Why should someone play as Vanu?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by 7Elite7, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. 7Elite7

    I have extensively played with both the scythe and mosquito, and I have playtime in reavers as well. While it is perhaps the easiest to pick up, its advantages quickly become less relevant in a dogfight of 2 skilled players.

    EDIT: Sorry for double post, my bad.
  2. Ganelon

    ....Ever tried fighting VS at night? Yeah....
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  3. miraza

    what, really? the orion has a shorter mag but also a way faster reload time than the saw. speaking as someone who plays very fast paced and reloads a lot (just to make sure i dont run out at an awkard moment), i prefer faster reload speed guns and the VS is perfect for that..
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  4. Arquin

    Technocracy is the closest the world can ever get to freedom. The world is led by the experts of the field and resources are spend on improving the quality of life and research instead of war and greed.
  5. Obscura

    I enjoy the general theme of the VS and I enjoy playing with my outfit. Not to mention the 100+ dollars I've spent on my VS character
  6. EvilKoala

  7. VoidMagic

    Purple, Disco, Magic
    /that is all and that is good
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  8. SneakyTouchy

    There are no current tactical or utility advantages to playing Vanu. The point of doing so is for bragging rights. Remember PS1 Lasher vs Jackhammer? If you had the Lasher and won, then you had something to brag about. You had to blow through 6 lashers with a jackhammer to brag in that game, and it wasn't necessarily the power of the gun, but the leverage that the 3rd person view gave it.

    You have to consider in PS2 that if you decide to duel a Prowler with a Mag, you will have to be better tactically to win. Even if you have AP rounds and they don't. Same goes if you're running Nebulas and come across a Scat Max. You have to be smarter and use your support and range while hoping they take their power for granted. Other than that, everything else is relatively common pool and balanced, such that it only takes the slightest tactical decisions to change who lives and who dies.

    As in PS1, TR and NC have perks that increase their damage or armor outright. Vanu get some form of convenience to try and compensate for that. What we end up with is a set of weapons that fit the dumb players a little better but hold back the better players. The Mag is easy to drive (or was for most), the Vany has terrific defense, and the Prowler has ungodly firepower.

    This game was intended to be unbalanced. SOE throws changes in based on KDR and statistics, and to anyone, the perception of which is better can be vastly different.
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  9. MaxDamage

    For to lasars.
  10. Oreo202

    We're fabulouuuuuuuuus!
  11. 7Elite7

    It's depressing to hear that I should play Vanu because we're purple and shoot lasers.
  12. Cull58

    Despite doing nothing better than the other two, except bullet drop which is insignificant, I wouldn't change faction.

    VS are just the coolest and the other two are about as generic as it gets.
  13. 7Elite7

    Lasers that deal less damage than bullets. WE DA CHAMPZ.
  14. Shasbot

    Because it's OK to be gay.

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  15. {joer

    In a funny way the VS needs to be OP, after all how else do you get young males to wear purple spandex?

    I'm not really joking either. VS is no worse than any faction right now.
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  16. Disparu

    Because....errrr....well...yeah, go TR or NC (but pretty much TR).

    OP Prowler (in Quake the commentators G-G-G-G-GOD MODE!!!! was actually talking about this prowler.), OP max for NC and vanu have errr rediculous nerfs from Higby who couldn't balance something on a segway.

    At this second on Waterson world pop, vanu have 25% and TR have 42% (NC roughly where they should be at 32%). Those pop figures pretty much sum up the current state of gamebalance.
  17. Trucky

    Would you ride it?
    An overnerfed giant piece of purple slow reload with footsteeps when you climb?
  18. 7Elite7

    On Helios It's always NC being the zergiest. VS caps up to about Zurvan with a 33% pop, overextends, gets gated, and then falls to 20 to start the cycle anew.
  19. Kookamunga

    My buddy turned me onto the game , he was VS , so I am stuck playing the weakest faction.
  20. Nivaurum

    There is no serious answer to this question. If game balance is perfect, then no one faction will have an advantage over the others. It would be like asking, "Why should I play rock over paper and scissors?" I really hope that your answer is something like, "That's the faction that my friends play." If not that, then I hope you like purple... or spandex.

    BTW, if you choose a faction because you know of some imbalance in gameplay, then you deserve what you get when they make changes for balance.