anyone else feel like cloak is useless?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Cozert, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Cozert

    Cant even use it to infiltrate. People can see me from 100m away in complete darkness while I am cloaked.
  2. Ravenorth

    Well, it is useless against people who run the game with low settings, we are completely visible to them. Against others its still usable in combat like flanking etc. not for infiltrating though, thanks to the loud "Im here come find me" sound.
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  3. Locke

    I actually think its very useful. You still need to be aware of people for sure and you cant walk to near them but if you duck from cover to cover it will certainly keep you alive longer than normal.
  4. Ticee

    Yes if people are low settings then it's just silly.. I really hope they'll be fixing that soon. Against normal graphical settings I find that it's a nice help. If someone is already onto you, then it probably won't save you, but it really reduces your chances of getting randomly spotted and gunned down when sprinting from cover to cover on the battlefield.

    In CQC I would often put on stealth when reloading as well, while jumping and running around, hopefully confusing the guy and make him miss enough shots to let me finish reloading and take him out.

    So.. it's not optimal, but it can give an advantage. Also again the low graphics setting stealth thing must be fixed swiftly.. It feels so stupid getting gunned down by a machine gun from the other end of the continent when you're carefully peaking your head above a rock while fully cloaked.
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  5. Ripshaft

    Tons of people think it's useless, we call them nubs. Then we shoot them in the back of the head since they didn't see us coming. And then we laugh.
  6. Dr. Euthanasia

    A lot of people think it's useful. Incidentally, the only reason highly-visible ghost people who can't shoot back aren't my primary source of XP income is because Infiltrator is the least played class by a huge margin.
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  7. IntergalacticYoghurt

    You sure about that? There is certainly a huge forum presence.
  8. Ztiller

    If someone spots you, while cloaked, in complete darkness, then i don't know what the f you are doing wrong. Not even the bugged silhouette gives you away in darkness.

    The cloak is fine, if you know how to use it. Just fix the Low-settings bug, so this subforum can complain about something else.
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  9. Zinus

    It really depends. Sometimes you run into a guy on low and he owns you from 100m away :/

    But when those people aren't around (on my server i rarely encounter this), the cloak seems fine to me... its not perfect, sure, but i don't run in front of everyone (well most of the time that is :3 ), rather try to hide, sprint to next spot and take somebody out from behind etc.

    When there is a huge fight i noticed that often i CAN run through everyone cloaked because they are too focused on going back to the fight or whatever.
    Also i lost quite a few infs who ran around corner and cloaked, also managed to escape that way quite a few times... so ya, it is useful just don't try to rely solely on it, hind behind boxes and stuff and try to find those sneaky locations :D
  10. Dr. Euthanasia

  11. Astraka

    I think the posts of general unhappiness with the infiltrator class & people starting new threads for old questions contribute to an illusion of a large population of infiltrators. Just from personal experience, I almost never see a CQC Infiltrator, and only a few snipers in the overwhelming tide of HA/ENG/LA/CM.
  12. IntergalacticYoghurt

    Maybe you don't see them because they're cloaked? :)
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  13. Uglyass

    The only time an infiltrator is hidden is when youre behind cover, but really any class can hide behind a rock.
  14. Astraka

    I think it might be that, and the fact that they're in my base while I'm usually in either theirs. ;)
  15. Oakwalker

    I play on ultra settings, and while against cloakers, the smart ones use it to evade and run around me and shoot me when i'm not looking. On a one on one fight infiltrators can usually win, they just have to understand their cloak doesn't make them invisable, but makes them harder to track.
  16. Texicon

    They need to allow infs to shoot from cloak with a small cooldown to recloak via certs (more points lowers cooldown) OR just a flat out updated with no certs spent.

    The infiltrator should be all about breaking in, hacking and first strike capabilities.
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  17. Astraka

    A month ago prior to SMGs I might have agreed with you minus Bolt Actions. This just is not necessary at the moment. Infiltrators with SMGs are very capable in close quarters without needing to remove one of the major limitations to the cloak.
  18. iller

    ^Dear god^ shuttup up about SMG's. It's not an Infiltrator-exclusive thing and just as many inf's die to them instantly (while cloaked, lol) as get kills with them

    I was wondering when someone was finally going to point this out....

    ....Actually MAX is the least common infantry kill for ALL players in the game but I think it's obvious there's a ton of extenuating factors responsible for that and it's even arguable that the MAX is more like a mini-B.F.R than an actual infantry unit..... Meanwhile for some people Medic is the least common but Infil is always right there neck and neck nomatter what.

    /Pie Chart compulsive nerdism
  19. Zrezky

    It seems the infiltrators are more "Snipers" than "Infiltrators".

    I USED to use the infiltrator to get behind enemy lines and cause chaos, and that was a little difficult (a lot of patience). But now that is just not possible without a lot of luck and even more patience. The cloak is only a bit useful, like what is commented above, cloak, run to cover, decloak and recharge, and hope no one saw the black flying shadow, as well as hope there is an easy pickings and a free generator. And again what has already been commented on, any class can do that, the cloak is not useful enough for that, its just makes it harder to shoot back. I found that the light assault is better at infiltrating than the infiltrator itself! The jetpack should make more noise than the cloak!

    I'm only using the infiltrator with bolt-action guns, sniping from a distance. If there is any use for the cloak, it's to get into better places to snipe, not infiltrate. The only other use for the infiltrator ability is to get behind enemy lines AND BEYOND to empty bases and blow up generators and hack terminals to heal and resupply (and to annoy enemies) and get vehicles as well as hack turrents (which doesn't give much xp, and the xp stops coming too soon).

    Infiltrators should have their cloaks, when activated, completely invisible (in my opinion). The sound of the infiltrator is loud enough, but if the infiltrator's decloaking time took longer to decloak with the sound sooner to warn enemies, that should compensate for the 'complete invisibility' of the cloak. If the infiltrator is to have its cloak as obvious as it is now, they should be able to shoot while cloaked and/or no sound of the cloaking and the decloaking. And if the infiltrator is not to change at all, just call it a "Sniper" class (plus cool blue guy :cool: ).
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  20. Dr. Euthanasia

    Well, MAX units are at least understandable. You can die 10 times in one minute as a HA and not even care, but even with your cooldown timer fully certed out, you only get 7 lives as a MAX before you run out of resources. On top of that, the class is harder to get around in and far more reliant on other players to sustain itself. "Maining" one is a gigantic hassle without the support of an excellent engineer who also happens to love troop transport vehicles.

    I have to wonder, though. What's the real population percentage of specifically non-sniping Infiltrators? Do you think they're less common than MAX units despite all the drawbacks?
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