TF2 ttk. And weapons...

    Countless times I've managed to approach unguarded tanks, but I was entirely useless.
    And I didn't see any pyro checking for me.
  18. TeknoBug

    Infil doesn't need anything more, and I play infil lots. I'm actually glad infil doesn't get to use shotguns, they were crazy ******** in beta, but SMG's is very close to that now.
  19. Elack

    maybe the emp nades should shutdown vehicles? I mean its an EMP that's what they are meant to do ?
  20. CrashB111

    Infantry already have enough ability to counter my Prowler when I get in close, the last thing I need is an invisible guy running up to me and shutting me down making it even easier for the incoming LA to C4 me.