It's ok for me, but not for you.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vertabrae, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Vertabrae

    I've noticed how certain things are ok when you or your faction does them, but when someone else does it then it's lame, noobish, and low skill.

    Now this can be applied to almost anything. It's cool when you can't find a fight so you grab an empty base. But if another faction does it then they are ghost capping nubs. It's ok if you run an Infil and get that 400m headshot. But if someone snipes you then he lacks courage to get into CQB and can only get kills at range. Wiping out a squad of infantry with your MBT is fun as can be. But someone does it to you and look at the noskill loser who can't win without big guns and armor.

    Now I know not everyone judges people like this. I died earlier at Rashnu and had to respawn at Zurvan. Get there and I'm the only TR there, with a large number of VS capping the base. So I made a few VS ghost cap comments to say hello and redeployed. but it got me thinking. All the NC and TR were in a large fight up north. There really wasn't anyone for the VS to fight. So I can't blame them for pushing out, getting some points, and maybe hoping the TR would notice and show up. Yet whenever a faction does this, we rip on them for lacking the courage to find a fight and call them ghost cappers.

    As I said, this applies to all sorts of things. So what is your take on it? Why is it ok when one person or faction does something, but not ok when another one does it?
  2. Lewk

    This concept pretty much describes the human race and all of our social interactions with regards to religion, politics, relationships, etc.
    • Up x 4
  3. Dusty El Lion

    Welcome to Psychology 101. I suggest reading about the Fundamental Attribution Error.
  4. Halo572

    Not at all, it comes down to your personal 'ethics' - being too strong a word for just a game.

    If everyone bunnyhops, do you have to? Do you have to tank ***** farm? Do you have to aircraft ***** farm? Do you have to play on a continent where the population is 50/25/25 in your favour and you steamroll if not just take empty bases? Do you have to play a 1337 5n1p3r because you get a cool 1hk 5k1llz weapon and not have a clue about hacking or the tracer dart nor contribute to any teamplay in any game ever where 1337 5n1p3rz are stupid enough to be put in, even if they are called recon?

    I don't, so it seems you have a choice. None of those things are what I would call fun in any way and I wouldn't partake in any of them or endorse any player that did, mine or theirs.

    The trigger for me to log off from this game is invariably disgust, as with last night where as infantry I am outgunned in CQC by scythes and mosquitoes. Aircraft have better guns than an infantry AND they have more time to aim, manoeuvrability and armour. WHAT?

    Another is a 50-100 tank zerg which no one can even hope to stand against.

    The players who do this do it because it is an exploit, the people that allow it are the developers. No one has to use an exploit but a lot of people like an easy or free ride in life, even in an inconsequential video game.
  5. PaperPlanes

    Star bellied sneetches.txt
  6. Vertabrae

    I have no idea what this means.
  7. BlackAlpha

    It's a bad habit. You should always respect your enemy, and accept the way you have been defeated, so that next time you can come prepared. If you do not respect the enemy, and do not respect his means of killing you, then you will fail again the next time you meet him.
  8. BalogDerStout

    Dr. Suess, it's a kid's story.