SO am I the only one not seeing all these "hackers?"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Raichu

    Ever since the game came out in November. I hear A lot of hacker this and hacker that. Shes a hacker your a hacker everyones a hacker jacker. Out of the time I spent playing this game I have only seen one hacker! I dont know if im missing something or not?
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  2. Eclipson

    Yes, you are the only one not seeing them. Wish I didn't see em. There was actually an aimboter on Buzz's stream a couple minutes ago.
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  3. HadesR

    Yes you are ... And feel lucky
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  4. Fluff

    As I have stated so many times before, if you are here since launched and you haven't seen a single hacker... it's something I cannot believe because we have all seen them, I see them every single day. From the outright overt hacker which really no one can miss because they are so overt people will flood zone chat about that, to the more subtle ones which are running their hacker tool at discreet mode where they are still clear signs you can tell a person is prolly cheating, it's hard if not nearly impossible miss seeing at least 1 hacker in 3 months.

    Obviously if you only play half an hour every week, your chances will be quite low to spot a hacker, but if you play at least 1 hour per day since launch and you haven't seen one... I just cannot really accept to take your word on this that you have never seen a hacker :p
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  5. Madmojo

    I think I've seen 5 or 6 since release. Ya' know, the without a doubt ones. Killing everyone around a sundy from 200m with a HA weapon. Or not seeing them at all and you're being shot from the sky or some weird angle through terrain. And then the prefiring ones where you round the corner and insta die. Little difficult to explain that one because sometimes people confuse it with client side, but you know the difference. All in all not that many.
  6. GSZenith

    so far only seen 2 on millar since rerolled there in jan, 1 tr max with aimbot and 1 lightning with 0 cd on heat.
    on woodman, however, logged in for the first time to play tr on woodman, and what did we have, 1 engi vs under ground at crown shooting through the ground, 1 vs sundy Inside the top tower of the crown, 1 vs beacon inside the top of the crown (the very top) oh and vs outfit memeber abusing said hacks. yeah was fun.

    this was, 2days ago i think around 3.00 am gmt+1.
  7. SleepyWalker

    While this is a slight thread highjack, how game defeating is a hacker encounter. Does it only kill the mood when it is an opponent, or does when some random hacks (or seems fairly obvious) on your own team have the same effect. I’ve played games where hackers would obsolutly murder a match within 100m of their position (aim bot/trajectory calculator in America’s Army, just about 10% of the crysis population... eventualy it gets so bad most people just assume that when they die the other person was hacking)

    Just to sorta follow the thread, I have also never seen a hacker. I can also claim that I have very little time playing and my settings are so low and have so little experience that I would probably be unable to tell a hack from a bug (other than that prowler insta-shell, but for me it was also invisible)
  8. Bill Hicks

    You probably are not good enough to tell a hacker from a good player.
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  9. Duff_Chimp

    Maybe one a session ( 2-4hours), i don't think it is as prevalent as people think. I'm pretty sure there is quite a few kinks in the servers at the moment, so there are a lot more unexplained things happening. I'm sure if you were smart you could aim-bot and get away with it. But as for blatant hacking it is entirely obvious and word gets around very quick, once they are gone they are gone.
  10. AbkaFlab

    Nope, been playing for 100 hours and Ive only saw one hacker.
  11. Locke

    I've probably seen about 15 cases of people I can 100% say were hackers in the 3 months since the game launched. Quite often they were playing in groups also. Largely SOE seems to be dealing with them to some level as I rarely see them again and the players on Woodman on all factions at least seem to be quite good about it in that there will be multiple reports done from all sides and /yells warning people what is going on. I'm sure there is probably plenty of people using hacking tools more cleverly but at this time I dont feel the effect is so detrimental to the game to be a major problem on my server.
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  12. RobotDoc

    Cause they're in the walls ; P i kid i kid

    nah really they r though, and under the floor ; ( suxx when u go to cap a point and the floor shoots u. I died several times and i swore noone was around, so last time i got by the point i looked down and yeahhhh. The floor shot me. Im bad enough in a fair fight lol, but that was "troll under the bridge" trolling ; P

    Only time it happened to me though.

    Had one case of everyone getting instakilled by same name and that time everybody was raging about it. Even his team was calling him out on it.

    But again just happened once. Those 2 were pretty blatant, honestly im not a good fps guy so i say all my other deaths r legit cause they seem to be. Those 2 were super obvious.
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  13. HadesR

    On the topic of hackers ..

    Posted by Smedley here

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  14. Nocturnal7x

    Ive played this game a lot. Ive reported one person and suspected a couple others but didn't stick around long enough to find out for sure. And ive seen people accused maybe 2 other times. So ive witnessed maybe 3-6 hackers in 230 hours in game. I saw more hackers in BF3.
  15. Eleo

    Only seen 2 or 3 hackers since november as far as I remember. Lithcorp seems to be pretty hacker free.
    But pretending that you dont see them will get you all the angry kids telling you that you're just defending them and that you are obviously hacking yourself :rolleyes:
  16. Bolticus

    Exactly. I play about 3-4 hours a day(I'm a fanatic) and I pretty much never see hackers. I play on sol-tech. The only time I've seen a hacker is when I made a TR alt on Miller to test out the render distance settings. I was being headshot by a VS heavy from TI Alloys while at The Crown.

    BTW, who do you guys classify as hackers?
    Do you assume that people who glitched into wall are hackers? Or are you talking about those who use ESP and aimbot?
    Because I've seen plenty of "lucky" people who glitched into walls. And it's easily solved with a brick of C4!:D
  17. Destroyer9

    i havent seen any but the thing about pc game is client side wall hack are possible but very very difficult to detect
  18. Armchair

    I've seen at least 2 guaranteed hackers.

    One of them was flying around like super-man while shooting people with deadly accuracy with his LMG.

    The other was teleporting around like someone from Jumper. This wasn't lag/latency problems. Laggers stutter consistently and the effect is detrimental to them. This guy would move smoothly until you lined up your cross-hairs on him. Then he's starts phasing out of existence for existence. Hit him with a bullet, and he would vanish only to reappear directly behind his opponent.

    Ive seen exactly one.
  20. Gorgar

    Hackanoia - the mistaken belief of seeing or being killed by hackers in Planetside 2; often only talked about in forums and rarely in game. Are you hackanoid?
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