"We will rotate warpgate ownership next GU"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zaik, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Yloh

    From my humble opinion as a loyal VS player NC deserve to stay a lot longer north. They got smashed so long and often in the east while VS became fat and lazy in the SW warpgate it would be more than fair to not rotate at least a month.
  2. FXRiot

    It will be a monthly thing it seems Yloh, you'll be back North. eventually.
  3. Hosp

    We are assuming the monthly Roadmap stuff are considered GUs. Maybe they won't be if it isn't big enough. Just speculation: VS have 1 more month of that gate.
  4. Strife_iH

    time to take a break of playing TR, and to play more with my VS character :p

    anyways i doubt that TR will go as bad as VS is going with that ugly WG on indar, its terrible to have no space when you play with tanks which their best advantage is their manouverability.
  5. Arquin

    Guess which faction is going to conquer Indar off the bat :--D
  6. Zaik

    From http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/roadmap-players-site-and-server-merges.96517/

    Two weeks from GU3 would be on the 11th.
  7. CrashB111

    The canyons will probably play to the Prowler's strength of being a close in tank since it funnels enemy units and doesn't give them room to dodge the double cannon fire.

    Likewise the wide open north will help the VS more since they can strafe better in an area with little obstructions.
  8. Yoroi

    Not really. Magriders now are purely ninja tanks - since we cannot possibly kill another tank in a face-to-face standoff (unless he forgets where the left mouse button is), we must flank other tanks, and it is a bit hard to flank when you are in the open. We need small hills. A lot of small hills.
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  9. Zaik

    Sounds like Esamir.
  10. Zer0range


    Southeast Indar is a great place.
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  11. Devrailis

    I will enjoy them as much as I enjoy your lovely, lush purple buns VS :) .
  12. Mythicrose12

    I'd only expect a large drop if the prowler is modified or the Mossie (to a much lesser extent).
  13. Pixelshader

    What about rotate indar out of existence for a month.
  14. Disparu

    I like the SW gate...atleast I do when half the population doesnt go off and ghost cap esamir and amerish (seriously what fun do people get out of ghost capping conts?)

    Never saw what the NC were whining about, but then that seems to be pretty much the same with all their stuff.
  15. FateJH

    The Vanu will find their precious Magriders will seem terribly bland in the North. Maybe they'll have fun laughing madly as they sail off into that ravine west of the Warp Gate.
  16. DJPenguin

    Technically speaking, the warpgates are finally being rotated back to where they originally were. NC's first warpgate in July was the SW quadrant and hasn't been that way since maybe September? How it'll feel good to be home!
  17. MrEclectic

    Ah, as we were getting used to the SE corner, and founding creative ways to have fun in those canyons...

    Video by fellow Purple Giraffe jaguarskills (RPS outfit - "the Purple Giraffes")